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Posts posted by WRCZ387

  1. You may want to look at Used-Radios.com™ for a radio or radios, they'll program up to 16 channels for you to get you going

    Then BlueMax49ers - Beyond Cables That Work! for cables & software so you can add to/edit your channels down the road

    If you see a rig on Used Radios that interests you, you can check the software advisor on Blue Max 49ers for compatible cables, available software & pricing before you buy the radio

    I have been getting into Icom commercial h-t's, I know other users like Kenwood & Motorola, nothing wrong there, everyone has different preferences, needs, tastes, etc

    I have a couple of Part 97 amateur h-t's that I switched to commercial mode, but I'm treating those as backups, I prefer my actual Part 90 LMR's, I have & like both Alinco & Icom

    Although I do have, & like the Part 95 Alinco DJ-G46T GMRS h-t also 


  2. 4 hours ago, wrci350 said:

    OK first impressions. A real review will have to wait until I can actually use the thing. I was planning to take it with me when I went out of town this weekend and test a new GMRS repeater but it was delivered on Saturday instead of the expected Friday.

    I'd say it's definitely based on the DJ-A446. Actually I would bet it's the same radio with different firmware. The inclusion of the "Emergency Alarm" and "Jacklight" (Alinco's words, not mine) nails that for me.

    Seems like typical good Alinco build quality. I found it interesting that it came with the antenna attached (making for a long skinny box) but it IS removable.

    The manual talks about programming software being used to change various settings, but so far my quest to find it has been in vain.

    More to come ...

    Call or e-mail Remtronix & ask them to e-mail the software to you

    I have a loaner unit to test & they e-mailed me a copy of the software

    You'll need an Alinco ERW-15 USB cable, or, the RT Systems USB-29A cable also works, that's what I used, the cable terminates in a 1/8" stereo/two-band plug

    I used it today in the car with a 1/4 wave NMO mag mount, it sounds great on receive, it has a clear speaker, I was told the transmit audio is good

    I'm going to give it more of a workout this week, both in the mobile & portable with different h-t antennas

  3. 7 hours ago, WSAK691 said:

    It’s for sale now..


    Honestly, I don’t see anything super special about it. A pretty plain 5w handheld. No mention of superhet circuitry or anything. 

    I believe that it is superhet, it's based on the Alinco DJ-A446 PMR446 h-t https://www.alinco.com/Products/bis/DJ-A446/DJ-A446.pdf

    If you have DJ-500 series/DJ-MD5 series/DJ-A10/A11/A40/A41 series, the batteries, chargers, DC adapter, etc are compatible

    6 hours ago, WRWE456 said:

    Maybe not but at least Alinco is testing the waters. If it sells well they will likely add more models as time goes on. Wouxun needs some competition in the GMRS market.

    I've corresponded with Remtronix & they said that Alinco is gathering info for features for a GMRS mobile

    10 hours ago, tweiss3 said:

    I like all the Alinco radios I have or have messed with. They already make commercial radios, so this is a logical step for them. Nice to have another not CCR in the game.

    I have 6 Alinco Part 90 h-t's, both mono-band + dual-band, & I've had good luck with them

  4. 43 minutes ago, Lscott said:

    I know about some people who talk to the train personal when its in range. 🙄 They don't do it regularly. And if the train personal are using NXDN they won't be using a Baofeng to do it.

    Nope, nope, nope, nope

    I enjoy my QSO's on GMRS, I'm good with those

    I actually have no interest in conversing with train engineers, boaters, cops, firefighters, etc

    Maybe in person, not on the radio

    I'd rather spend my $$$ on radio equipment, not FCC &/or civil fines thank you very much

  5. Just curious, like the OP, why did you pick 151.625 originally to program into your radios?

    There are various frequency lists posted on the Net for preppers, SHTF, etc, Red Dot & Purple Dot were on the lists

    Most of my h-t's have the capacity of storing 128 channels, [1] has 199 channels, [1] has 4000 channels, so when I first got into GMRS a few years ago, I went all out [yes, crazy] on programming for every which way I thought that I would need, or might need

    Now, I've read a lot more [thanks to everyone on mygmrs & radioreference], I'm a little more knowledgeable, & I'm more responsible on what I have in my rigs

    I do have the NOAA frequencies, & [3] local rail frequencies programmed in, but I make sure that they are on 'NO TRANSMIT' before I unplug the h-t from the pc, let alone before I leave the house


  6. On 6/23/2023 at 10:35 AM, WRWH978 said:

    Anybody own one of these? I see them on ebay for $150, beyond paying for the Icom brand name, is it more of a robust GMRS radio? Just curious.

    It's based on the IC-F21 commercial model, so I'd say it is a robust radio, but not to the tune of $150.00

    I lucked into a used one a few months ago for $49.00, I replaced the OEM antenna with another one [the original was starting to deteriorate], I need to get a NiMH battery for it, it came with a 600 mAh Ni-Cad

    I have a programming cable that fits anther Icom & found the software online, so I reprogrammed it to my preferences, since out-of-the-box, channels 1-8 are repeaters, channels 9-15 are the 462 MHz interstitial, & all channels are set to narrow band, so I tweaked it a bit

    Programming it with multiple key/PTT presses? No thank you

    If you're an Icom aficionado, & want a Part 95 h-t, I'd say get one, but I wouldn't pay more than $50.00 max depending on it's condition & what accessories it has, just my .02 cents


  7. 2 hours ago, Guest QuiltinMom said:

    THANK YOU.  We will research these two hand helds you have listed.

    Do you feel like GMRS is an up and coming way of close communication?  It seems like our area doesn't really have very many GMRS repeaters, but there are people interested in getting more repeaters set up, hence them wanting to use our tower.  For ham radios it seems like we don't hear a lot of daily chit chat unless it is a weekly net set up.  Or people are in storm mode. 


    THANKS for all of the help from everyone.  Sounds like I have some research to do on hand helds and figure out how far they can reach from home with out a repeater for now.

    You're welcome :)

    I would start by searching those models right here on myGMRS, check out the opinions+experiences of other users, plus read the user reviews on the radioddity & buytwowayradios web sites

    GMRS is getting more popular, word is getting around about it

    Some people use it for off-roading, some use it for family comms, some users are going on to chat & make friends, for some users: all of the above

    I watched two YouTube videos a couple of years ago about a town in California where the residents are using GMRS for communicating with each other before/during/after wildfires

    I think that the usage is going to depend on the area, whether it's ham or GMRS

    Just tonight I was discussing ham radio usage with someone who uses both ham & GMRS, in this area [Tampa Bay, FL], the hams seem to be using 2 meter simplex more than the repeaters unless it's a net, the same may be happening in your area, there's more simplex usage vs the repeaters

    It's an obvious point, but I'll say it anyway, no matter which radio you choose: antenna-antenna-antenna, it will make you or break you, whether base, mobile, or portable/hand-held

    With GMRS being UHF: height is might, get your base antenna as high as possible, & use quality coax so you don't lose too much of your signal between the radio & the antenna, especially if you're going to use h-t's for now, you want as many of your 4-5 watts to get to the antenna

    While I'm thinking about it, you may or may not want to replace the stock antennas on your h-t's, you'll have to test your situation out & see what results you get


  8. 53 minutes ago, Guest QuiltinMom said:

    So do the GMRS repeaters work much in the same way as the ham repeaters with offsets and tones and what not?  If so, then that makes a whole lot more sense. Just different frequencies and wattages available for use.

    What brand would be a good true GMRS HT that works with repeaters, if there is such a thing?  I want an HT in my Jeep for minimal off roading.  Our Jeep club runs GMRS, but I want a hand held version and capable of repeaters IF possible.  (I like to keep my hubby on his toes with challenges of what to buy for me).  LOL  I have a Yaesu FTM300 mounted in the Jeep, but want GMRS to be hand held. I want to be able to take it out of the Jeep and be able to walk to the top of a hill for better reception if needed, or be able to be out of the Jeep and still communicate via GMRS to other Jeepers.

    Yes. GMRS operates on UHF & uses a +5 MHz offset. Most of the time, but not always, GMRS repeaters use tones for both the input & the output frequencies, I believe that amateur repeaters usually use a tone just on the input, but I'm not a ham, so take that with a grain of salt just in case

    GMRS h-t's are legally limited to 5 watts maximum output, mobiles, repeaters & base stations are limited to 50 watts maximum output

    I don't know how much you want to budget for your h-t. At the inexpensive end is the Radioddity GM-30 for $39.99 https://www.radioddity.com/products/radioddity-gm-30

    If you want to go a bit higher in price, there are several Wouxun GMRS h-t's that are popular & have good reputations that start at $99.99 & go up from there https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-two-way-radios.html?tw_service=783

    Both the Radiodditty & the Wouxun h-t's are repeater capable as well as simplex


  9. 15 hours ago, gortex2 said:

    I have WX channels in any radio that will accept them. I don't monitor them routinely but do change to them during weather events. 

    I do the same

    I have the NOAA freqs programmed in my dual band h-t's, & in my VHF mono band h-t's, they came pre-programmed in my Alinco DJ-VX50

    I work outside, I'm in Florida close to the Gulf, from May to November I'd rather have them & not need them rather than be kicking myself for not having them, better safe than sorry

    I also have lightning/radar/weather apps in my phone for additional info/backup

    73 & a safe summer to everyone

  10. 28 minutes ago, Lscott said:

    However I'm shocked these people will bet their life on a cheap $25 Chinese radio. It's not like they went around begging for free radio handouts. From the money they spent on the weapons etc. they certainly can afford better quality radio gear. At least get something with good encryption, like AES256, if they're worried about the government spying on them. A cheap UV-5R isn't it.🤪

    They probably spent so much on weapons & etc that Baofengs are all that they can afford with what they have left

  11. 5 hours ago, BoxCar said:

    Pink antennas always work as chick magnets (and longer is better).

    You just might have something there

    I just checked over at Signal Stuff, & they're out-of-stock on the 19" pink dual-band in BNC

    They must have had a run on those for some reason......

    Do the Abree 42" tactical antennas come in pink? If not, can you spray paint them?

  12. On 5/3/2023 at 9:04 PM, WRUT935 said:

    The 15 inch 771G is a bit long to walk around with but has given me a noticeable performance boost.

    I agree. I usually use a Smiley 5/8 5" 465 MHz or a Laird G4650BN 10" commercial 450-470 MHz depending on my mood

    I keep the 771G handy in case I want that extra bit of oomph to my signal

    I also agree on the BNC, with adapters I can have the h-t on the 1/4 wave in the mobile, but I can grab it and switch back to portable mode to carry it with me with just a couple of twists + pulls/pushes

  13. 18 hours ago, Bande1 said:

    yeah I couldn't stand that length either. I went through the phase of 1/4 wave 2m antennas and went to a little comet SMA503. I also went through the whole nagoya/amazon brand phase and despite being very cheap Ive learned when it comes to antennas just buy "real" ham brands. They're one of those things that actually are worth paying a little more for.

    Personally, I prefer to buy from the radio stores for my equipment, I don't support Amazon or the big box stores

    I prefer to support the radio stores, whether they're individual shops [R&L, Chatt Radio, The Antenna Farm] or small chains [HRO], plus I believe that the stores are going to make sure that they sell genuine brands, not knock-offs or counterfeits

    I've purchased from Signal Stuff also, he's not a store but an individual [with helpers]

    I apologize for hijacking the thread, we now return you to the original topic

  14. I think that I'll wait for some user reviews

    IF someone finds that the F30G surpasses the 771G, I'll consider one, I'm about quality & performance, not "tacticool"

    For me, 30" would be unwieldy for EDC, my favorite radios are only 4-4½" in height

    I think that I would have that antenna/radio combo clipped to my belt, on my backside with a speaker mike


  15. I have a limit of 5 characters on one of my h-ts, so I had to get a little creative, I have a half way decent memory for airport id's, so, Clearwater is CLW, Sarasota is SRQ, Tampa is TPA, etc

    I personally prefer to alphabetize the id's by location/city/town in ascending order, then if there's more than one repeater in an area, I use the frequency after the ID, so: CLW 550, CLW 600, SRQ 650, TPA 575, TPA 725, etc

    On the 5 character h-t, it cuts off the 3rd digit, but that's ok, CLW60, SRQ65, TPA57, or TPA72, I can work with that, the 3rd digit is always going to be 0 or 5


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