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Everything posted by garbon2535

  1. I use a a TekPower TP30SWII with a 40 watt mobile. It does a great job. I've never had any problems with the power supply. It is on close to 24/7.
  2. I am active in WNY. There seems to be a lot of family activity in my area and there are active repeaters, too.
  3. I use an MXT-400 and the radio does use wideband on the repeater frequencies, out of the box. I have no problem using it on local repeaters. I do use narrow band handheld units in simplex with the MXT-400. The only thing you need to do is turn up the volume to hear the handhelds. If a wideband radio keys up the volume will be loud. To reduce the number of times that this happens I usually use a PL tone on simplex. Midland does sell a programming cable that allows you to set up split tones or change the bandwidth. I don't have the cable and have never had a need to change the stock configuration of the radio. There are several good YouTube videos if you want to learn more.
  4. .
  5. The MXT400 is a great radio and I would recommend it. However, if your wife isn't big into radios you might want something smaller. Midland makes other Micromobile that are much more discreet.
  6. I purchased one for a friend. I am disappointed that I cant change DCS codes and CTCSS codes from the radios menu. I have the same issue with sections "canceling". I purchased the programing cable and after a lot of trail-and-error was able to program the radio the way I wanted. I have a Wouxun KG-805G that I use daily. The menus area a lot more simple and straight forward. Everything in the menus actually functions. After the price of the Retevis, shipping, and the programing cable, I'd suggest the Wouxun. It's more but not much more.
  7. I use my MXT-400 on my local repeater, too. Everything works great. Radio is stock from the factory. I love it - plug-n-play! Radio, power supply, coax, antenna and I'm on the air. GMRS is a great radio system.
  8. Any suggestions on finding a new 8180? Are there any online dealers?
  9. Thanks for all the replies. This information is very helpful; however, I have not solved my problem. The radio seems to receive OK. I can pick up a repeater 35-40 miles away with no problem. I can pick up handhelds 1.5 to 3 miles away around my neighborhood. I am using LMR-400 cable. I have a 50 foot run from my radio to a PolyPhaser DC block lightning protector and then 25 feet of cable to the antenna. I am using PL-259 connectors because my radio has SO-239 on the back. With the SWR meter, I use a 3 foot jumper of LMR-400. Today I tried connected a mobile mag antenna connected to SWR meter the with a 3 foot jumper to the radio, all with RG-8 coax. I had the same results with the exception that my SWR reading was 1.5 instead of nearly 0.
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