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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. Read the one that’s already on the radio. You should always do that first anyway. Then look at what you want to change, which will be unique to your location. Change or add channels as needed and then write it back to the radio.
  2. Is there an AGC setting on the MXT275? Make sure it’s on. I doubt there is one, but on my radios that have it, it’s miserable working a mix of near and far people without using AGC.
  3. How much power do you want and what bands do you want to transmit on?
  4. The fact is that they’re narrow band can make them sound quiet compared to wide band radios. If you like the small form factor take a look at the Radioddity db20g, which is a small 20 watt transceiver that seeks for about $90 when it’s on-sale. I have two of them. The only con I have experienced is that they do suffer from a lack of different ways to program them and the factory software is lackluster. Or, for twice as much money, Wouxun makes a nicer 20 watt radio, the KG-xs20g, that has more programming tools available. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-xs20g.html?matchtype=p&keyword=wouxun kg-xs20g&device=c&adposition=&network=g&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC4SJ1gUs6OU0crXu5LdcxkR-lCkZ&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoae5BhCNARIsADVLzZes3rhPcQ8PZ3Hb10rhQC1HVihMz5dHDxQgilnrnDueC6YhO35xzCAaAqkMEALw_wcB Some of my best friends are mechanical engineers!
  5. Here it’s considered a secondary infraction, meaning they cannot stop you for failing to wear your seat belt, but if you commit a primary infraction you can be cited for any secondary infractions as well.
  6. Repeaters transmit on 462 MHz frequencies. But you must transmit to the repeater on a 467 MHz frequency. It’s possible that you’re transmitting on the same 462 frequency as the repeater transmits rather than the 467 frequency needed to get into the repeater. If that’s the case your signal could sound weak to them if they hear it at all. Make sure you use a repeater channel.
  7. Report your post to bring it to the attention of the owner.
  8. No guessing needed. A 50 watt radio draws too much current for a cigarette lighter circuit. Run the positive power lead for the radio back to the battery positive lead. The negative lead can go to one of the grounding points in your vehicle or can be taken back to the battery.
  9. Just get a lifepo battery, put it in a plastic anmmo box and wire power poles to it. Don’t make it harder than needed. Get whatever capacity you want.
  10. Unless you do something incredibly stupid with your radio, nobody will know and almost nobody will care, not even the FCC.
  11. People usually announce it on public forums.
  12. I have only tried one, but I suspect nearly all use the same chipsets at that price level. No. How could they? The antennas will be different depending on which band you want to listen to. A discone would be nice because of its wide coverage though. Plan on spending many times the cost of the SDR for the antenna. Yes. Both free and commercial software is available. Software is available for all of the more popular operating systems.
  13. Not according to the regulations, but from a technical standpoint yes, and many people do.
  14. I would contact Baofeng to see if they will warrant them. Honestly I haven’t seen many Baofeng failures like you describe. I have seen microphone jack failures. Have you tried doing a full factory reset? Might not hurt. Otherwise I would recommend taking them to someone who has some experience to see it they think they’re bad or incorrectly configured.
  15. That’ll do it. So when you tested the cable and antenna before was the adapter out of the circuit?
  16. Did this problem just suddenly happen or was it gradual?
  17. Yeah, don’t do that. Did this just suddenly happen or was it gradual? Have you had much rain lately? Moisture can ruin the ends of coax.
  18. No, not necessarily, but there are differences. 1-7 are limited to 5 watts and maybe wideband. 8-14 are limited to 0.5 watts and narrow band. 15-22 are limited to 50 watts and may be wide.
  19. I doubt that the antenna itself is bad. It’s much more likely that the coax or a connector is bad. Do you have a different piece of coax to try? You know that the shield and center conductor are not shorted together when measured from the radio end. That’s good. Take the coax off the antenna and see if there’s continuity from one end of the center conductor to the other end of the coax. There should be. Do the same for the shield. It should show very little resistance from end to end. Let us know what you find.
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