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  • Name
    "LMC" Lisa Marie Coppoletta
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    San Marcos, Texas
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    QRZ Page https://www.qrz.com/db/ki5wep

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  1. Ok thank you so much!! Below is my mobile set up for UHF/VHF/GMRS https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/CMA-CA-2X4SR and https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/DMN-K702M Last week confirmed with DX Engineering that my Diamond X50 will work on GMRS - right now that bad boy is SWR 1 perfect we tested it on a rig expert and that device I was asking about - I just want to key up on my GMRS radios to be sure - hence the original question [key up on my mobile set up and my Diamond X50]. I'll check out your recs, always like to have a couple antennas - the Diamond X50 has survived tornadoes, ice storms and still working like a charm! My friend's comet works great ! I run HF, UHF, VHF, GMRS, and wanted to give CB a little try. I have a CB dipole to deploy and looking for something low key for mobile. Also taking a crack at CW via Long Island CW club. When we get these flood events, never hurts to have multiple modalities of communication. I find GMRS operators are so much fun and we have lots of repeaters popping up in Texas. I really have to thank Randy for his videos - that is what got me into GMRS. Have a Blessed Sunday WRXP381 Best, LMC
  2. YES, I agree - the only antennas I tune are my HF inverted vee and EFHW. I just want to be safe before I key up and not fry my rigs/hand held. Just a precaution, not an artistic project Speaking of CB - which antenna do you rec for mobile - maybe something rather low profile? Thanks for your help! Ok, so it really does not matter if it is UHF or Type N - this is good to know. All my coax is UHF.
  3. Good Afternoon, Which one is better for GMRS & UHF/VHF This one - my friend used his to test my Diamond X50 and confirmed its reading with a rig expert https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01D86IKIQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=A263LSCPZJCHO0&psc=1 [type N connectors] Or this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M7QPXEY/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_2?smid=A263LSCPZJCHO0&psc=1 [SO239] Is there a benefit to the type N - clearly the So239 would be easier. OR, do you have another recommendation. This would be for GMRS and UHF/VHF. I am noting these do not come with a ground plane dang it - I wanted to test the dual band Signal Stuff antenna for GMRS. Anyone ever do a try with the Signal Stuff dual band for GMRS? I have a rig expert for HF. Thank you in advanced for your help! Texas is starting to get the GMRS popularity and it is great to see!! Also I cannot seem to find a BNC connector version which is in stock for the Nagoya NA-771G. Any ideas? Best, LMC
  4. Or, more specifically (1) can we do this (2) how would we do this.....Im having an "ah-ha" moment. So, in essence only individuals can obtain GMRS license and not governmental entities. Correct?
  5. We have a couple of locations that the city controls. The city is willing to work with a group of involved citizens to put up a repeater. So, how would we do this?? Could a club or a group fo citizens who want to be proactive for emergency communications {in our situation flash flood alley in Texas] work with the city under FCC guidelines? Maybe these specifics will help y'all help me get this repeater up. Thank you to all for your help on this question. The grandfathering notion does not apply to our situation.
  6. So, there is nothing that prohibits a governmental entity from putting up a repeater ... correct? If it is for citizens to have weekly nets to practice for emergencies such as in mine with floods or occasional winter freezes which nock out everything including phone communication. The public would request permission for the tones to access the repeater.
  7. This thread helped me so much! I had successfully programmed my radio by hand and then for then with the KG-935G Chirp suddenly became compatible. Well then with Chirp I did something wonky. I just hit a repeater near my hometown and am just so excited. However, lesson learned know how to program by hand and also, bonus Chirp! Thank you again for this thread!!! On to programming and testing!
  8. All of these responses are very helpful. Thank you!!! So, I guess this begs the question, is there a workflow document somewhere for us to install install our own repeater? Im noticing the GMRS repeaters seem to be connected. Ive been focusing on my ham skills and am now switching back to learning GMRS. Goal: We want to be able to communicate across our community if we get another ice storm here in Texas and the phone lines go down again. Thank you again to all who are helping me!
  9. Yes, that is why we are looking into establishing GMRS in our community! It would provide an added modality of communication for citizens who do not have the time to invest to study and pass the ham test. I really appreciate all the help on my question. Still reading thru all the comments.
  10. Can someone point me in the direction of where this information might be or examples of governmental entity GMRS repeaters. Thank you!
  11. Chirp works like a charm on my Mac and my KG-935G is working so awesome! It is laborious to program by hand the names of the channels. I can copy and paste rows. Etc. Not clunky at all! I hope they have a Chirp release for your 905. I really like my radio. I even programmed in the ham frequencies and it is working like a charm to listen!!! Now all these channels are being put to use!!
  12. Oh my gosh, Im in San Marcos! I would love to talk to you about working Im doing with the city to try to get us up some GMRS repeaters. Is the repeater up yet here in 78666?
  13. I love Chirp for my ham radios! I dislike the cumbersome hand programming of the KG-935G. Almost broke down to purchase a PC laptop because the Wouxun software does not support Mac! Im one happy camper! It works like a Charm. See, even posted here today!! https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2022/09/the-wouxun-kg-935g-is-now-supported-by-chirp.html
  14. In my area of Texas we do not have many repeaters. We are working with a variety of entities to set up repeaters. How do I find out how many GMRS licensees are in my area? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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