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IdahoJohn last won the day on June 30 2021

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  • Location
    Southern Idaho
  • Interests
    Exploring the Mountains and Deserts

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  1. I think the Santa Ynez and Santa Maria valleys may be part of the reason for this. If you are in the city getting over the mountains would still be a factor, but I would think it very possible from Camino Cielo. Could it be your signal is getting around Pt. Conception over the ocean? I know the area well, I lived in the area for most of my life. so it's interesting that it is always possible for you to make contact.
  2. Yes, The way I understand it is, you will hear them, but they will not hear you if they have a code set.. I do not have any codes set on my radios
  3. A little late to respond here, But, yes I am in a Hi Desert valley and the testing we have done is across said valley and from the valley floor. When I scan in this area I do hear truckers running together as well as travelers on the interstate from time to time. also some businesses with hand held radios with low power and very short range. most seem to have privacy codes activated so cannot hear you unless you have the same code entered. Then there are the kids on FRS LOL
  4. I have done quite a few tests with a pair of Midland MXT115 radios. Admittedly we are in a high desert valley, so we have very good conditions. We can maintain contact for 15+ miles across town on a regular basis. I have also tested across the valley and am able to have clear communications over 40 miles with only a few spots passing through towns that coms. fade out. this on 15w with roof mounted antennas. If we travel behind a butte range is cut down. Antenna and Line of sight is everything.
  5. So, I posted earlier in this thread, with my Jeep set up. But thought I'd update. This weekend we did some radio testing. Truck to Truck, both trucks running Midland MX115 radios, one with the small antenna supplied with the radio and the other with a 5db gain antenna. both are roof mounted with mag bases. One truck parked as a base and the other driving in our direction starting at 35 mi away. With 15w, Clear comms. over 35mi all across our valley, the only place we lost contact was passing through a small town on the valley floor 22 miles out, with buildings blocking our signal. Next time we will test with the mobile driving away from the base. So, overall I am pleased with out set up. and now will start collecting items for a set up in the house.
  6. 93 Wrangler YJ 4.0 Cobra 75 inside the dash with a Firestick on a standard right tail light mount Midland MXT115 where the ashtray used to be with a PCTEL Maxrad NMO on a standard left tail light mount. CB works fine, But almost no activity in my area GMRS can easily talk simplex over 13 miles so far, even across town.
  7. That would be great, and very generous of you! There is a GMRS repeater I have found in the area on .625 that may be useful for you, it is open, and I can't find any information. It may be on one of the dairies possibly west of Twin in the valley here, but it is very weak. I believe the local HAM club has an active repeater, but not sure.
  8. Update, I have upgraded antennas, So we have been testing the radios in our vehicles ( We added another in the wife's DD) and I am very happy. we can connect across all the valley here over 13 mi across the downtown area. Our next step will be a spot to set up a radio in the house with an outdoor antenna to have a neighborhood watch with our like minded neighbors. I feel I'm starting to slide down the slippery slope and end up with Ham.... LOL
  9. Ah, I hope you are able to get the repeater back in service, I have family in Boise and explore the desert between Twin and Boise so it will be useful to have working. So far from the top of some buttes I have reached out about 20 mi simplex, range is less from lower locations.
  10. Hi All Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm John If this is in the wrong place please forgive me and feel free to move my post to a better forum/Thread. Been lurking and reading for a little while. I've picked up a GMRS radio and License to go in my Jeep for exploring the High Desert with friends as most are moving away from the old trusty CBs. I've been testing the set up in my DD and like it fine. In fact I am thinking of keeping it in the daily, adding one to the wife's car and a third for the Jeep. I see there is a repeater in the Mountain Home area near me I could hit at times when out exploring if I can get permission. Just wondering if there are any others in the Twin Falls area and the best way to find them. Also Anybody here in my area?
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