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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. That’s what I was reacting to also, but I think it’s better to just let it go, at least that’s what I’m going to do. I can always put @MichaelLAXon my ignore list for awhile.
  2. There are lots of nets, many weekly. Also, I believe there’s a YouTube recording of a MyGMRS net if you want to hear how they’re conducted.
  3. Yes, tones below 260 Hz are filtered out intentionally by radios designed to receive and decode them. If you listen with a radio receiver that has no such filtering the tones could be pretty annoying. Think of hearing the 60 Hz hum of a loose transformer as part of every message, or the sound of a mosquito or buzz of a bee. Here’s an aftermarket CTCSS filter: https://www.masterscommunications.com/products/filter/plf15.html
  4. You’re absolutely right. I should have ignored @MichaelLAX; it wasn’t my place to react. I have no excuse.
  5. The radio that receives them filters them out.
  6. Except that what you and @MichaelLAX refer to as Communism, really isn’t. What people commonly refer to as communism today is just militant socialism. In true or ideal communism (which exists absolutely nowhere as a functioning government) everyone contributes equally and shares equally and there is no state. But the point is that even if @Sab02r had an inaccurate signature, @MichaelLAX had no business taking him to task in a public post. If he was offended he could have written him a PM. Better yet he could have ignored the sig, or he could have turned off seeing that one sig (a function that I didn’t realize existed, but which is nice to have for this very reason). If we’re going to start criticizing each other’s signatures we’re in a race to the bottom. Better to just walk away.
  7. The last two of the frequencies you listed are not GMRS frequencies, but the first two are only 500 Hertz away from the interstitial center frequencies - it may be that your display just doesn’t show the fourth place. You might be picking up either interference or digital transmissions on those frequencies. Unfortunately I have heard that there are some low powered devices that have been imported, such as baby monitors, which use those FRS frequencies. From the regulations: The GMRS is allotted 30 channels - 16 main channels and 14 interstitial channels. GMRS stations may transmit on any of the channels as indicated below. (a)462 MHz main channels.Only mobile, hand-held portable, repeater, base and fixed stations may transmit on these 8 channels. The channel center frequencies are: 462.5500, 462.5750, 462.6000, 462.6250, 462.6500, 462.6750, 462.7000, and 462.7250 MHz. (b)462 MHz interstitial channels.Only mobile, hand-held portable and base stations may transmit on these 7 channels. The channel center frequencies are: 462.5625, 462.5875, 462.6125, 462.6375, 462.6625, 462.6875, and 462.7125 MHz. (c)467 MHz main channels.Only mobile, hand-held portable, control and fixed stations may transmit on these 8 channels. Mobile, hand-held portable and control stations may transmit on these channels only when communicating through a repeater station or making brief test transmissions in accordance with § 95.319(c). The channel center frequencies are: 467.5500, 467.5750, 467.6000, 467.6250, 467.6500, 467.6750, 467.7000, and 467.7250 MHz. (d)467 MHz interstitial channels.Only hand-held portable units may transmit on these 7 channels. The channel center frequencies are: 467.5625, 467.5875, 467.6125, 467.6375, 467.6625, 467.6875, and 467.7125 MHz.
  8. You shouldn’t let “one bad apple” ruin your enjoyment and if you enjoyed your sig, leave it.
  9. http://www.hamgadgets.com/ID-O-MATIC-IV but for GMRS it’s every 15 minutes while in use.
  10. The basic checkin is your call-sign, first name, and city/town. So I just say WROM258, Steve, in Butte, Mt.
  11. Notarubicon did a recent video which showed pretty surprising results for a Ghost antenna.
  12. Usually on a net you just listen until called on to check in. Sometimes it’s very difficult to get in to check in, but there’s almost always a bit of a lull. Once they build a list of checked in people they might go around again, asking for a report, which can include anything from weather to signal reports to type of radio and antenna you’re using. My advice is to listen until you feel comfortable. For me that sometimes takes a while. ?
  13. Yes, but when you begin arguing the accuracy of another member’s signature line instead of simply ignoring it, it spoils enjoyment for many more than just you. Or is it all about you?
  14. You don’t have to read his sig. Turn off “View Signatures”.
  15. Rohm makes wall mount mast brackets that extend out to 24 inches from the wall. https://www.dxengineering.com/search/part-type/mast-wall-brackets They should work on either sidewall or gable ends. They also make an eave mount bracket that appears on the same page: Hy-Gain EVE-48 Eave Mount Brackets EVE48
  16. Let us know how it works out, please.
  17. Yes, you can put the vertical base antenna on the same pole as your TV antenna, especially if you have several vertical feet between them. Your TV antenna is probably a log periodic antenna, which is directional and covers a different band. I would try that first. If you don’t watch TV while you’re transmitting you probably won’t even know it. If you do transmit while someone is watching TV, run some tests to see if they get any interference. Make sure the mast is grounded. If the attic is much easier try that, but getting it higher makes more difference than having more power.
  18. Yes, it’s a sound card and tablet used for digital communications on ham radio, such as Winlink using VARA FM.
  19. I would expect the tail time to be a repeater setting, not in the Pi. I certainly could be wrong.
  20. I understand, but I was under the impression that the person in the photo I posted was higher up than the cannon fodder convicts. Can you tell me what the overlay near the microphone says in this photo?
  21. You asked a question. It was answered succinctly by @marcspaz and exhaustively why by @Lscott. You don’t need to worry about the extra thickness of the rubber. What additional help would you like?
  22. Well, I’m not interested in a comparison to ham radios, but it is funny that a group of professional mercs uses Baofeng radios.
  23. I just watched a video of Wagner Group in Ukraine. On one the microphone clipped to his vest appears to be a Baofeng.
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