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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. I’m glad you got that my description was over the top; it was meant to be. As you pointed out a properly grounded system with a quality lightning arrester will greatly weaken the energy delivery. I think it’s fine to disconnect the coax also. That’s also why a grounded coax switch is better than a loose coax end inside a glass jar. Of course disconnecting on the antenna end is even better, but may be more challenging.
  2. Disconnected outside the house and left on the ground with significant separation from the house will work. It’s not terrible. I just have a problem with the whole “put it in a glass jar” in the house. A spark that travels thousands of feet through the air won’t even blink once when it comes to a glass jar. I’d love to see that tested at a lightning lab! ?️ Ionized metal, vaporized cable dielectric, and air plus explosively expanding plasma in a glass container. What could go wrong? ?
  3. The thing is there are literally tens of thousands of communication sites that rely on high quality lightning arresters and and grounding systems with all grounds bonded. They ride through massive lightning storms. Not one of them relies on someone disconnecting a chunk of coax and placing it in a jar. A direct strike certainly introduces some uncertainty, but forcing the lightning to take an unknown path by disconnecting a conductor and placing it in a glass container rather than providing a path to ground is worse. It’s voodoo engineering and we shouldn’t perpetuate such ideas. This document has lots of information (chapter 4 I believe) and also lists many other references. https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/Lands_ROW_Motorola_R56_2005_manual.pdf An even more succinct one is the document I linked earlier in the thread, but this one is the most comprehensive I’ve found yet, establishing minimum distances between the antenna tower and any radio buildings, showing how to protect antennas mounted laterally on towers with lightning rods, and many other situations.
  4. Keep in mind that the grounded coax switch ii recommended was already secondary to a good lightning arrester. Paths to ground before entering the house in the first place provides more protection than a glass jar, which I believe is more myth than fact. Pretty sure NEC and ARRL don’t make such recommendations.
  5. There used to be a machine gun range that let people bring in computers as targets.
  6. We were pretty boring! But we had a NERC requirement that we had to comply with so we degaussed them and logged it.
  7. I had to laugh when an acquaintance of mine said, “What’s next, being able to fog a mirror gets you an Extra Class?”
  8. We used an industrial degausser.
  9. SteveShannon


    When I got to the payment page it wouldn’t appear correctly. I called the toll free number on the ULS site and a nice lady there was very unsurprised. Apparently that happens a lot. She led me to another page where I could pay and it worked very well.
  10. I don’t think you’ll ever notice the loss from 40w to 28w. Your antenna height will more than compensate. Just a couple more things about lightning protection. Proper grounding puts everything at the same ground potential. That allows the soil to absorb any voltage that would be conducted on the shield rather than following the shield into your home and equipment. But without a lightning protector on the center conductor of the coax which must be connected to the ground system, the high voltages associated with static electricity or a lightning strike to your actual antenna have a straight shot into whatever is connected to the coax, including your repeater. Even a temporary installation should have a good ground and lightning arrester. In your instance I believe the lightning arrester would be right at the soil level where your antenna coax enters your radio shack and tied into the ground system for the radio shack, which is also bonded to the utility service ground. Inside your house I would use an antenna switch that opens up the connection from the incoming coax and connects the incoming coax center connector directly to ground. I have read good things about Alpha Delta lightning protection. I’m a new ham and just learning what’s necessary and available for amateur radio. My background is electric utilities and utility SCADA where grounding systems were literally the foundation upon which everything was built. https://www.alphadeltaradio.com
  11. Edmo01 Congratulations! Although I’ve been somewhat interested my whole life, I just finally did my ham exams this month (Jan 6). I also used HamStudy, including buying the app for my phone and tablet. It made studying really fun and enabled me to pass all three tests. The older hams there were not much older than me and were very friendly. I think I’ll enjoy the hobby and I wish you many years of enjoyment as well.
  12. Tyke, Perhaps I misunderstood. Will you be running any physical connections between the house and the tower? Coax, power, Ethernet cable, cables for monitoring other conditions (you might have mentioned some kind of telemetry)? If not, then you don’t need to worry about it. I thought you were proposing disconnecting the coax from the house whenever you anticipate lightning. I apologize if I misunderstood. If there’s never going to be a physical connection, then disregard what I said.
  13. Nobody suggested that you shouldn’t disconnect your coax, but if you don’t tie your grounds together with #6 or #4 copper your coax will tie them together. Your radio will have one ground potential and it’s possible your antenna will have a different one. Just be sure and install an arrester as mandated by NEC.
  14. How is the power and ground wired to your radio?
  15. Here’s an article, written in English rather than “regulish”, on correct grounding for antenna systems. You really ought to reconsider your grounding. https://reeve.com/Documents/Articles Papers/Reeve_AntennaSystemGroundingRequirements.pdf
  16. All of the city of Seattle and north of it are above Line A. That may be about 4 million people or more. Metro Detroit is also above it. That's another 4 million. Lansing Michigan is also. It's metro population is about half a million. So, probably 10 million people live above Line A. That's probably 100 GMRS licenses. ? Edited to add more cities that lie above Line A: Ann Arbor, MI, Flint, MI, Duluth, MN, Cleveland, OH, Toledo, OH, Erie, PA, Syracuse, NY, Buffalo, NY, and Rochester, NY.
  17. That’s great information. I am not terribly interested in contesting (I think - I’m still a very new ham) but I am interested in things that lend themselves to medium distance communications and possibly someday long distance. I would like your post, but I’ve exceeded my like limit and the like clock doesn’t reset until later today, apparently.
  18. No, but I sure will. Thanks!
  19. I have been very interested in something like the Icom IC705 or the Elecraft KX2 or 3 for just such use.
  20. And I guess I should also add, what if we are sitting at home when an emergency call comes in on GMRS. What should we have prepared in order to be effective.
  21. It looks like they have a net on Tuesday nights at 2000. You might listen in on that to see what they say. I'm not much help, I'm afraid. Sorry about that.
  22. I understand your perspective. As an SAR person, GMRS would not be part of your plan. I'm glad. But I don't see that as being the perspective of the question. I see the question as being from the perspective of the average GMRS user, not someone who's already involved in emergency response. We don't go towards emergencies like emergency response people. Emergencies happen to us when we least expect them. Nearly always we would be calling 911 on our cell phones for an emergency, but what if we don't have cell service? Because we are GMRS owners/users, that might be the only communications tool we have available. So, from the perspective of someone who has an emergency or stumbles into an emergency and only happens to have a GMRS radio, how do we use it effectively? This is an area where you professionals could help us neophytes.
  23. Yes, uplink tones control access to the repeater. Downlink tones limit interference on your receiver. The wiki on Repeaterbook is quite useful. Here's how it defines "uplink tones" - https://www.repeaterbook.com/wiki/doku.php?id=uplink_tone This leaves me wondering how both you and your friend are able to receive from the repeater if you have receive tones selected.
  24. That repeater is shown as having an uplink tone, but not a downlink tone. https://www.repeaterbook.com/repeaters/details.php?state_id=05&ID=179
  25. Hi Marc, When calculating the transmitter efficiency rating, is that done based on the power that actually goes into the transmitter stage or does it include all power that is dissipated by the voltage regulator, power used by the receiver, etc? The reason I ask is because in a case like this, where 14.5 Vdc is delivered to the power input of the radio, if the radio has a voltage regulator to reduce that to 13.8 Vdc which is then delivered to the radio, then the actual power delivered to the radio would be 13.8 Vdc x 7.5 A or 103.5 W. 55% of that is still ~57 W, so maybe it's a moot point.
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