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  1. Haha
    Blaise reacted to WRXR255 in Repeaters. Linked Repeaters.   
    So, with that drama all out of the way...
    How do we combat this travesty of not allowed linking.
    A friend wants to know.
  2. Like
    Blaise reacted to SteveShannon in Repeaters. Linked Repeaters.   
    I peeked. No apologies needed. I overreacted. You’re back on my Christmas card list. 
  3. Confused
    Blaise got a reaction from WSDD439 in Repeaters. Linked Repeaters.   
    Well that's sad and disappointing.  I guess humor to make a point about too many threads on the same topic was too much?
    Someone tell Steve I apologize for upsetting his applecart...
  4. Haha
    Blaise got a reaction from WSDD439 in Repeaters. Linked Repeaters.   
    Check out this screed.  It might change your mind!
  5. Haha
    Blaise got a reaction from WRUU653 in Repeaters. Linked Repeaters.   
    Check out this screed.  It might change your mind!
  6. Thanks
    Blaise got a reaction from WRQC527 in Repeaters. Linked Repeaters.   
    Check out this screed.  It might change your mind!
  7. Like
    Blaise reacted to Suburbazine in Two repeaters on the same frequency and tones, 20 miles apart. What to do?   
    So what's the correct way to address a repeater conflict? Where I'm at seems to have 2 active repeaters on 550 141.3 and any transmits are coming back heavily stepped on in the region between. Is there an official way to contact both owners that isn't going to offend them? WRJZ925 and WRFL895
    EDIT: WRFL seems to have noticed my comment and deconflicted.

    PS: It seems like this would be a great chance for MyGMRS to do something really cool and check their database automatically for conflicts when new repeaters are listed. Don't know how complicated checking estimated range overlap would be, though.
  8. Haha
    Blaise reacted to marcspaz in NY State wide repeater network   
    I love me some good ole grinder action.  Not just that plain ham crap. A few days ago, I got myself a big Italian... so hot... I'm in love.  My wife says I need to stop for my own good, but brother let me tell you... salami, old-world capicola, pepperoni, mortadella, provolone, fresh out of the oven... I just can't help myself. The dude who made the sandwich was pretty friendly, too.
  9. Like
    Blaise reacted to WRVG829 in GMRS Transitioning to Hobbyist-Type Service?   
    GMRS is for what people will use it for, nothing more, nothing less.  I have a "practical communications" use -- comms for our CERT team.  I also use the radio to talk to the guys on the local repeater system because I'm interested in learning new stuff about the hobby.  Although I've been licensed for a couple of years, I just really started using GMRS a few months ago.  I now have *four* GMRS radios in addition to my ham radio equipment.  So I'm a "radio hobbyist" too.  The Queen seems to get pissy when the hobbyist set wants to lecture, and I don't blame him, uh her, uh it, uh Randy.  Telling someone what they can or can't do, what they should or should not do, or being a "rules lawyer" is rarely appreciated by anyone in any walk of life, including radios.   Don't be that person, and I'll bet you can be virtually anything else and be accepted in the hobby.  Even the Queen, although there can only be one.   
  10. Haha
    Blaise reacted to BoxCar in I fellow who coined "FARS" has put down his Kenword radio.   
    Between the ears
  11. Haha
    Blaise reacted to amaff in I fellow who coined "FARS" has put down his Kenword radio.   
    What a terrible day to know how to read
  12. Like
    Blaise reacted to WRXB215 in FRS radio recomendations for my non GMRS friends   
    I disagree. All my radios are cheap and serve me just fine.
  13. Like
    Blaise reacted to nokones in FRS radio recomendations for my non GMRS friends   
    Any Motorola Talkabouts. Very good quality radios. Midland is not bad either for FRS quality radios.
  14. Like
    Blaise reacted to SteveShannon in Club memberships required to use (aka Pay to play)   
    Relax, forums are meant for conversations and sometimes conversations meander, especially when the original subject has been exhausted. Calling people idiots almost never works. Of course, neither does telling someone to relax. 😁
  15. Like
    Blaise got a reaction from wrci350 in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    Hey, my ignore list just grew to six, and now this thread is much less aggravating...  I highly recommend it!
  16. Like
    Blaise got a reaction from marcspaz in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    Hey, my ignore list just grew to six, and now this thread is much less aggravating...  I highly recommend it!
  17. Like
    Blaise reacted to SteveShannon in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    You seem to be projecting. That’s a bad way to start a week. I hope whatever it is gets better for you. 
  18. Like
    Blaise reacted to WRQC527 in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    For the record, he didn't say it was  the incident being beaten to death on this thread. He used it as an example.
  19. Like
    Blaise reacted to WRQC527 in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    "Common Marc"? I mean, I don't know marcspaz personally, but I've read his posts and I think referring to him as "common" is a bit of an insult. In fact, as much as we do have in common, what with our shared interest in radio, each of us is unique.
  20. Like
    Blaise reacted to marcspaz in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    Okay... I am going to try this 1 more time.
    Let me put it to you like this... In general, GMRS transmitters may be operated and controlled remotely. Also, in general, GMRS transmitters CAN BE connected to public networks or other networks for the purpose of operation by remote control.  Since its a rule violation for GMRS repeaters to transmit on the 467 channels, preventing legal RF linking with repeaters AND remote operation IS allowed... how exactly do you expect people to be able to remotely operate their radios???  Easy.  Over the network connection they are allowed to have.  Otherwise, the rules allowing remote operation and network connections are completely pointless.
    OH, wait a minute!  Now that I think about it, there are no prohibitions preventing linking of control stations or fixed stations on the 467 channels.  I can't find a prohibition of linking GMRS repeaters via amateur radio repeaters or through encrypted tunnels on LMR business channels either.  If your goal is to get rid of linked repeaters... you can forget about it.  Even if you were somehow able to convince me you are right about the networking issues, it's not going to stop people from using other legal means of linking repeaters.  While network connections are the easiest legal means, its not the only means. 
  21. Like
    Blaise got a reaction from gortex2 in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    I don't want you to say anything at all.  I was simply trying to explain that your overaggressive attitude and unfounded insistence on being right in the face of logic and evidence presented to the contrary a) make you come off as a dick, and b) will never convince anyone of anything.

    But hey, by all means, if you want to just be blocked by half the people who read your posts, keep it up!
  22. Like
    Blaise got a reaction from GMA1970 in Official/Unofficial GMRS Road/Travel Channel   
    Since CB died, it sure would be nice if there were a way while driving long distances to put out a call to random strangers to ask how the road is ahead, and warn people about speed traps!
  23. Like
    Blaise got a reaction from WRUU653 in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    I'm pretty sure we all get the picture, but it's a picture of someone who really needs to be an expert on stuff that other people have clearly demonstrated they have more expertise with.  Maybe take the attitude down three or four notches?  You don't persuade people by yelling at them, especially when all you have to contradict their well supported arguments is sarcasm and "you're wrong!"...
  24. Haha
    Blaise got a reaction from marcspaz in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    I don't want you to say anything at all.  I was simply trying to explain that your overaggressive attitude and unfounded insistence on being right in the face of logic and evidence presented to the contrary a) make you come off as a dick, and b) will never convince anyone of anything.

    But hey, by all means, if you want to just be blocked by half the people who read your posts, keep it up!
  25. Like
    Blaise got a reaction from Radioguy7268 in FCC Shutdown of New York GMRS Linked Repeater System   
    I don't want you to say anything at all.  I was simply trying to explain that your overaggressive attitude and unfounded insistence on being right in the face of logic and evidence presented to the contrary a) make you come off as a dick, and b) will never convince anyone of anything.

    But hey, by all means, if you want to just be blocked by half the people who read your posts, keep it up!
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