Without knowing exactly which repeater you’re asking about I’ll give a hypothetical and long winded answer.
Different radio manufacturers use different conventions for their channel numbers. One company uses 15 through 22 as their simplex channels and then 23 through 30 as their repeater channels. Another company numbers their repeater channels as 15RP through 22RP.
But there are also “simplex repeaters” where the repeater receives and transmits on the same frequency without an offset. Because there’s no frequency offset, receiving and transmitting may not be done simultaneously. Instead, a simplex repeater stores the received message and then retransmits it afterwards on the same frequency.
As far as tones, there are tones, which are called CTCSS or PL or similar names. The frequency of the tone will be expressed in Hertz (Hz).
Or there are binary codes called DCS, DTCSS, DPL etc. All the names mean the same. The codes can be inverted or normal.