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Everything posted by Extreme

  1. I found it cumbersome.. but then someone had to point out things I should have found on my own with some reading. Connectivity has been the biggest bugaboo for me.. sporadic read/write to radio.
  2. Very helpful. I got it done finally. My biggest problem is getting the radio to communicate with the software for read/write. Lots of fooling around with sequence of connecting and powering up.. very sporadic whether it will connect. With luck my new Baofang dedicated cable will resolve this for next time.
  3. Nope. I'll get on that. Thanks! Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  4. The 88.5 is default. Won't go to "OFF" with software but can be done manually. These settings got repeaters up and running. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  5. ..and thanks! Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  6. It don't take much to outthink me!Offsets and + was the problem. Have to enter individual channels. Still nothing on killing weather SCAN so might eliminate those. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  7. And try to eliminate weather channels from Scan. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks. I'll look it over when my new BF specific cable shows up. Somehow my FTDI Kenwood took a dump playing with BF. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  9. Even when edited and manage to get it to write to the 5R it won't hold the RX CTCSS settings. Manually entered as well with same result. Saving to Ch. Mem on keypad screen and just defaults back to RX CTCSS "OFF". TX CTCSS holds just fine.
  10. Which software and cable did you use? I got a butt-kickin' with Chirp trying to get it to connect "radio not responding". Fiddled with it to get it programmed but didn't see many of the options you list.
  11. Can you elaborate (minutest details preferred)? I have 2 of the Retivis 76 and am programming two 5R for a buddy. I noticed when if finally got them to read/write on Chirp, definitely hit & miss, the 5R scans weather channels along with the rest.. obviously not optimal. Also, I set up some channels he won't be permitted to TX so curious on that as well. I didn't notice those kinds of options in the Chirp I'm using. Just seems like Kenwood and even Wouxun is more user friendly than Chirp. Thanks.
  12. "Beartrap". No idea on callsign.
  13. Have programmed Kenwood TK-3170 and 880, I now have 2 8180s pre-programmed from used-radios (16 channels) but will get in add some repeaters and other goodies just the same. As stated above, lots of options with the free Kenwood software. Mine will go in my SxS and my Cherokee XJ. Had a blast yesterday wheeling with a gang; handed out HT and have them convinced to ditch the CB and go GMRS, especially with a few open repeaters in the area. Tried Chirp for the first time today and struggled. More novice errors than anything I suppose. Good luck
  14. And yes, modified one, plugged in the other and voila - cloned config. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  15. Oh wow! Plugged in THEN powered up radio, instead of what youtube showed me, and got it to DL from the radio.. shees Stock freq config is way off from standard channels I've seen elsewhere. But I can manually edit to match my other junk. Also notice there's no selection for Tone "OFF" in the software but can be set off manually these are all set to 88.5 where default is usually 67, eh? Success! Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  16. "radio did not respond" Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  17. All GMRS + Repeaters including names instead of freq. Successful with one, thought I could read that one, plug in the second and write to that one. Can't read either at this point so obviously won't allow names to be entered via software, and there's no provision to do it from the keypad. Error message "radio not communicating" or similar. Yup com port 7 and UV-R5 are correct. Had to reboot laptop to get first one done but not helping now. Glad these are not my radios.. Wouxun, Kenwood and Retvis took some learning but nowhere near this much hassle..lol Thanks. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  18. I have an FTDI cable on the way so should have the driver built in I expect. Links to firmware updates got me nowhere.
  19. Got it to work somewhat for one but have to restart computer every time to upload and/or dl. Only way to have text for rptr ID is via software. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  20. I've forgotten the "offset" stuff. Programming repeaters, I don't know whether to set it to + or (-). Help!
  21. The red one worked for download from radio (but only after I did a factory reset on the HT) but after entering channel list (copy/paste) and performing upload to radio get the same messaage "Radio did not respond". Tried reboot of laptop again, cycled thru the process repeatedly and same no response.
  22. Hmmm Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  23. Yup, did a search. A couple quick questions please. Opened my big mouth and offered to program a buddies HTs. Baofeng UV-5R. Downloaded Chirp but not sure if I have the correct cable. I have a PC03P for Wouxun Original Red Wouxun KPG-22 Kenwood 3170 FTDI that also works with Retevis 76P. Steer me straight please. First time attempt at Chirp as well so searching that how to. Have to .pdf manual for the BF but keypad programming ain't much fun. Thanks, as always.
  24. Programmed via software and keypad. Had some difficulty with inability to Read from radio so just input and did a Write. Worked first try on one and had to reboot laptop to Write to 2nd HT. Seemed like all was good. Programmed other items via keypad. Took both out in the field for testing using Wouxun 805G, Kenwood 3170. One of the 76 worked fine, the other will TX but would not RX against any of the other radios. Set SQ to 1, made sure CTCSS were identical and made several attempts with no RX. If you have a suggestion I’m wide open. I’ll play with it at home today but if I can't make it work will have to see about returning. Fortunately, I bought them here so am confident I'll get taken care of. Honestly, these being my first dual-band HT, I’m not a fan and prefer the simplicity of the 805G/3170 using GMRS only. For me, it's a must to Lock the keypad whenever in the field.
  25. Tip of the whole day; so glad you posted this and I vaguely remembered to go find it.. saved me a bunch of frustration (but not all..lol) after Writing to the HT. Here’s the important part- turn off the radio and turn it back on. The voice prompt will say “frequency mode.” You need to switch to “channel mode” by pressing and holding the “menu” button. That will take you to the main channels where other radio changes can be made. Thankya!
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