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  1. SteveShannon's post in Understanding the requirements for power was marked as the answer   
    They’re considered mobile radios when not called out separately and subject to the 50 watt limit. 
  2. SteveShannon's post in Radioddity DB40-G Programming Cable was marked as the answer   
    There is a switch.  Immediately below the original question, over on the right, is a pair of buttons. You can choose to sort by VOTES or by DATE.

  3. SteveShannon's post in TD-H8 GMRS Handheld Receiving GMRS Repeater signals but not transmitting to GMRS repeater. was marked as the answer   
    Are you transmitting on the repeater frequencies?  They’re 5 MHz (467 MHz range) above the 462 MHz frequency that you receive from the repeater. 
  4. SteveShannon's post in "Extra" channels on Baofeng MP31. was marked as the answer   
    Those are extras for you to use so you can have more than one repeater programmed into your radio, for times when you travel or otherwise find a repeater with the same frequency but different tones.
  5. SteveShannon's post in UV-9G won’t transmit on programmed channels and it’s Notarubicon’s fault was marked as the answer   
    Some radios will scan for the tone coming from the repeater and Notarubicon ( @OffRoaderX ) has a couple videos about that, but there’s no guarantee that the input tone and output tone are the same.
    Anyway, until you need it, leave it blank for the receive side.
  6. SteveShannon's post in Motorola VX-2200 issue was marked as the answer   
    Sounds to me like the repeater has a very slight delay and you’re hearing it.  You could program in some hang time maybe or don’t let up on the PTT until a half second after you stop talking.
  7. SteveShannon's post in Retevis RT97 GMRS Repeater was marked as the answer   
    Can any of those be remotely controlled using DTMF? Especially #2 - Transit Function?
  8. SteveShannon's post in I buy the GMRS 9R and i got some confusion on setting. was marked as the answer   
    From this page:
    R-TONE Repeater Tone
    -  Used to activate those repeaters requiring a specific audible tone to be transmitted for access.
    -  Sending tone requires first pressing the PTT, then pressing the [F] key.
    This is not to be confused with a sub-audible CTCSS or DCS code. 
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