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OffRoaderX last won the day on December 15

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  • Name
    Randolpho (Randy) Cafe
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  • Location
    Southern California / Inland Empire
  • Interests
    Making sad-hams cry.

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  1. Also with the H3, if you switch startup-modes, IIRC, you will lose any custom programming.
  2. Am i understanding that you have 3 radios, and all 3 stopped working as expected, at basically the same time? if so, then something is highly suspect.. How are you determining that they "no longer connect to repeaters"? Are you trying to connect to the same repeater? is that repeater up/online? have you tried getting closer to the repeater(s)? many questions, but something is not right...
  3. Your friend lied to you.
  4. Because "some people" have "N.D.S." and will hate/downvote/rage-against anything I like, say, or do.. Funny thing is, every time they do that, they prove to everyone that most of what I say about "some people" is correct.
  5. Because you are using a GMRS radio you do not have to worry about the offset.. Just pick Channel 23, and enter your Transmit tone.. your receive tone is optional and you should ignore it for now. This assumes that 141.3 is the correct tone for that repeater. But the answer is YES - the offset needs to be there to use the repeater, but again, because you are using a GMRS radio, you dont have to think/worry/fret about it - stop trying to overcomplicate it.
  6. Cheap beer is a helluva drug.
  7. This ^ is the best advice.. Unfortunately too many people react, argue, complain, etc, etc, over the air and that is the exact kind of attention most jammers want. If you ignore them and pretend like they aren't even there, and just talk over/around them, without any reaction, they often/usually get bored and go somewhere else to get attention.. Much like a spoiled child.
  8. I would also like to add that lest we not forget there is a HUGE difference between what the FCC CAN do and what the FCC actually does. Again, I reiterate, that based on the FCC's own public enforcement record of the last 10+ years, statistically speaking, they do not care what happens on CB, MURS, GMRS, or H.A.M. radio with regard to jammers, iD10Ts, and degenerates.
  9. Even then, based on the FCC's public enforcement record, the FCC will not do anything .. IF/when that occurs, get recordings of it and take it to the local police - THEY have the power and the will to actually do something. SOURCE: Public FCC records a AND this happened with one of the repeaters our group uses. Three years later, zero action from the FCC, the Sheriff was ready & willing to act.
  10. Nothing, short of triangulating his position by using either old-school methods or a Kraken tracker, then beating his ass in front of his family can be done. And, just for clarification, reporting him to the FCC will also result in... nothing happening,IRREGARDLESS of what "some people" will try to tell you - just look through the public FCC enforcement record and you will see that the FCC stopped caring about 12 years ago.
  11. Who you talkin-bout Willis?
  12. as the @AdmiralCochrane very eloquently said, GMRS is not for "making contacts" or chatting with anonymous men - for that, you're better off using the Grindr app on your phone. GMRS is for staying in contact with people in your group whilst off-roading, hiking, road-traveling, etc.
  13. Do you know if anyone was on the repeater listening? Do you know if the repeater is even online? Do you know if you are within range of the repeater (just because you can hear it does not mean it can hear you) Did you get a "kercunk"? that is all you really need to know if you are hitting the repeater.
  14. Maybe if you told us what part you are stuck on or what is happening.. or really, any details at all, someone can help.
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