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Everything posted by wayoverthere

  1. Good stuff ? Attachment isn't working, but it's my vhf and uhf vx4200's on my desk (ham use, but it's an antenna switch and a zone change from gmrs) and one of the exv539. (2 g7, 1 g6). The UHF was in the truck, but made way for a dual band.
  2. There you go...page 68. What's going on that a factory reset is desirable?
  3. Hi Matt, No knowledge on the configuration side, but I was able to find this in the mygmrs store, which may be what you're after. https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeater-accessories/products/sandisk-32gb-high-endurance-microsd-card-mygmrs-network
  4. In addition to those, the vertex standard vx4207 is 90/95a certified, and I picked one up off of that auction site for $135 from usedradios.com. antenna farm has the software and cable for $45 or so.
  5. Yeah, I was trying to hit it via dmr (on my hotspot), not via RF. Trying to get into a dmr-enabled machine locally is on my future to-do list, as I believe the evx539 I have is dmr-capable...I wouldn't have high hopes of that little 2 watt thing with it's stubby little built in antenna being much use outside of hotspot or monitoring. And glad to pique the curiosity. I have one more day before it's back to the grind myself.
  6. What that is saying is the manufacturer COULD get a radio certified in another service requiring certification and in gmrs (95e). It's not an automatic thing. That said, there are a few models out there, mostly Kenwood and Motorola, that are certified for 90 and 95a (where gmrs was previously listed).
  7. I'm still at an impasse on DMR; didn't have any luck monitoring for what I transmitted on DMR coming through on the system, either (I only tried one of the nodes, though, Orinda; it looks like they've added more since). Kind of put it aside for now, but I'll come back to it again at some point. As for RF access, the Joaquin Ridge/Fresno County (#15) is the only one in range, and it's on the edge of what I can reach with my current setup with the antennas indoors; trying to avoid outdoors due to local restrictions. I may be pick up a dual band yagi in the not too distant future now that I've finished shuffling the radio setups (dual band base went to truck, single band UHF in truck came inside and joined its VHF twin). The other system with an interesting setup is up in the Bay area, WB6ECE with their Simulcast system.
  8. I wonder how much is the technically involved in the dual pl system the CARLA network runs, where one pl only activates that repeater but not the link, while a 2nd activates the link too.
  9. I haven't dug into it, but I seem to remember seeing the option to enable voice announcements in the settings on some of my vertex stuff, so it may be more of a thing on the commercial side. There's definitely some mobile options that carry part 95a certification (the old gmrs rules) in addition to part 90, and they can be set up to be pretty foolproof.
  10. She heard you talking about her! ? I hear her on the Buck Rock machine as well.
  11. If you haven't set up with FCC yet, and security is a concern, registering with a PO box or other private mailbox (such as a ups store or similar) is an option. If you've already provided a home address , it can be changed, but will still appear in the history.
  12. It did give me a stray E when I did it, "WQWA699E", so it seems a little inconsistent on what it picks up...perhaps I just got lucky. On the map, I didn't play with it too much, one factor is that the default map ignores repeaters that haven't been updated in a year. The fix is the toggle at the top to "show outdated repeaters".
  13. No, that's actually a pretty solid assumption. The 15 minute repetition fits with GMRS rules; while it's not required to ID 24/7 when the repeater isn't in use, some repeater owners choose to do so. Up front, I'll admit my morse skill is minimal (I can get SOS, and that's about it). That said, I downloaded the sound file, and uploaded it to a morse decoder (https://morsecode.world/international/decoder/audio-decoder-adaptive.html) which gave me WQWA699 (as @MichaelLAX posted as I'm typing this). Further digging shows the licensee is on the forum (as A911Pro), and has a few repeaters listed; one of those is probably what you're hearing (Seacom 3 or Seacom 4 look likely possibilities, the frequency may help tell which).
  14. One of the towers out here (that hosts utilities and various levels of public safety, in addition to ham repeaters) is currently fighting through the post fire rebuild process...despite assurance from the county that everything would be allowed to be rebuilt to pre-fire state, they've disallowed an extension that was approved and added, and are letting the neighbors (that came after the tower) shove in their objections and roadblocks to rebuilding at all
  15. Can verify my older mxt115 completely skips 8-14, while the BTech 50x1 has them for receive only.
  16. CB, no. those will be tuned for around 27mhz, not the 462.xxx and 467.xxx range that GMRS operates in. This is probably pretty close to what you have in mind, and i've been using it for awhile for both gmrs and 70cm ham. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TY2KP5K/ depending where you're running, a 1/2 wave may be better (at around 13") if you don't have some metal for a ground plane. if you do, a 1/4 wave may work well, and be less vulnerable to getting hit.
  17. Correct. like a handheld, the mxt115 is just a radio, and needs a control operator to be of any use. The rt97 (or any other repeater) will take the received signal and rebroadcast it.
  18. Ahh, yeah, that makes more sense ?
  19. Joe, On power supply, I'd check with Retevis; I can't see them shipping it without some form of power supply, since it doesn't seem to take 12v directly. Brandon, you could absolutely set up a radio at the house to talk to/from, and someone could manually relay messages, but the mxt115 isn't able to act as a repeater on its own.
  20. Retevis has a few models that are repeater capable, and even a kit with the repeater, a mobile, and a couple handhelds, plus antennas and some accessories. https://www.retevis.com/gmrs-solution-kits-gmrs-handheld-mobile-radio-gmrs-repeater-accessories Outside that, wouxun's recent stuff is pretty well regarded for a little more coin, the kg805g (have one), kg905g, kg935g, and kg-uv9g pro.
  21. can confirm the MXT115 can access repeaters, though being narrowband they have a harder time with wideband repeaters, and the older models don't support split tones (different input and output tone). narrowband repeaters shouldn't be an issue. the GTX are no go, as they don't have the repeater offsets programmed, and AFAIK, have no provisions for programming. you would be able to listen, though.
  22. Thanks for the reality check. My urge to tinker doesn't always pay off with good results in reality.
  23. Is it bad that I'm looking at those internal pictures and thinking heyyy, it looks kind of doable to bypass that duplexer? Add one of the higher rated (50w or so) mobile units, and a small linear amp in the transmit path...Depending on the amp, low power on the repeater should be able to keep it under 50 watts.
  24. i ended up grabbing a 4204 after all. what finally pushed me over was testing some stuff with my icom base, and how fast the fan kicks on. the vertex have significant heat sinks, and get by without. so the icom will move to the truck, and the 4204/4207 will be the base setup. will probably add a switch shortly, to have gmrs antenna on one side and the other side to a diplexer and gp1.
  25. The ones I have seem to be 403-470 for the UHF gear. Haven't tried out of band with the vx's, since they cover everything I want them to (70cm, and keeping an ear on gmrs). I know the evx, the software flat out refuses anything out of band, similar to your motorola (Tried frequencies in the 440's with one of the 450-512 evx). Ive seen hints that hex editing can get around that, but that's one of those back burner projects....if I could get them down to 440 i'd be happy.
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