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GMRS, VHF/UHF communications, General radio monitoring
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WRQI583's Achievements
SteveShannon reacted to a post in a topic: Just passed my General class test on Saturday!!!!
Just passed my General class test on Saturday!!!!
WRQI583 replied to WRPL700's topic in Amateur Radio (Ham)
Congrats!!! I have had mine for a year now. I don't really do HF due to all of the DX'ing/contesting but if it is your thing, you are in the right place. PLENTY of room to play night and day. I built a doublet antenna. 450 ohm feedline with two 60 some odd foot long 18ga wires for radials. Real simple to build and covers the HF bands. When you finally get on the radio, starting in the afternoon, they have something called the HF activity group. Check them out at HFQSO.com Real great bunch of guys and a lot of fun. They cover 4 bands (17,15,12,10). -
GoferZeroSix reacted to a post in a topic: Family use of callsigns.
WSCG500 reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
WRQI583 reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
WRQI583 reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
Ah yes, those areas have a big GMRS presence on the radio. Sometimes I think it is more active than Ham.
I have had that happen several times and some times went as far as ripping everything apart and finally ending with the programming in the radio to find out it was a PL tone.
WRQI583 reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
LeeBo reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
I keep mine going as long as I am in the shack, which is usually in the early morning and evening, There is some activity in the morning but come evening, it is dead. I swear, some evenings I could sit there screaming "emergency" and no one would answer. That is just the nature of the area I live though. I think people go to bed early.
Like I said, in some areas of the country, it is busy, and other areas, it is not. I certainly am not desperate when it comes to wanting to talk to someone on the radio. I would like to have what I used to have with CB and Ham back in the day before cell phones where there were groups that were always known to be on a certain frequency or channel and you sat there and communicated and it was local. That was your means of communications, not cell phones. I think a lot of other people would like that and that is why many are drawn to linked repeater systems and internet linked Ham where everyone seems to be. Personally I dont get into it. I prefer plain radio. I prefer local and simplex or maybe a repeater if need be. I actually don't like the internet linked digital voice modes because it is linked on the internet. Where I live, Hams locally are on the radio at weird times and most of them are off the radio by 7 or 8 pm. Due to my schedule, I am not able to be on the radio at the same time that other Hams are and that applies to joining clubs. I have time most evenings but Ham is usually dead at those times in my area. I come from a time with Ham radio where local Hams were burning up the repeater late into the night just chatting. These days, there isn't much of that going on. Simplex is a no go with me and repeaters are not used often. I know everyone says that I need to sit there and keep putting out my call and say "listening" and keep persistent but I don't have the time. There are plenty of people who sit on the radio all day who can drum up business and they don't. No worries though. I just go in the other room and watch TV. Radio is a fun thing you do for about 10-15 minutes a day. Sadly that is what it has turned into and what it will be until the day modern comms fail. I know this is a wrong thinking but it is the reality of our world. I do not believe it or like it but it is what I have to accept.
What town is that? Maine may have activity, but it is not active like I am used to. I have 11 repeaters with simplex scanning in my radio and it has been since I sat down here at 630 this evening and not a peep has come out of that radio. There are many evenings that are like this. Go farther north and it is worse.
I dont know if that is how all Hams do it in Maine but that is unfortunately how I have to do it. When I am available to be on the radio, most Hams are not on the radio. Hams in Maine seem to go to bed real early from what I have observed. When I first got into Ham, Hams could be heard burning the repeaters up late into the night. Now, the repeaters are dead after 7 or 8 pm.
Oh and believe me, I cant wait until it fails. Maybe then, more people would be on the radio relying on it as a main means of communication rather than a hobby or a contest. Unfortunately, reality is what reality is.
WRQI583 reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
The simple answer? Yes. It sounds stupid and believe me, I hate it more than you know. I didn't get into radio just to use cell phones to figure out where I am going to talk. This is why I always loved CB radio or simplex/repeater on Ham. Everyone gathered there and everyone knew how to reach each other. Today, those means are not active like they used to be. You have the HF bands which have turned into a dumpster fire when trying to find a band to talk on (although it has been getting a bit better as of lately) and when it comes to talking to those out of my area on simplex, thanks to contesting and bands being up and down, there is no set place to meet regularly and besides, no one owns the frequencies. This is the reality that I have tried to show to other Hams when they all wanted me to get on HF. Until Hams stop using cell phones and are forced to rely on radio, cell phones will always rank higher.
WRQI583 reacted to a post in a topic: Why is nobody on the air?
It has already been said in here............ It depends on the area. Go to California and I am sure there are busy repeaters. Go somewhere else and GMRS is dead. Just like the VHF/UHF bands on Ham Radio, most places are dead. No one wants to bother with local communication when they have a cell phone. My wife and I both have GMRS and Ham licenses and with the exception of when we go out shopping or a few other activities, we use cell phones to communicate, as long as they work. When they dont, the radios come out. But everyone, and I mean everyone has a cell phone with the ability to have similar apps such as Phone, Texting, Zello, Facebook, etc to name a few. It is organized and guaranteed you will be able to instantly communicate with anther person. Not everyone has GMRS or Ham and even if they do, GMRS is limited and Ham has so much, there is no telling where a person might be monitoring and what mode they are using, so cell phones are a lot easier. Another thing also is that if most people turn the radio on and no one is on, before that person even decides to throw their call sign out, they turn the radio off. I used to have a nice setup going at my home with three different directional antennas hooked to a GMRS radio. Because I live in a hole and there are limited repeaters and no activity near me even though there is a very active group of GMRS operators in my state, I took all the antennas and coax down and unhooked the radio and stuffed it all away in the barn in a box. It was taking up space and doing absolutely nothing. Most people I would need to contact, Hams and GMRS ops included, all have cell phones and before any of us start to communicate, we pick up our cell phones and contact each other and plan what frequency we are going to be on. Very rarely do I contact someone straight away on the radio. It is very sad that communication has come to this, and believe me, I dont like it either, but it is what it is. Until Cell phones are abolished, radio will always take a back seat. There are quite a few factors as to why people are not on the radio and these are reasons I have observed.
Govt Interference (Think About Who is Really TYRANICAL ) Votes Count
WRQI583 replied to a topic in Guest Forum
In my opinion, if we had a large scale emergency, I do not think that licenses are going to matter. You will be more focused on loved ones and trying to survive and radio will be on the back burner on a list of priorities. On a small scale such as when a weather event devastates an area? It would be advisable for most anyone to possess both a Ham and GMRS license if you want to be of the most use in helping with communications. Please do remember that in a disaster, there is a good chance that repeaters wont work and if there is anyone in the Ham or GMRS world that still has the smarts, emergency repeaters or crossband units would need to be deployed to expand coverage. Either way, having both licenses is good to have. My wife and I have both and haven't used GMRS in quite awhile and rarely use Ham, but they are there if I needed them. -
WRHS218 reacted to a post in a topic: What about WebSDR?
With the exception of countries who do not allow you to "listen" to certain communications, you can receive (listen) to whatever you want and broadcast it wherever on the internet. It is once you begin the act of transmitting (talking, you or something you have is uttering a sound to others, taking from that internet and re-broadcasting onto a radio frequency) that you have an issue. In any sort of radio (at least in the USA) you can listen until the cows come home and then some. The second you transmit, if you are not properly licensed to do so, you are committing a crime. Listening, monitoring, copying, or whatever you want to call it, is one thing. Transmitting, broadcasting, re-broadcasting, sending, putting out some information is another thing. Simply put, the FCC does not want GMRS repeaters tied together by any means. They want your radio to go into the receiver, through to the transmitter and go back out. They do not want it taking a detour and heading out across the internet. If you know how a repeater works (which very few people who operate them do) you will understand the FCC much better. When it comes to SDR's, to the best of my knowledge, there is nothing wrong with broadcasting to the internet, just as long as it ends right there on the internet and does not proceed to head back out onto a FCC licensed and controlled radio frequency.
I'm one of those types of ready operators who like to sit down after a long day and ragchew with other operators on the radio. If I decide to turn my radio on, and want to communicate with someone, I want it to work. If it doesn't work, it gets shut off and I find another means. If nothing works, I shut it all off and go in the other room and watch TV. My TV seems to be on more than my radio this summer. Most of this summer, the solar flares and thunderstorms have shut down my radio operating. I really enjoy checking into the HF activity group in addition to a couple of other nets, but it's got to the point where I can barely hear anyone. For me, hearing only a couple people out of 30-40 people with most of it all static, gives me a literal splitting headache. I understand HF won't work 100% of the time, but this summer has been more than irritating and ridiculous. If my life was an eternal emergency, HF wouldn't bother me so much, but for me, radio is supposed to be a relaxing hobby. It's been anything but that. I am hoping this winter brings some much needed change, at least as far as thunderstorms are concerned. I only have a yaesu ft891 on a doublet antenna about 45 feet in the air, not a kilowatt on a beam like many people. 160-20 are the only bands that work in my area. 17-6 are very hard to receive and 10 and 6 have been dead since late spring, with 6 having nothing at all on it since I started playing with HF. I've tried several other antennas both vertical and horizontal and nothing. For some, a thin wire in a tree with 5 watts gets them around the world year round, round the clock. For me, I need much more.
GESchaefer reacted to an answer to a question: NY State wide repeater network
I have to agree. What many who love HF don't realize is this- if I need to communicate instantly, such as you would with a cell phone, generally, VHF and UHF will do this for you. Sadly, it has limited range. This is where HF comes into play. It has the distance, however, the band conditions have to be good to effectively communicate, and if you want to do short range, you are limited on the bands you can use and also what antenna you are using in order to do short range (NVIS). If the bands are dead due to space Weather, such as has been the case this whole summer, and then add into that all of the thunderstorms, especially ones that pop up for no reason whenever they please, you may as well just unplug your equipment and leave it shut off. I just got into HF this past spring. The beginning was pretty good. Great signals and I got real good distance at most anytime. Summertime rolled around and the highly unstable atmosphere with dangerous lightning, and the constant solar flares, and I have actually disconnected my HF and packed it away. Every time I would jump on, I had to keep plugging everything back just to find out I had thunderstorms threatening my area. When HF works, it works well. But lately, it's been highly unreliable. The only suggestion I could come up with is a linked digital voice mode. Sadly it uses internet, but generally it's more reliable than HF.
Why really some folks say GMRS repeater linking is illegal
WRQI583 replied to jwilkers's topic in FCC Rules Discussion