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Everything posted by WRUU653

  1. I might have to go swimming for that ?
  2. The manual isn’t the best. You will find things that are from its Ham counterpart that don’t apply. The most annoying thing to me is under the section Functions and operations (1)=menu 0, (2)=menu 1 and so on. Never fails to trip me up when I am referencing something in a hurry ?
  3. Hey Michael, yes they are preset from 23-54 and a +5 offset is preset. I do use Chirp and I did try adding a repeater set up on channel 102 this morning and it does transmit as long as you are in a gmrs frequency. So if you wanted you could fill it up to 127 with repeaters. Also you don’t have to stick with the frequencies in their preordained order. You can change things around say if you had a different order you wanted. The offset can be changed also. It won’t let you add any non Gmrs channels for tx though, just receive. For that you need it’s Ham cousin the GT-3WP and yes that can be unlocked… though I would never ? One thing I would add is I did adjust the squelch parameters in chirp to dial out unwanted noise in scan mode. This seems to have different sensitivity from radio to radio for whatever reason. Gil
  4. In the video it looks like you are trying to TX in frequency mode which I think you will find you can't do on the GMRS version. like Borage257 said
  5. I have the Baofeng UV-9G and using Chirp I can program all 127 channels with repeater channels in the GMRS frequencies if I want and it will TX on them. Do you have duplex turned off? I have no issues with my particular Baofeng.
  6. Okay so I was a bit tired when I saw your post last night and in retrospect felt I could have done more to help... Here is a screen shot of a typical Chirp Repeater set up on your radio using the same input and output tones. Also you may find this info on Chirp tone programming is helpful. https://wiki.radioreference.com/images/0/0a/CHIRP_tone_programming.pdf
  7. I like PCRADIO’s suggestion of getting on the roof to test things out. It also looks like some repeaters in your area that you may be able to do a comparison with.
  8. What frequency are you trying to put in? Where in the radio (what channel space) are you putting it? Are you in channel mode when you are trying to tx. I have found Chirp is easier to use to program the radio. I like being able to see all the info on a page before me. You need to be in channel mode to tx and it needs to be a GMRS frequency and in the 1-54 channels. 23-54 are pre set for repeaters with +5 offset but that can be changed.
  9. Nice! Merry Christmas! ?
  10. I am intrigued! I will be tuning in to see how the mystery turns out… Merry Christmas, happy holidays and thank you, you my favorite YouTuber. ?
  11. Nailed it! MURS/GMRS = GMURS? No better yet MUGRS! ? sorry I’ll show myself out ?
  12. Nope.
  13. I guess if you really wanted a Retevis 40w repeater you could add their amplifier to their RT97. They say it's compatable. Non affiliated link below... https://www.retevissolutions.com/rt91-amplifier#A9132A.
  14. Not anymore it doesn’t. Cobra had one too. It’s also gone. I believe some rule changes with the FCC prevented this from continuing.
  15. Ahhhh man, they were there a second ago... Wrong Rack ?
  16. ?I think we can all relate to that.
  17. I couldn’t help but see the humor here?
  18. https://www.walmart.com/search?q=murs radio&typeahead=murs Well it seems if you drag it to files it turns it into a webloc, or at least it did for me but not if I drag it straight to text. It didn't matter which browser I used... I also was annoyed and I did it ?
  19. Sorry about that, I don't know why it did that because it was a copy paste. I was just as surprised as you.
  20. WRUU653


    You may want to read this thread too. It may take a bit longer. It all depends on when the FCC adds your new license to the data bank that is used by this site to update. In the meantime welcome. ?
  21. and yet...Radioddity MU-5 MURS Radio, License Free Two-Way Radio Rechargeable, Display Sync for Industrial Bus….webloc
  22. No worries, I wasn’t bothered. My thanks was sincere. I may have been wrong about the antenna. I would have just given you a “like” but I guess I was heavy handed with those today and mygmrs has said my cup is empty ?
  23. My bad, thanks. ?
  24. It looks like double threads with the same name here... one in equipment reviews
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