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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. Thanks! I sent back the second radio, but the replacement (the third one) also didn't work 100% (no FM radio as advertised). I took both UV-9G and some other FRS radios fishing last weekend, and they all worked great. I'm happy for now. And I decided I don't need an FM radio on my GMRS rigs haha
  2. I leave my roger beeps turned on. It doesn't trouble me, and I find it helpful when other unfamiliar folks are on the same channels since I can easily tell they are not addressing my group as their tones sound different than ours. It's the same argument as a commercial on a radio station; if you don't like it, change the channel.
  3. I'm quite happy with my UV-9G that I bought last month (after the upgrades were made). It came with the programming cable, so I have been updating the radio via CHIRP to my heart's content. Yes, the antenna seemed slightly canted during installation (probably due to the antenna mold itself, not the radio), but it sits straight and works fine. I picked up a shoulder mic that I like as well. The radio and mic have found a nice home on my fishing vest when necessary. I bought a second UV-9G, but it was defective, so the replacement should arrive today. Hopefully it will behave as well as the first one. Funny thing, the second one showed up with a headset which was not listed in the ad. Looks like I got a bonus!
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