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Everything posted by MichaelLAX

  1. Hmmmmm: I wonder. Mine is 2.26 on my Anytone AT-779UV and I have heard about Radioddity's with up to 2.30. Since I don't feel like I am missing anything, I have not attempted to upgrade my firmware. But if 2.33 allows you to still open the rig to transmitting on 2m/70cm, I can't imagine it would prevent you from changing the Power Setting by using the Mic buttons. Do any of the other A-FUN "func" combinations work for you, such as: A-FUN -- 9: change repeater split to +, - or none A-FUN -- 6: Reverse the repeater input and output frequencies A-FUN -- 1: Goes to Squelch menu so you can use Mic Up and Down keys to adjust the Squelch setting Do you let go of the A-FUN button when you then push 0-POW? Yes, you must otherwise it would lock the settings until you long push A-FUN again.
  2. Lt Daniel Kaffee to Col Nathan R Jessup referring to Lt. Commander JoAnne Galloway in the motion picture "A Few Good Men" I think you must be confusing me with someone else here, as ALL of my radios are "cheaper radios" with the exceptions of my legacy Ham radios. But thank you for going to the effort to describe the benefits. I was wondering what additional benefits users get when they spend that much money compared to the $30-70 I spent for my CCR handhelds.
  3. What version firmware do you have (power off, hold down V/M button, power on)? AND is yours the Part 95e version that is set to "US GMRS" in the MODE just above the Version number (or have you opened yours up to Transmit on Ham 2 meters and 70 cms and MURS)? When you push A-FUN on your mic, does a "func" appear in the upper left hand corner, next to either A or B? Are you on a Channel or VFO? Is it a frequency that is authorized for transmission? Of course, the Power Setting is the H, M or L in the upper right hand corner just below the amount of volts being supplied to the radio.
  4. Be sure to use the A-Fun button, then 0-Pow button on the Microphone ? to toggle between H, M and L. I use L for GMRS 8-14 and MURS.
  5. I forgot which frequency that is! It’s almost Valentines Day ?
  6. I used to use my Duracell Powerpack 600 with its included Anderson Powerpoles as my 12v home power supply. Was $145 with free shipping from Amazon .
  7. I know it is a controversial choice, but an UV-5R and the batch of similar $35 CCRs (such as my "opened" TYT-UV88), when set to low or medium power, are an easy choice to use for FRS/MURS.
  8. MichaelLAX


    "Certified myGMRS Authentic" I hear you can get the guy for cheap who forged State Seals on the State Electoral College Documents incorrectly claiming to the National Archives that the Trump Electors won; but you gotta act fast, before he goes on trial! ?
  9. MichaelLAX


    I bet @rdunajewski will soon be offering “official” myGMRS License Certificates suitable for framing for a modest fee!
  10. Can I feed an audio signal from my radio into the FT-401+ to decipher the Tone, or does it only work on RF nearby it’s antenna?
  11. Radioddity DB20-G: $109, cigarette lighter plug, 20 watts, programmable channels and split tones. Clone Anytone AT-779UV shown - $99
  12. You say that as if it is a bad thing?!? Reviews present information and information gives people the ability to select and choose an appropriate radio for now and maybe for later too! What's wrong with that?
  13. Why don't they just slap a MXT1000 sticker on it and be done with it?!? ?
  14. Just for the record, for those of you who do want to learn Morse Code, the Jerry Ziliak Morse Code cassettes, have been digitized to CD and are available at Amazon. His system is brilliant and easy to learn. He teaches each letter, number and punctuation mark by sending them in a series of 5 times at 21 Words Per Minute, but spacing between each letter, so that it is being sent at a true rate of only 5 WPM. That way your brain becomes accustomed to hearing each character at a fast 21 WPM but the brain is given time to hear, learn and decode it. Then as you practice, he reduces the spacing per character, so that your reception speed slowly increases, per your need, to higher speeds. This is how I learned to be able to receive 20 WPM Morse Code back in 1995, obtain my Amateur Extra class license and qualify for the first ever round of Vanity callsigns back in that day. And I enjoyed CW contacts all the way to the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia through my old Drake TR4Cw and a G5RV antenna (good sunspot cycle back in those days, too)!
  15. You completely misunderstood my post: I congratulate the FCC for dropping the Morse Code requirement!
  16. As long as you brought it up: I have always felt that legacy Hams, who were required to pass the Morse Code exam, such as myself, should, at least, have some differential on their Class of license, such as General Plus or Amateur Extra Plus, to at least acknowledge the historical fact that we satisfied those Code requirements. I am comfortable with the elimination of the Code requirement and with the sharing of same privileges, but I do not like the fact that our past achievements have been lost to history.
  17. What is your elevation? Which model Wouxun?
  18. Get your Tech Ham License and come join the: PAPA System Plenty of coverage from Southern California and Las Vegas and a chatty and informative crowd!
  19. I noticed another San Diego area GMRS user posted recently that he was hearing crickets!
  20. Why not test it both ways on both radios with a family member using the FRS and report back your results.
  21. Could you please list for me, what the KG-935G does for you, that the GM-30 doesn't? Thank you.
  22. Have you upgraded the GM-30 firmware to: GM30_APP_20210615? This fixes many of the issues of the original release of the GM-30.
  23. I forgot to check if RT Systems provided software for the KG-1000G and indeed it does and they offer a Mac version:
  24. [deleted as duplication]
  25. [deleted as duplication]
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