Just for the record, for those of you who do want to learn Morse Code, the Jerry Ziliak Morse Code cassettes, have been digitized to CD and are available at Amazon.
His system is brilliant and easy to learn.
He teaches each letter, number and punctuation mark by sending them in a series of 5 times at 21 Words Per Minute, but spacing between each letter, so that it is being sent at a true rate of only 5 WPM.
That way your brain becomes accustomed to hearing each character at a fast 21 WPM but the brain is given time to hear, learn and decode it.
Then as you practice, he reduces the spacing per character, so that your reception speed slowly increases, per your need, to higher speeds.
This is how I learned to be able to receive 20 WPM Morse Code back in 1995, obtain my Amateur Extra class license and qualify for the first ever round of Vanity callsigns back in that day.
And I enjoyed CW contacts all the way to the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia through my old Drake TR4Cw and a G5RV antenna (good sunspot cycle back in those days, too)!