The fact is that they’re narrow band can make them sound quiet compared to wide band radios. If you like the small form factor take a look at the Radioddity db20g, which is a small 20 watt transceiver that seeks for about $90 when it’s on-sale. I have two of them. The only con I have experienced is that they do suffer from a lack of different ways to program them and the factory software is lackluster.
Or, for twice as much money, Wouxun makes a nicer 20 watt radio, the KG-xs20g, that has more programming tools available. kg-xs20g&device=c&adposition=&network=g&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC4SJ1gUs6OU0crXu5LdcxkR-lCkZ&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoae5BhCNARIsADVLzZes3rhPcQ8PZ3Hb10rhQC1HVihMz5dHDxQgilnrnDueC6YhO35xzCAaAqkMEALw_wcB
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