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Posts posted by WRQI663

  1. On topic:

    You have to discover this for yourself - What I like, you may not - bell's and whistle's all seem to be the same in all of em.

    Off topic:

    Bill's Place in San Francisco has the best hamburgers I've ever had.

    Off the wall:

    What the heck does "H.A.M." stand for ???? Amateur radio ops are called "hams" (so are actors) so how about telling me what it means

    even if it's demeaning - 6 keystrokes for a 3 letter word?

    If you use the word 'sad' I will send gremlins to get ya.


  2. 5 hours ago, WRXB215 said:

    The number in a ham license indicates geographic region but no such indicator for GMRS.

    It used to be true, in amateur radio, now the rules are lax - the call sign you started out with will be the

    one associated with your location - then you can use it anywhere in the US or change

    it with a 'vanity call' like I did. I started with WB6 call in CA but here in PA I now have a K3 prefix


  3. Location may make a difference too - it could be in a bad spot - a nanoVNA will let you know the resonant frequency --- some "CCAs" (cheap chinese antennas)

    are nothing but dummy loads they are so far off....receiving not so critical, but transmitting into a resonant antenna is important

  4. I'm posting this because I read all the posts here......

    Ham radio operators are not "freebanders" we can operate on any frequency we are licensed to use.

    Amateur radio ops talk about their gear, antennas, etc.....because that is what we are interested in (among

    other things). There is so much more to our hobby, but if you only want to believe idiot points of view - don't shovel

    that crap at us.......I've been licensed on amateur radio since 1967......Believe me, we DO know the rules. If morons choose

    to ignore the rules, it's on them - not all of us. The only test GMRS has is navigation of the FCC site.

    One more thing, the closest thing we have to 'channels' are repeater pairs not individual frequencies.

    The world is not at your fingertips on GMRS - the only thing similar is a little bitty piece of the UHF spectrum

  5. Yeah, that spool is most likely RG59 or equivalent -- I installed CATV for a while and needed to carry a spool on my truck.

    Most mag mount antennas have some coax already and might be enough length depending on what you want to do.

  6. I have both the uv21 (pro v2) and gm21 - I like the feel of them - The uv21 offers 1.25 meters, something I've never had access to before.

    The gm21 can listen there but can't xmit. It is gmrs after all. The xmit audio is good and rcv audio is good too.

    No complaints so far but I really have no use for 999 memory channels.

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