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Everything posted by WRUU653

  1. The Nagoya UT72 is duel band, not sure what antenna your rubber stock is but if it's tuned to GMRS specifically it would likely be better. Also and others here may elaborate more on this but my understanding is more isn't always better. If you drove as you say to the repeater and are putting out 40 watts I think you may be over shooting it. Don't use a 3 wood when a putter is what you need so to speak. I don't have any experience with the amp so this is just my thinking.
  2. Okay, I think that makes sense to me. I’m guessing that’s because you would be able to receive the same input audio (frequency) as the repeater.?
  3. I didn't notice this myself when I posted as I was posting the info on the same page relevant to OP's question about FM. I don't have that radio but your observation did get me wondering about my Baofeng UV-9G and sure enough the reverse frequency function is in the manual however it is locked down in the UV-9G. Looks like it is one of the things in the manual that it doesn't really do and is a feature in the Ham version of the radio (the GT-3WP) where it does work. So it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't work on the GMRS V2 as it looks like it is a gmrs version of the UV-82.
  4. also this...
  5. Well I guess I should have used smaller images... or just links. Sorry for the enormity of those ?
  6. what he said... I like Scotch 130C spicing tape (stretch it as you wrap it) it molds to itself and once it's on it's not coming off. If you really want to be sure it's sealed brush it with some Scotchkote after you tape it (but wear some latex gloves, it sticks to everything). No I don't have stock in 3M. Did I mention it's not coming off? So make sure to test everything first if you go this route.
  7. Welcome WRVK575 ?
  8. So 13.8 volts is in range of what your trucks alternator is putting out… why do you need a PSU in the truck plugged into an inverter? I could see it if your using the radio as a base station but the radio is designed for automotive power. Granted you will want the power going back to the battery for that radio do to the load.
  9. Seems like we've been down this road recently Regs don't list an actual power limit for HTs on the 462-467 main channels - Page 3 - Technical Disc… 2.webloc
  10. I think KAF6045 may be right here.
  11. If it gets uploaded and you don’t see it here after a couple days then give a shout out to Rich at support. https://mygmrs.com/contact
  12. I had my license and call sign for a couple of weeks before the FCC included it in the data base that this site uses to verify your call sign. It’s not just a matter of having your license already as MichaelLAX has shown. The FCC lags a bit on this it seems. Be patient it will be loaded soon. check here https://www.fcc.gov/uls/transactions/daily-weekly
  13. 5 watt is the max for a GMRS HT. I don’t think you will go wrong with your choice ?
  14. Oh man ? remember to tip your waitress lol
  15. I didn't vote. I'll just monitor GMRS on scan if I'm feeling talkative. I don't have a lot of flare on the truck. Nothing against it though and hey it's a magnet and that's easier to change your mind about then a sticker. No need for a bottle of goo gone and an hour to kill.
  16. WRUU653

    Michigan GMRS

    It's normal to hear a repeater on simplex. Just because you hear them dosn't mean you are going through the repeater but rather you are able to hear it's output. Unless you have the repeater input tone they won't hear you. The repeater output tone is what selects only hearing the repeater. If you don't set the the output tone from the repeater you will still hear it as you are. You just hear everything that isn't going through the repeater as well. Some people won't set the output tone until they are sure they are accessing it with the input and others just leave it off altogether. That's not to say it's an absolute that what you are hearing is from a repeater depending on line of site you might hear them on simplex. Short answer, no you aren't hooked up to it unless you set your radio to it's parameters.
  17. Remember to take the offset out if you are in the DIY channels and putting in frequencies for simplex not repeater. Good luck.
  18. I think what they are saying is if you want it you are going to have to put it up yourself or with friends. ?
  19. If you can't TX anymore I would check the frequency or you are not in the location of TX able programs 0-54. Check pages 25 and 26 for info on tones. I don't use them because as you may know it only keeps you from hearing others not from them hearing you. I do recognize you might have reasons to use them though. They are allowing TX up to 54 because of the predetermined DIY repeater channels, after that no TX only scanning.
  20. Okay so here I put a tone in. Hope this gets you there.
  21. I gave this a try in Chirp and seems to work there. I picked a random DIY and DTCS. I was able to TX and RX on another Radio. I really don't like trying to program in the radio itself.
  22. Hello, It sounds like you are likely not on the same frequency and or with an offset that is pre set. The DIY channels are all set up for repeater frequencies (channels 15-22 on your radio) the offset is already set as well. How are you setting up your programs? Are you doing this on the radio or in Chirp? I find it easiest to do these changes in chirp. You can change these programs to match what you want for your your sons 462.5625 in chirp. I hope this helps.
  23. So far I only hear Walmart and the occasional voice recording saying “alert zone one” alarm coming from a nearby care facility. I believe it’s a door alarm so someone with dementia doesn’t wander off. The first time I heard it I thought it said “alert someone” and was wondering anyone specific?
  24. I have one of these and I’m happy with it. It was a little snug in my Baofeng UV-9G so I just gave the antenna base a light sanding with some emery cloth, barely any at all. Just a few spins and it seated better. I doubt you would need to do that for your radio as I think this was more my radio then the antenna.
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