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OffRoaderX last won the day on March 20

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  • Name
    Randolpho (Randy) Cafe
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  • Location
    Southern California / Inland Empire
  • Interests
    Making sad-hams cry.

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  1. I was told by a (former) Midland Marketing person that this is by design - the entire chassis is a heat sink so a fan is not needed, but yes, you feel the heat. Also, beware that "some people" are going to leave ssstupid comments in this thread declaring that this radio "sucks", "is junk", etc, etc, because it does not have the features that THEY think are important. So bear in mind that Midland did not design this radio for them, they designed it for normal people such as yourself that just need to talk to people.
  2. Hearing them talk a channel number between 15 and 22? If so, my guess, based on 1,000 other people asking the exact same question, is that you are hearing people talking on a repeater. They will not hear you until you configure your radio to transmit on the repeater. If not and you are hearing them on channels 1-14, then either they are using tones/codes so they cant hear you or, they just dont want to talk to you. Hope this helps!
  3. I have a REAL Jeep- hand crank powered windows and a stick-shift.. /mic drop
  4. You will see zero difference.
  5. That's a bold move.. That's where the speaker for the XTL5000 in my JKU is mounted - but its much smaller than your XPR.. BTW, I support your desire for P25. That's what we use for all of our encrypted comms.
  6. Guys... GUYS!! ...just kiss and get it over with...
  7. Just because he can hit the repeater does not mean anyone wants to talk to him.
  8. Unless you are trying to bounce your signals off the moon, no.. Just mount the antenna wherever you can and enjoy talking to your friends on your radio. If you want to over-complicate things, look into getting a H.A.M.s radios license.
  9. I think a more proper term would be RF Frequency Storage Location Position Allocations... If we're going to over-complicate things, we need to overcomplicate theshit out of them at least as well as the H.A.M.s Radios operators do.
  10. The best way will be to buy a 2-Meter radio.
  11. I too would like to know, but if history is any guide, he will never respond because much of what he proclaims comes directly out his butt... and he knows it.
  12. But.. But... He read it in a Facebook group for H.A.M.s radios operators so it must be true!!
  13. FYI - this is what I use: I always fully power-off the other device when its not switched to use the antenna.
  14. Yes, only way, WAY more expensive ...
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