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73blazer last won the day on March 27 2023

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  1. I think they just put it there in case you had one and wanted to share, you could fill it in. The caveat being the way the profile section is configured it shows percent complete and it seems to irk some people they can't get to 100%. The better action is to remove the percent complete business from the profile, as this isn't the first time this question has been asked.
  2. Like my census form, I like my profile at 1% complete.
  3. Most GMRS radios are just HAM radios with different software on them. HAM's like their memory banks. On my handheld I have all the VHF Marine, MURS, GMRS, and various GMRS and HAM repeaters on UHF & VHF in three different states I visit regularly, as well as some "generic" ones like 525/141.3 550/141.3 575/141.3 etc..even though many of the other ones I have are the same freq/PL I like labels with locations because I don't remember "this city has a 525" etc...That said I only have a few hundred filled.
  4. It wasn't in the order(s). And he's still listed in the FCC database with an active HV (Ham vanity) license. He didn't violate any HAM rules technically so that makes some sense I guess.
  5. But they didn't take away his HAM license.
  6. What's a "New Years Resolution?" ... oh those silly made up media things that get headlines every year, like the one going around now on NPR, CNN, BBC, FOX, NYT etc.....about going dry for 75 days. Yeah...good luck, and cheers! If one needs to make a "Ney Years" resolution about something, they probably need to see a therapist as there's probably much more in the locker that needs addressed.
  7. I've had it just over a year. No problems whatsoever. I have a Diamond Dual band 70cm/2m SRJ77CA antenna on it which is just about as good as a 771G Nagoya in GMRS bands. One time it came unclipped from my side-by-side and fell off and was left outside on the ground being rained on for over a week, before I found it I actually drove over it with the sxs. No damage at all! My HAM buddies sometimes rib me for running a "Chinese" radio. All I have to do is say, yeah, but it's dual band and only costs $160. And good luck finding a dual band HT that isn't Chinese and doesn't cost $1000+ and you don't need a $100/mo subscription to program it. I have one of the only other ones I know of a Yaesu FT65 (yes it says made in japan on it) while a decent radio a) it isn't chirp compatible and their software sucks , chirp says it works, and it takes the load but the chirp driver is broken as it adds a DCS code to every channel programed, in addition to any PL code which isn't even possible with it's menu's or software b) it's audio quality on both TX and RX can't hold a candle to the Wouxun.
  8. I run the UV8H. This is my main HT radio. Same exact radio as the 935 hardware-wise. Great radio! But it's not a GMRS radio, it's a HAM radio. You can use Chirp, if you were so inclined, to unlock the 8H to transmit GMRS. In those bands it only transmits 5.5-5.6w (which is why the 935 is labeled a 5.5w radio)> it transmits over 8w on VHF and 6-7 on most HAM uhf bands. The menu's are more or less the same as the 935 (I have those too I hand out to our hunting and off-road groups) they are just labeled rather oddly. It may be missing one or two features of the "plus" model, I dunno I don't have those only the 935 non-plus. Read thru the manual and you'll get a sense for it. And you can use it as a cross-band repeater, as in it receives VHF and re-transmits on UHF bands or vice-versa.
  9. Try Richmond 725 141.3 . Not sure if it's operational yet I think it is. I don't think there's too many people using GMRS for simplex cold contacts as you usually have to be within a few miles of them unless someones on a tower or mountain.
  10. Uh...have you looked at the map. There's loads of repeaters around there. Three should be easily reachable. Depending where in St. Clair county Mayville 550 or Macomb 675. Actually there's two in Mayville the 600 which used to be Michigamme network and the 550. Usually plenty of traffic on the Mayville and Macomb. Throw your call out someone will respond.
  11. Now it's let me in!
  12. I just asked a specific question, where is the violation in the FCC database .....as you described, based on your post saying very explicitly that there was a letter sent in the mail from the FCC outlining a violation complete with proposed fine and being that no such enforcement action exists, it sounds alot more like the operator(s) took down the linking at their own volition rather than any FCC action. I was just curious to see the actual violation wording and sections violated and how, but being that no such letter or action actually exists, I guess that's not possible. The call sign you mention does not appear to be a user on this forum as such the only way for me to contact said call sign is via USPS from the address listed in the call sign FCC database. It was a pointed specific question, no whining my friend. The only whining appears to be coming from an exclusive source.
  13. @WRXL702 your post said it was all "All Documented In The FCC Website For Violations..... " Well, if it's not in the FCC database of enforcement actions....it's not an official action and certainly not be anything anyone would have needed to act upon unless they wanted to. And any "proposed fine" (the wording the fcc always uses) or "pending fine" would certainly be documented in the FCC database and there appears to be none. So I'd love to know what kind of communication they actually received, because whatever it was, it was not official. And they almost never propose a fine until they have contacted you first (which would be documented in their enforcement database as well) asking nicely to cease whatever activity your doing that is breaking the rules and wait their requisite period of time for a response, after a no response then they *may* issue a proposed fine. Was it like the NY systems "friendly" email from the FCC guy under the table saying you should probably shut those down or you might get an actual letter?
  14. Is there a link to this violation notice? I just had a look at every type of enforcement action from July thru Nov and cannot find any notice of violation pertaining to GMRS, linking or $20k fine. I just picked every type, date july 1st thru today and nothing. Their search tool isn't the best, I could be missing something.
  15. Amazon
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