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Everything posted by Citizen

  1. Ok, gotcha. Thanks for the update. Not sure what else to suggest at this point, looks like you've done your research. At least you'll get good use when hiking or in a road caravan. Regards, ...
  2. I found Round Rock 725 (Channel 22) does show up on myGMRS.com (not the same as TexasGMRS.net). I believe it is red because it is NOT linked via VOIP. Try THIS link. Note; the output tone is 74.4, NOT 411. You'll have to contact the owner for the input tone when you seek permission. If you do not get a response, then you might assume the repeater is off line, and the owner failed to mark it so on the various web sites. I don't see Flinkrock on myGMRS.com. Correction; found it. Let us know how you fare. ...
  3. Sorry you're having trouble, but something else must be wrong, or your radios are not configured correctly. I can get about 2+ miles in a populated area (suburb of Houston) using 5w HTs. I found your location of Cedar Park by using your call sign. Populated yes, but no real big buildings like downtown Austin. No reason why you shouldn't be able to get at least a half mile or so. Have you tried having someone drive (or even walk) just down the street until signal is lost? There is a repeater in nearby Round Rock (Round Rock 725). This is one you'll need to get permission to use, because it requires separate TX/RX tones (per the description), but go ahead an try it. Once you get permission, drive over to RR and try to hit it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Don't give up yet. GMRS is fun. ...
  4. Thank Goodness It's Friday. (JK; really it's: Toes Go In First) : ) ...
  5. I too have the Tram 1486 antenna, and I have the cutting chart that came with it (it says "Chart #64" from Tram-Browning, Inc.). Your cuttings for 462 appear to be correct. The chart does not list 465 specifically, but it does have 464 and 466, so I guess you/we will have to extrapolate if you want 465. Anyway here are the cutting lengths for the three sections (labeled L1, L2 and L3). NOTE: L1 is the section closest to the base (bottom), L2 is the middle section, L3 is the top. 464 (claimed SWR < 1.5:1, band width 449.8 - 472.6) L1: 17 21/64" 440mm L2 13 5/64" 332mm L3 14 29/64" 367mm 466 (claimed SWR < 1.5:1, band width 451.3 - 473.1) L1: 17 13/64" 437mm L2 13 1/32" 331mm L3 14 13/32" 366mm To be safe, I first cut mine for 458mHz (stated bandwidth 444.0 - 468.5), which seemed ok, but.... I then got brave, and then trimmed for 462mHz (stated bandwidth 447.6 - 471.5), and this is where I still have it today, as it easily covers GMRS. Have not trimmed further as this last trim seems to work well for me for now, as I can hit my favorite repeater, which is 15.5 miles away LOS. Hope this helps. Thomas ...
  6. Good point. Well, if that is the case, the next best thing may be to have a second radio set to Ch 16 simplex and no codes, and listen for his own transmission. And/or, take a 30 minute drive out US-84 west towards Oglesby. Transmit every 2 miles or so and see if you can hit it. Unfortunately, after re-reviewing the repeater, I found this in the notes: This means the antenna is pointed S-SW (almost as if down the I-35 corridor towards Ft. Hood - Austin areas). If this is the case, you may never hit it from anywhere on US-84, unless maybe very close by. I apologize for not realizing this sooner, and steering you down the wrong path (literally). I was a bit misled by the perfect circle coverage diagram. ...
  7. Yeah, like Ham, you should at least hear the repeater tail (short burst of noise, or beep). Not sure about the Morse code ID, as some repeater owners don't set that up. Good luck.
  8. There is the WRCP705 repeater in Oglesby, which boasts 70 mile radius (covers Waco). Because Waco is about 25 miles away, and with not-so-hilly terrain, you might be able to hit it. Great to hear of a GMRS user in Waco. I spent part of my childhood in McGregor, and now that I'm retired, have considered moving back there. If that ever happens, I'd rag-chew with you any day. ...
  9. Midland appears to have launched a new website. I had been watching for availability of their one offering of an Amateur radio, the DBR2500. It had been out of stock since I began watching for it, checking their web site from time-to-time for almost a year ago now. This time, it shows an apparently new web site, and the only Amateur radio offering they had is now gone. Also of note, the expected new MXT500 GMRS radio was not found. Also of note, most everything I checked (radio wise) appears to have a price increase. Looks like about 10%. ...
  10. Yes, very true... I just wasn't sure what word to use : ) This morning I emailed them and pointed out their typo. I won't hold my breath for a correction or even a reply, but I tried. T. ...
  11. Just a note.... I didn't buy my RT76P from Retevis directly, but instead ordered it through Amazon. Upon submitting my request to Retevis for the firmware update, they asked for my Amazon order number first. After I provided the Amazon order info, Retevis provided the links that I needed. So I think all someone needs to do is provide proof they actually bought a Retevis product. Ian, were you able to get access to the firmware? ...
  12. By chance I stumbled on a legal opinion that states that the first GMRS 467 MHz interstitial channel is 467.5675, which is wrong. As atnbirdie said, it should be 467.5625. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/47/95.1763 (see item [d]). Didn't want to resurrect an old thread for nothing, but I thought maybe this is where Retevis got the idea that Channel-8 was that incorrect frequency, and used it to program/hard-code their radios. ...
  13. I've read on myGMRS.com that there is a way to find out when a repeater is inactive, but for the life of me, I don't see anywhere where a repeater's status indicates either Active or Inactive. What am I doing wrong? Here is the example repeater I looked at, but have also looked an many others and I just don't see it. It's probably something obvious, but I'm missing it. Thanks in advance.
  14. Michael (and OffRoaderX), I salute you for your generous donations... This forum is filled with people like you and others who have helped me in the past, and others, and it is greatly appreciated. (I was going to send kudos to you via PM, but then decided a salute needs to be public). Thomas ...
  15. pcradio, thank you very much. I did as you suggested: contacted Retevis and they responded with links to the firmware update. I followed the directions and it worked, as I can now go above channel 30 with the keypad arrows or the dial. I have not yet tested TX & RX (wanted to come online & give you an update right away). Just another note: I did not see two channel 30's, but notice there are two channel 36's, and NO channel 37 (I'm assuming the 2nd ch 36 is actually ch 37--will test that). Thank you again! Thomas
  16. I had not tried that. Good suggestion, thank you. But now after trying on the RT76P, I can only enter two digits from the keypad, from 01-30. If I enter anything over 30, it reverts back down to 30.
  17. Reporting back... Retevis responded asking for my order information so they could report to their after-sales service support. I replied accordingly and will await another response. In the mean time, I did test TX on 2m & 70cm Ham on the borrowed FRS channels. As reported, RX works great, but no TX. ...
  18. Enough time has passed, I thought I'd report back that I've had no response yet from Anytone. I had sent my email to support@anytonetech.com ...
  19. Some of these newer radios have software with a "Batch Channel Edit" feature. I dunno, but maybe yours does too. Below is what a popup window looks like I found under "Edit" drop-down menu on my AT. I have not had the need to use it yet, but it looks handy. Thomas ...
  20. Just to add to more info about programming the RT76P... The software I have (Vers. v1.0.1) allows me to enter channels 1-128. I can enter 2m Ham, 70cm Ham, GMRS and FRS frequencies in any of these slots and write to the radio. But I can confirm when operating the radio, the channel selectors (both knob and up/down arrows on front panel) only roll through GMRS/FRS channels 1-30, and no way to get to 31-128. So, to use this radio for 2m or 70cm Ham, I borrowed the mostly unused FRS channels (8-14) and put in my 2m & 70cm Ham stuff (repeater capable). RX works very well, but haven't been able yet to test TX. I have emailed Retevis support about how to access channels 31-128 (if even possible). If/when they reply, I will report back. Thomas ...
  21. On the Anytone AT-779UF, I found that when naming a channel via software, use of the lower-case letter "k" always reverts to upper-case "K" when displayed on the radio front panel. For example; when I put in "Dcksn" (short for "Dickenson", since only 8-chars allowed), the front panel displays "DcKsn". It does not seem to matter which position the letter "k" appears, it's always displayed in upper-case. Not that big of a deal, but still annoying, so I thought I would notify Anytone of this. Below is my email to them. (also, "Copywrite" should be "Copyright") I'll post their response when/if I get one. ...
  22. We have been through a number of Cable/Sat-TV providers now (change from time-to-time due to pricing/performance). Each new one seemed to install their own cables in our attic, and the old ones all leave their old cables/connectors behind. I probably have 50-100' of coax for TV (not sure of the actual type/number), and numerous connectors and splitters. Shame to waste it all. So I was thinking... with the right connectors ordered off Amazon, maybe I could use the TV-Coax stuff as if it were cheaper RG-58. I know it's not LMR400, but it would still save me $ not having to buy 100' of RG-58. Thoughts please? ...
  23. I bought one RT76P almost for that exact reason, has a channel selector where others have a flashlight.
  24. boxcar and mbrun, thanks much for those very clear and understandable answers. Michael, I have a better understanding now about my scanner antenna and why it is good for some, but not all frequencies, and boxcar, I don't think I'll be using it for TX on any radio. Thanks again! Love myGRMS and how people on here are willing to share knowledge! : )
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