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Everything posted by PastorGary

  1. Staff Note for review: https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/51-equipment-technical-information-and-personal-responsibility/
  2. Some brands of the 'new and improved' LED traffic signal lamp assemblies are a major source of white noise. Tune a portable AM broadcast radio off channel in the middle of the AM broadcast band and walk toward a traffic light using LED's. Amazing how much noise is generated by those. Just one reference article of many: https://www.elektormagazine.com/news/led-rumpus
  3. Approximate** attenuation per 100 feet of cable at 462 mhz: Belden 9258 RG8X - 7.15 db Belden 9913 RG8 - 2.9 db Belden 9201 RG58 - 9.1 db Belden 8267 RG213 - 4.82 db LMR400 - 2.72 db (may have long term internal mechanical issues at UHF frequencies) Heliax 1/2 inch - 1.47 db [ ** ratings are from manufacturer datasheets for the specific type and series listed. Other manufacturers ratings may be slightly different.] `
  4. PastorGary

    Quantar build

    Staff Note - Guest posts must be manually approved before they show up in a guest thread and time delays are always possible in approving guest posts. Therefore, we are now recommending that the guest 'Aron' become licensed and join the forum as a registered member to better exchange information.
  5. Moved this 'For Sale' post to the proper area and edited out the email address. Anyone who is interested, please PM the seller to make arrangements. Please review stipulations: https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/1058-disclaimer-mygmrs-forums-individual-sales-posts/
  6. Are you a REGISTERED MEMBER at the main MyGMRS Repeater listing website? If so, what is your registration username there? ( Only licensed GMRS and AMATEUR operators can register at the main site, as well as here at the Forum once approved. Main site registrations are keyed to the FCC database and the site software compares your registration data with the FCC database. If the site software verifies your FCC license, it will register you at the main site. Once that takes place, you can then register here at the Forum manually and user options increase. )
  7. Please send Rich a PM here in the forum or a memo in the Contact button in the main website concerning the entry. I'm sure that he would be interested in what you found. Thanks.
  8. May 11, 2019, snowing 75 miles to my northeast. Tourism Board says, "Welcome to the area - Winter starts at 6 AM, Spring starts at 10 AM, Summer starts at 2 PM and Fall starts around 4:30 PM... dress accordingly."
  9. Jeff - Please consider a GMRS license - Also, please consider registering here at the Forum so you can interact directly with our members without your 'guestc posts' being placed in Approval Queue by our software each time you post.
  10. STAFF NOTE: Agreed... When a member starts a thread, it is a courtesy to keep it on topic. If anyone wishes to start a new thread on the merits and disadvantages of ANY such cell based comm system, please do so in the Private Discussion area. Thank you for your cooperation.
  11. You KNOW that you are way behind on your utility bill when someone from the power company goes to your home and blows out all your candles... and says, "We told you - no lights!"
  12. Staff Memo: Please remember that we have a "Private Discussion" area that can not be seen by guests, spybots, search engines or unregistered persons. It is visible to registered forum members and therefore, repeater access data can be shared in that "Private Discussion" area ONLY. Thank you. This thread is now closed.
  13. https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/licManager/login.jsp
  14. Thanks for your feedback. With all the threads and posts being dedicated to Midland issues and failures in recent months, the recommendation still stands - "Buyer Beware" Do your homework before you purchase anything and review the threads here at the forum regarding specific brands and models.
  15. On behalf of the MyGMRS staff, welcome to the forum, Please note that there is a 'Search Tool' located at the top right of the main MyGMRS screen. If you find a topic of interest, place a search word or two in that block and hit the "magnifying glass" icon. That will take you to a number of related threads and posts that will assist you in your information quest. If you do not find what you are looking for, please feel free to pose a question to our members in the appropriate forum posting area. We are all here to learn and to share and the communications related data available from our members is vast. Thanks for joining the forum.
  16. One of the most popular - https://www.amazon.com/Midland-WR120B-WR120EZ-Certified-Trilingual/dp/B00176T9OY
  17. Just to add to JohnE's post - The model that you mentioned is primarily a digital radio with analog capabilities. Digital voice transmission is not allowed on GMRS and there are features in that radio that could not be used legally on GMRS frequencies. The Kenwood TK880-1, TK880H-1, TK863G, and others mentioned by JohnE would be excellent choices and they are Type Certified for Part 95 operation.
  18. Staff Memo - The subject of this thread is important enough, for newly licensed user reference, to pin it to the top of this posting area.
  19. Welcome to the Forum. There is no registration of equipment, however, as a licensed operator, you are responsible for the proper operation of the equipment that you own or that is used under your license. Family members as listed in Part 95.1705 c 2: "Any individual who holds an individual license may allow his or her immediate family members to operate his or her GMRS station or stations. Immediate family members are the licensee's spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and in-laws."
  20. Speculation was that it was an over the horizon missile launch 'radar' detection system. ERP was thought to be over 10 megawatts and was heard back then on a number of HF frequencies between 7 and 19 Mhz. It routinely wiped out the transmissions from WWVH in Hawaii.
  21. Corey - I'll have to sit this discussion out. I have never owned or operated a GMRS repeater and therefore, I have not researched the topic covered in this thread in any way. I'll PM you with additional info.
  22. Check with member "Corey" - He may have some info on systems networked in several states, including some in parts of Indiana.
  23. Welcome to the forum. The TK860G is a fine radio and is easy to program with KPG59D software and an appropriate cable. Keep us posted on your progress...
  24. Hype6477 - Send me a PM with the correct data and I'll edit it for you.
  25. Was your mention of "456.725" a TYPO? That is a Part 90 ONLY frequency.
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