FWIW: I just select display as Name, name the repeaters with abbreviated location + last 3 of frequency (550, 625, etc.) then populate the name slot of the other channels with "CH 16, 17" etc. Or you might get the frequencies in the Name slot. So, when I scroll the channels via knob or keys it runs CH 1 - 7, CH 15 - 23, and then ELK 625, SPRK 675 for the repeaters programmed. Not an intimidating radio once you play with it. Instructions come with and if you are patient it will become intuitive with practice. I much prefer the simplicity of the 805G over nearly any others I've played with: Baofeng, Retivis, etc. And as an aside, I posted 25 mi. LOS simplex conversation from the 805 to Kenwood 3170 HTs.