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About WRQC626

  • Birthday October 15

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    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. Sounds like the problem I had with the 1st mic that came with my KG-1000G when they first same out. BuyTwoWay Radios made up for it and sent me a new one at no charge. New mic corrected the problem immediately.
  2. I have a few of the orange colored Abree 771 dual band antennas and so far they work really well. No issues for me.
  3. I have a UV-5R and about 20 of us here in the Phoenix area passed around a UV-17R orange pumpkin to test out and put through the ringer. Everyone came to the same assessment. The UV-17R can be a decent listener and a UV-5R will eat it's lunch in the transmit dept.
  4. 1st was a Baofeng uv-9g. Current is a Wouxun KG-935G and loving it. Still have the UV-9G.. actually a couple of them for the rest of the family. I'm the only serious radio geek.
  5. Agree 100%. I'm a firm believer in the RTFM rule for anything and everything.
  6. Do ppl honestly believe any of that BS? I mean let's be honest.. Without identifying yourself, which I'm sure anyone that'd be looking to play outside the boundaries of federal law would obviously do.. LOL.. They really think they can be tracked like that? Great channel BTW man. Your reviews helped me in my decision making for equipment. A couple Baofeng UV-9G's and a Wouxun KG-1000G for my FJ Cruiser. Getting them all dialed in now.
  7. I also have the UV-9G and am getting the same whenever I program any local repeater. Just bought 2 of them earlier this week and delivered yesterday. No matter what when I press the PTT, it does nada. It works fine on all the preprogrammed frequencies. Also in Channel Mode.
  8. Greetings all. Just obtained my GMRS license last week and looking for a good, solid mobile unit. My whole reason for getting into GMRS is for off-roading .. with an emphasis on off-road recovery/search & rescue. Here in AZ there are A LOT of trails that none the wiser end up stranded and need help getting out of. I could never stand dealing with CB and always liked the fact you could take GMRS private. Not to mention the ability to use repeaters to bounce signal and increase coverage. Anybody have any recommendations on a good mobile unit? My CBs have always been either Midland or Uniden. I've read a bit on the Midland units and being able to setup as a mobile repeater for a group if/when we go out. Not that that would apply if I was out searching for a lost/out of commission rig. Glad to have found this site. Seems like a lot of good advice being given here. Chris
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