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Everything posted by taco6513

  1. What is the Model of your weather radio? That sounds like that would work. Thanks WRCR870
  2. Absolutely no point in broadcasting the weather. I am interested in: Thunderstorm watches and warnings. Tornado watches and warnings. That's it! The weather radio will sound off when it gets one of these warnings then close squelch again. Maybe 15 to 20 get issued each year. How much is the S.A.M.E. device you are talking about? How does that work? WRAK968 Thanks WRCW870
  3. Going to buy a weather radio to see how many alerts it gets. The only thing I see I don't like so far is the alert message runs for 3 minutes. 30 seconds would be fine, 3 minutes is way to long.
  4. The way I read that is that weather warnings would be emergency traffic to protect life and property.
  5. Would it be possible to use the VOX part of a GMRS radio to broadcast weather warnings from a NOAA weather radio? If so how could you do this? or Could it be connected to my Icom Fr-4000 repeater some how? This would give another layer of communications to get the warnings out there. Me and my guys are out and this would be good for my crew. Thanks WRCW870
  6. Why do some repeaters listed on "Repeater Finder" and not listed on "MyGMRS"? There is one repeater not listed on mygmrs but listed on repeater finder. My repeater is listed both sites. Information changed on MyGmrs changes on the other. Just asking. Thanks WRCW870
  7. I have made 2 contacts in the last several weeks. One is licensed and the other is not. Just local low power FRS users otherwise. Search the FCC data base for GMRS licenses in your area. Find them. In my neck of the woods they are few and far between. Take a look and see what you find. WRCW870
  8. I went to the FCC web site and you can search for GMRS licenses by city and zip code. There are 5 active licenses found and two are me and my employee. Three others? Only found three expired licenses in the last 19 years. Only found 4 more in the towns around me. I also found a license issued to a business. Call sign: KAE0902 The state only has 539 active licenses! The whole state! Wow! just not much interest in GMRS. I do have one question? How many radios are out there in use but not licenced? People buy them and ignore the requirement. WRCW870
  9. The California Highway Patrol. The largest low band system in USA. The Oklahoma still run simplex operations on 44.7 and 44.9Mhz. They are migrating to VHF. Oklahoma is trying to set up a state wide trunking system. Can't seem to get the state funding to get of the ground in rural Oklahoma. WRCW870
  10. Who operates the largest VHF low band system in the USA?
  11. I got all my guys.(all of two of them) there GRMS license.
  12. 199 ft tower on high ground. WRCW870 Been around since the 70's. I just found it. The only thing I knew about was CB (11 meter). Lots of other people don't know either. Business use only as a backup to AT&T. So that would be six days a year. For a total of maybe 120 minutes of air time.
  13. I am in process of setting up my repeater here in the town I live in. I have talked to the local storm chasers. They gave up on GMRS because of range issues and they didn't know how to use the CTCSS or DPL codes. They has some kids messing with them. I have talked to them in general at this point about the gains they would have being on a repeater. They had no idea this was possible. Same with several like minded people that have FRS/GMRS radios. So here is my question. I have looked on google for promotional ideas on GMRS. I would like to let people know its here and what it is. I know there are other people that could use a back up communication solution to there cell phones. AT&T has been down here for about a total 6 day in the last year alone. This is a big pain for my business. The repeater will help solve this hole in my communications needs. Has anyone else seen or have any advertising they would like to share? I was thinking of a few real-estate size yard signs and some business cards. Thanks WRCW870 EAGLE 1
  14. Well said Corey.
  15. Going forward with one single DB420 and 220 feet of 1 5/8 heliax cable. Just told by tower owner that is all free for me to use. So I can't bit*h to much. Trade off is I buy, install, service, and maintain a standby generator. It is on it's way. Be here next week. WRCW870
  16. I am new to the GMRS area. I have set up and operated a RCC interconnect in the past on UHF. So all of the simplex channels for GMRS are also shared with FRS. FRS doesn't require a license and can be used for business use. GMRS does require a license and can't be used for business use. So here is the question. How do you know who is who? Should I care? I made my first contact Saturday evening. The party I was talking to was operating 40 watts on channel 22 with no license. Just seems rather confusing. Do GMRS users have any more authority to use these channels than FRS users? Thanks WRCW870 Not sure if this should be posted here or in General.
  17. This is a free county. They could just spend thousands and put up there own repeater.
  18. I am aware of the status of being non-profit. However you are allowed to recoop your operating and upkeep costs. Just to be a little picky. The persons that work at a non-profit can get paid. They don't haft to be unpaid volunteers. The deal I am working with the tower owner will be I pay the towers electric bill. No tower lights and all the owner has on the tower is his WIFI business. I also offered to install a backup generator. So I will have some upfront costs and ongoing operating costs. I plan to offer free use of the travel tone when registered. A private tone will be $100 per year per call sign. Would take about a dozen to break even. I will be good if it does and good if it doesn't. If more show up the the cost will drop as it is a non-profit. My searching on google the $100 amount was the only real figure I found. This sounds fair. I would pay it if that was an option. WRCW870 Lee.
  19. This post is for repeater operators. I understand you are allowed to charge a fee for use of your repeater. Weather is be a club due, club membership, or usage fee. What are some of the examples of the amounts of these fees and other requirements? I was thinking of a public tone with free membership and use. Then a fee service for a private tone to help pay operating costs. Please give actual fees you charge currently. Thanks WRCW870.
  20. The antenna is a 9.2db gain in omni set up or 10.4 and the pattern looks like an egg. Every time you double the antenna size you gain 3db. This would take you from 9.2 to 12.2 db gain in omni set up. Would give you a more sensitive system for walkie talkies. So if you could phase 4 together you would get 15.2db gain. The better the antenna gain and the lower the feed line loss the better a repeater would preform. If you can do it why not?
  21. How would you go about Phasing 2 DB420's together? Thanks WCRW870
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