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  1. You will get many replies for and against, so it’s really a silly question. How about doing some research on your own, read reviews, watch YouTube videos, and form an opinion based on that. Consider using the search function here, where you’ll surely find more info. One thing is certain; Wouxun isn’t “the best”.
  2. Or…..you could have provided more information in your initial post. If you’re a local group, why not seek donations from the local members and community? Since you run an ARES group, consider asking local government for funding. Random folks on a GMRS forum don’t know you. Heck, you didn’t even provide a location! You didn’t really think this through now did you?
  3. Nevermind [emoji2957]
  4. I show Snohomish (Ch 22) using 141.3 tones, both in & out. I also almost never hear anyone over there and typically use East Tiger. Most of the activity seems to be on Cultus. There are also some repeaters up north; Sumas, Lookout 625, Marysville, & Whidbey Island.
  5. Fixed it for you Randy. [emoji41]
  6. Actually, you’re wrong…. again. The FCC page on GMRS says this: The GMRS is available to an individual for short-distance two-way communications to facilitate the activities of licensees and their immediate family members. Each licensee manages a system consisting of one or more transmitting units (stations.) The rules for GMRS limit eligibility for new GMRS system licenses to individuals in order to make the service available to personal users. (Some previously licensed non-individual systems are allowed to continue using GMRS.) Now, “to facilitate the activities or licensees….” is not specific, so the licensee may find discussing Indian restaurants or personal waxing techniques to be their desired act. You don’t get to decide that. To support this, on the same FCC page,it also says: Services that provide functionality similar to GMRS include the Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS), the Family Radio Service (FRS) and the Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). I think we all know that CB has been used to ramble on about random stuff. But wait, there’s more….the FCC also says this: None of the GMRS channels are assigned for the exclusive use of any system. Licensees must cooperate in the selection and use of the channels under a “listen-before-talk” etiquette in order to use them most effectively and to reduce the possibility of interference. And this: GMRS and the Family Radio Service (FRS), which share many of the GMRS channels, are intended for individuals such as family members and friends, scouting troops, emergency response groups, and hobbyists to communicate with each other over short distances, directly or through a repeater station. Linking repeaters, via the internet or other networks, undermines the purpose and usefulness of the GMRS and FRS. I think it’s pretty clear that “hobbyists” is the category where we place random radio geeks who like to rag chew about whatever. All that said, random people chatting about nonsense can be annoying just as CB was at times, but I do not find anywhere that specifies one must only use GMRS when “performing an activity” that doesn’t include just talking to others, which is itself an “activity”. I agree that Queen Randy is also correct, when he says GMRS is a brung your own friends type of service. While here in Western Washington State we have many users who engage in GMRS use to connect with others, a user shouldn’t expect that result everywhere. You pays your money and you makes your choice, as I’ve heard before.
  7. Well, you’re wrong….again. The cowl mount works fantastic.
  8. OK, looks like the speaker bar. We looked at this location in our JKU and decided against it, partly because we use both hard and soft tops and it won’t clear hard top. Also because we wanted the antenna outside of the cab. We also wanted a low-vis solution to minimize the chance of damage or vandalism. With those factors in mind, we installed to the removable piece at base of windshield. Super easy install, great reception, no issues. We also chose a Pulse-Larsen LP450NMO instead of Midland version, as the Larsen is lower profile. I used the Midland first on my Toyota, then swapped to the Larsen and found better performance.
  9. Yeah, “Little Nancy” can be overstimulating for some. Not judging.
  10. Sword fight! [emoji1787]
  11. The ceremony was quite memorable, but I don’t really understand the significance of the jar of honey and the midget dressed as Nancy Pelosi…..
  12. Rumor has it Queen Randy conducted the ceremony clad only in his mankini, woven from actual rubber ducky antennas and three strategically placed battery hatch covers.
  13. I picked up a pair of GTX67 Pro Midlands for my son and his girl. They aren’t “radio people” so the simplified operation is a benefit for them. It’s also a good match for the MTX575 in his Jeep. He’s been happy with them so far.
  14. Hoppyjr


    Pro Tip: always check for the Adam’s Apple.
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