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AdmiralCochrane last won the day on July 5

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  1. What range does your multimeter read? Some of my coworkers tell me that a circuit is open, then I find they are using meters that only read up to 6k ohms and the circuit was a 10K ... wasn't open, but their meter couldn't tell
  2. Some Nagoyas are counterfeits made in China. If you got a genuine Nagoya that isn't superior, that is unusual. Contacts made thru repeaters are often poor for comparisons because repeater antennas are often mounted much higher than is practical with HT or mobile units AND repeater receivers are dramatically better radios than HT's. A much better test is simplex HT to HT.
  3. Don't call me Shirley!
  4. GMRS band is primarily for contacting people you already know.
  5. As the one who shall not be mentioned says, perhaps Grinder is better for contacting strange men. The intent of GMRS is different.
  6. This. You have to buy radios and use them or there is no traffic on the band. Be one of the few - next thing you know, you will be one of some, then one of many.
  7. I have an older mono 50 watt Alinco I bought used just because new 1.25's with decent power are hard to come by. Don't skip it just because you can't buy new
  8. Take one of the HT's there and test it. You NEVER know without trying. His location might be golden.
  9. Perfect! That's what the service is intended for. Most expect to find contacts when they need them, rather than cultivate beforehand.
  10. If it doesn't have 15w or more on 1.25m, it's just another meh
  11. An accurate test. Let us know the result.
  12. Stopped in less than 5 minutes of his hour long video when he said power can overcome line of sight. If you want to be taken seriously you just CANNOT tell people this.
  13. Unless your current coax is making significant loss, changing to lower loss coax isn't going to make a difference in your TX distance. Elevation is the place to spend your money. (Fars and moneys in Randyspeak. I don't know the proper Randyspeak term for elevation; might be highs, talls or ups.)
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