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Everything posted by WRUU653

  1. I agree with the weeding through 900 channels, I’d rather put in what I want myself. That said the KG-935G doesn’t pick up the 108-136 AM/Airbands or UHF 700-960 like the KG-UV9GX if that’s important them.
  2. Just to be clear, I’m not laughing at your weather situation but the “guess I’m a nobody” comment. I was wondering how long before someone chimed in on that.
  3. Used this stuff a bunch for electrical, a thin film is really all you need.
  4. I have never done this either. It seems to me that the aluminum boat in the water would be ideal for a grounding plane. My thoughts are you could almost attach it anywhere. That said many here know more about antennas than I and I haven’t found much on the subject as it relates to aluminum boats. I have been following this thread because we had an aluminum boat we took out in a bay regularly when I was growing up. This would have been a great way to communicate back when my brother and I were going out on the water. Many times people (tourists unfamiliar with the concept of tides) would go out on the bay, then get stuck when the tide went out. Not much to do but wait for the water to come back?. A radio would be great to get that info to them provided they had one.
  5. For over a century, the lake bed sediments have been slowly accumulating byproducts of human activities like mining, smelting and agricultural runoff. We've seen that the dust may contain elevated levels of potentially toxic heavy metals and manmade organic chemicals. The soil contains arsenic, antimony, copper, zirconium and other dangerous heavy metals, much of it residue from mining activity in the region. Most of the exposed soil is still protected by a hard crust. But as wind erodes the crust over time, those contaminants become airborne. Just a few lines of info out there. I did say similar. I became aware of it after seeing your documentary. I have a stepson in Salt Lake City so we have been paying attention to the area.
  6. Thank you for your reply. I was cautiously hoping they would find a way to have the mining help fund solving the water issue. Utah by the way is looking at similar issues with the Great Salt Lake drying up.
  7. Good on you for your efforts to bring attention to this Randy. ? A small win, but still a win. I don’t know much about the lithium mining they have been talking about but I was wondering if you have thoughts on it? Is there any hope that that might bring any money or help to the overall situation?
  8. Just wondering here, how are you sure it was coming from the repeater and not simplex? I’m wondering if they were using FRS for the race?
  9. I was going to compare it to going 5mph over the speed limit. Digital = Murder… sounds like a bumper sticker. Not a good one
  10. I defer to Sshannon and his expertise here, he won’t steer you wrong
  11. I have the same radio with the N-771G and found it to work well. The duel band would be a little better for scanning non gmrs frequencies but the Nagoya should be better for gmrs because it’s tuned specifically for it. I was able to hit a repeater at 14 miles (good line of site) with it.
  12. Perhaps I read too much into it. Sorry.
  13. 13:10 of notarubicon’s video I believe is what he’s referring too. Why everyone so angry all the time? It’s just radio’s.
  14. I used Motorola's for work back before cell phones. Reading your post about the iCOM reminded me of them. I wasn't familiar with this radio before. I can apreaciate the concept of solid and simple. Thanks for sharing the info. And the cup holder idea... well it's brilliant, solid and simple. Cheers.
  15. Well you seem like a fun guy. Who knew learning could be so fun. "I wouldn't get too excited" only talking about increases of power in watts. If there was somthing good in there I couldn't hear it over the static. I'll take willful ignorance and an 8 watt hand warmer for two hundred Alex.
  16. Mmmmm saffron ?
  17. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  18. I wouldn’t say I was excited about this, it was just a more realistic idea of an increase in wattage than MichaelLAX comment of 50 Granted I get that was a joke. I agree from 5 to 8 is likely not significant and I agree with all you are saying here. That said people always will be willing to pay for more (because more)? I guess if more is allowed than how much more? I’m not saying it should or shouldn’t. I just thought the lack of a stated max presented the idea there could be more and the fact that there are non GMRS HT’s out there that are more, well it would not surprise me to see it at some point in GMRS. Of course there could be factors at play that could prevent it or make it less feasible. I’m no expert on this, I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.
  19. I suspect you are correct here. A little dive into RF exposure evaluation and I have concluded… These are things I’m okay not understanding. ?
  20. No. But his observation does raise an interesting question. I see amateur HT radios at 8 watts. Why not that? I certainly don’t profess to know how much is too much or how that is decided or even if there is a correlation between frequency and acceptable wattage next to one’s melon.
  21. Yes I do like it for this also, I like knowing if I am even getting to the repeater from my location. I can appreciate wanting a clean transmission though. As for commercial not using it this makes sense to me. Wouldn’t much of your traffic if not all be going through the repeater? If that’s the case I don’t see the point in it.
  22. Tune in next week when we discuss Volume, how much is too much… can you pass the pretzels please ?
  23. Hey I just came in from doing yard work and it’s 71, sunny and warm, time for a cold one ?
  24. “Fixed station.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fixed station. Accessed 20 Nov. 2022.
  25. I know nothing of this other than the little bit I read but that seems impressive to me. Thanks for sharing real world testing.
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