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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. Only if schizophrenia is involved. Actually I think I’m honor bound to defend the queen, now that I’ve been dubbed. How dare you suggest such a thing sir?! I challenge you to a duel! Tape measure antennas at dawn!
  2. Definitely opposites in many regards but other that state of residence I see almost no possibility of them being each other’s alter ego.
  3. Those are the reasons I do it also. I read the release notes (when available) and decide whether to take the chance on introducing new bugs. But the OP said it would be a door stop otherwise so I was curious for more information.
  4. All the rest of us thought it was very deep and meaningful.
  5. Will it not work using the current revision of firmware? Why do you want to upgrade the firmware?
  6. I thought that might happen so my sig only refers to the Medium End Radio Dork Experimeter (MERDE) level.
  7. I am humbled by this honor. I’m not sure I’m worthy so I will try a day at the middle level first. Thank you, Queen.
  8. Can I add HERD (higher end radio dork) after my name now?
  9. Try different bauds until you can read from the radio.
  10. Set a receive tone so you don’t hear it.
  11. Recording of DMR on analog with call sign..m4a To me those short sound files sound like DMR. Here is a longer sample, followed by a Morse code ID. I recorded it from our 70 cm DMR repeater.
  12. They can be. It depends on the frequency and the height above ground. EFHW are one of the most versatile antennas around.
  13. So it breaks the “privacy” functionality?
  14. @Suburbazine only posted three times and hasn’t been here since November. That’s not uncommon. I think a lot of people make a few posts and then move on.
  15. I don’t think it’s technically possible. CTCSS is a continuous tone that’s transmitted in conjunction with speech. If you try to modulate it somehow, you either end up with a non-continuous tone or a different tone. Likewise DTCSS sends a very small digital code over and over. If you try to overlay other data you’ve changed the code. But digital data is not prohibited anyway so why futz around with the CTCSS and DTCSS? Just send digital data. There are limits but those limits are less limiting than trying to repurpose the squelch control system.
  16. I agree in principle but very slightly disagree in practice. Instead of buying that adapter I would recommend cutting the cable between the radio and the cigarette lighter plug and installing a pair of PowerPoles. The only reason I suggest that this is better is because the PowerPoles are much less current limiting than the cigarette lighter plug and can be mated directly to almost any kind of power storage device. Your way is easier. My way is a slightly better long term solution (in my opinion ) and less expensive if you have the tool and PowerPoles.
  17. My first hf antenna was an End Fed Half Wave I built from a kit I bought from ARRL. Although it’s not as simple as a dipole it was just right for me nice because it had a low SWR for 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. I learned a ton from making it and tuning it. Recently i added a loading coil at the end and another short length of wire to be able to work 75 meters. I tuned it for 3910 kHz which is where the Montana Traffic Net meets daily.
  18. That’s a nice series of pictures and a nice job of routing.
  19. I think he was attempting to type “The only reason…”
  20. You bet. One other thing to be careful of is that the cable that’s used must have a solid dielectric rather than foam in order to withstand the typical stresses. Commercial mounts with cable already fitted typically use RG-58, which does have a solid dielectric. It’s lossy though at GMRS frequencies. Some people might be tempted to use something less lossy, but most cables with less loss use foam dielectric. So it’s really important to understand what you’ve got. To make things worse there are some brands of rig-58 that have foam dielectric.
  21. I haven’t tried all of them but Ham Radio Crash Course likes the Smiley and Signal Stick antennas. I have had good results with Diamond and Comet antennas.
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