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Everything posted by OffRoaderX

  1. I think CH19 would make the most sense.. Unless you're off-road, then, 16 ...
  2. I just did the KG-1000G repeater thing - it works great.. its not perfect, but works pretty darn well - with coverage in 30+ miles each direction, and we just made it available on Zello (search Zello for the channel "Notarubicon GMRS 700 Repeater" -.. anyone can listen, request access to talk) If you give a little info about what isnt working we can probably get you fixed up, or at least pointed in the right direction..
  3. I have several KG-1000Gs and speak from experience when I say that If there is no circulating air, it WILL get too hot/overheat.. Why not throw the chassis under the seat somewhere, and put the remote-mount faceplate wherever you want it? That is the best feature of the KG-1000G..
  4. Either you are deaf, or you got a dud... Contact support and if it turns out that you arent deaf, they will send you a new radio. Of course because these things are so popular you may have to wait a few weeks, which sucks, but they will take care of you.
  5. Me and the UV5R aren't speaking at the moment.. I got busted talking to the Wouxun-radio-voice lady...
  6. I have that same wideband programming issue on my Vertex VXR-7000 ... Set the clock on your computer back to 1980 as @wayovertherementioned and it will let you change it.
  7. Just put one up, covering my entire area!
  8. On the website/info page for the radio, the Roger Beep is listed as a removed/restricted/unwanted feature that is not available on the radio.
  9. I keep my Roger Beep on - when someone complains about it, I remind them that its my radio and nobody is forcing them to listen to me.
  10. Thanks Rich ...My problem is that I dont know which bundle I need.. One box is a Veretex VXR-7000, the other a Motorola Radius R1225.. Tell me which options to get, and I will get them.. I can handle the config, etc. Also let me know what the support process is/how to get support - I dont know how I ended up on that other network for support.. I guess I picked the wrong week to try to stop sniffing glue.
  11. Thanks @rdunajewski - this is the message I got back after asking via the website what was needed to link my two repeaters: "We are sorry we no longer off help with repeaters due to we have had so many burn up. TGLN Admins http://gmrs.network So is it just that you no longer offer help/support for repeaters then? I just have to buy the setup and hope it all works?
  12. Just received a message that Rich from MyGMRS no longer supports linking of repeaters on the MyGMRS-Linked Network, so looking for info on any other options.
  13. Yup, happens everywhere - virtually every channel in my area.. They could be using FRS radios instead of GMRS radios, but, it doesn't really matter.. and you are correct - policing isn't really on your shoulders unless it is creating a safety hazard or intererferring with your business, etc.. you COULD report it.. but, it wont do any good as the FCC has larger issues to deal with.
  14. Thanks, i read that entire thread but because it is 7 years old, I thought there might be some updates/something new/different - the options mentioned in that thread also did not meet my need of 'easy to use' or 'plug and play' .. But, thanks anyway. Hoping others have more helpful input.
  15. I am looking into linking my repeater with a friends repeater, to extend both of our coverage. Preferably something plug & play and easy to use (set it and forget it). What options are there and if you've used any, how did it/they perform? TIA .
  16. Are you even sure that is the "Pro" ?? The Pro model does not have the Roger Beep option..
  17. The sad-hams would come crawling out of the woodwork like moths to a bright light! ??
  18. Its only a TalkAround button if you program it to be a TalkAround button.. Mine is programmed to do nothing.
  19. No.. I have no reason/need for that.
  20. I cant wait to use the STUN/KILL function on the next guy that tries to road-rage on me!
  21. It could be either.. there is probably some fancy way to tell which it is, but usually repeaters will have a short 'hang time' sound that you hear for about 1/2-second after the person un-keys their mic.
  22. I just finished a 'home brew" 50W repeater for about $790 not counting the antenna/duplexer, etc.. Very simple to put together and set up.. of course, for more $ you can do something much fancier, but it wont transmit any further. You can see more about it in this little video i made about it:
  23. Take a look at the Wouxun KG-1000G. It's 50W and has a small, remote-mount faceplate, so you can toss the chassis under the seat, and put the small faceplate wherever it best suits the decor.. I LOVE this radio, mostly because of that..but it's also a good radio - far better than the 50X1 (of which I also have).
  24. Working fine for me.
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