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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. I agree. As long as the repeater isn’t operating while the vehicle is traveling, it might be just fine. Basically that’s what is necessary for temporary repeaters for emergency situations.
  2. By definition, repeaters in the personal radio services (part 95) are stations in a fixed location. I don’t know if that means it may not be moved from one location to another between operations: Repeater station. A station in a fixed location used to extend the communications range of mobile stations, hand-held portable units and control stations by receiving their signals on one channel (the input channel) and simultaneously retransmitting these signals on another channel (the output channel), typically with higher transmitting power from a favorable antenna location (typically high above the surrounding terrain).
  3. I’m not from Nebraska but welcome to the forum.
  4. I use a Radioddity DB20G that was on sale for under $90 recently. I bought 2 of them. They are mobile 20 watt units that are small enough to fit in a jacket pocket easily. The same radio is also sold as an Anytone. Configuration software is free and pretty easy to use. I unlocked one of the radios, which allows it to be used as a dual band ham radio for 2 meter and 70 centimeter. They might not be the best, but for my needs they’re good enough.
  5. What kind of help do you need?
  6. I’m still wondering what you plan to mitigate on GMRS with a 100 watt transmitter.
  7. I doubt it’s anything to do with your power cable. I wouldn’t even change it. Since the mag mount made no difference I don’t think it is your ground plane. Maybe the problem is the other end. Are both radios set for either wide or narrow band? They should match. Finally, I would try talking to a different radio. If the static persists then you have ruled out the other radio.
  8. You are probably not wrong in your assumption. Your process of scanning is probably correct, but as Gortex2 pointed out the repeater might be sending its ID without any tones. That’s sometimes how repeaters are programmed in order to avoid breaking squelch for any receivers. Your explanation made sense. Record the Morse Code ID and see if you can understand it, or upload the recording here in case someone here can help you understand it.
  9. I reported your post, not to get you in trouble, but because it does seem as though he sees and acts on reported posts.
  10. I thought it was only available with a 4 cylinder.
  11. Wasn’t it the Chevy Vega that required the engine removed to replace the right rear plug?
  12. I was one of their first hires in 1991 and unfortunately they went toes up in ‘92. Like most startups it ran out of money before it could get to production. It was a great job, my first right after graduating, and I learned a lot about every aspect of both electronics and mechanical design of that particular total station.
  13. No, we were working for a startup company trying to come to market with an infrared laser surveying total station. He could do the digital or analog design like few people I’ve seen before or since.
  14. One of the very best chief engineers I ever worked under had no college degree and no P.E. He had been trained in communications by the US Navy, and he had the knack.
  15. Here’s more information about the company and products in a livestream format.
  16. This chart shows most things: https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf Here’s an enlargement of one portion:
  17. I always wondered how hailing frequencies are set such that alien civilizations, whom we have never before encountered, know to monitor. Oh, well, for now, if I’m traveling I’ll just listen to channels 19 and 20 simplex, no tones.
  18. Plus Signal Sticks are made in the USA by the guy who also runs HamStudy.
  19. If any kind of officiality is desired for things like this, GMRS users should first establish some kind of users group. Perhaps one even exists in stealth mode. Clearly the FCC intends GMRS to be used to provide traveler assistance: § 95.1731 Permissible GMRS uses. The operator of a GMRS station may use that station for two-way plain language voice communications with other GMRS stations and with FRS units concerning personal or business activities. (a)Emergency communications.Any GMRS channel may be used for emergency communications or for traveler assistance. Operators of GMRS stations must, at all times and on all channels, give priority to emergency communications. (b)One-way communications.The operator of a GMRS station may use that station to transmit one-way communications: (1)To call for help or transmit other emergency communications; (2)To provide warnings of hazardous road conditions to travelers; or, (3)To make brief test transmissions. (c)Travelers assistance.The operator of a GMRS station may transmit communications necessary to assist a traveler to reach a destination or to receive necessary services. (d)Digital data.GMRS hand-held portable units may transmit digital data containing location information, or requesting location information from one or more other GMRS or FRS units, or containing a brief text message to another specific GMRS or FRS unit
  20. The GT5R supposedly cleaned up spurious emissions:
  21. It’ll reset during the day. It is an odd limitation. Paying for premium membership was almost worth it just for that!
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