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UncleYoda last won the day on November 1 2022

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  1. Something about what you're describing is not right. On UV5G, you can't program extra transmit channels, so you have to be able to set tones on the pre-programmed channels. That both tones can be changed and saved on already saved channels is one difference of the 5G from the ham version UV-5R. Don't put too much faith in what the manuals for Chinese radios say. The PTT issue sounds like what happens when trying the PTT on out of band (disallowed) frequencies. Where did you purchase yours from? Are you sure you got authentic UV-5Gs and not UV5Rs? What channel and frequencies have you tried? Are channels 1-30 the standard GMRS frequencies? Don't do a firmware update on any radio until you are sure you know what you are dealing with.
  2. No one is "arming people" - if they don't have defensive weapons (not necessarily guns), then they would not be asked to do any checks. My comment above is not intended to be right for everyone everywhere, it's just how I choose to approach it. And it is just a plan at this stage, no need to implement it yet. [The fact that someone on the internet or this site disagrees is meaningless to me (not to mention taking it out of context and twisting the meaning). ]
  3. For mine, I wouldn't send anyone out to do a wellness/safety check unless they are armed (and reasonably able) because you don't know what they may encounter.
  4. You're hoping to take over the Little Mtn. repeater? And if so would the membership and rules be the same?
  5. The notice doesn't give us much to go on regarding what they're looking for. Would clarification of existing regs be relevant? Or are they looking more for things like eliminating licensing for GMRS? I could comment on things I care about but I am not likely to help them cut costs significantly. I agree with SoCal's points and have a few of my own but I'm not convinced anything I suggest would receive serious consideration.
  6. Unless they changed it since I got mine, the GT-5R is made and marketed as a HAM radio. It was made to only transmit on HAM frequencies. The UV-5G is essentially the same radio in a GMRS version.
  7. There is, but it requires paid membership (more for family). 700 in Gilbert area of Lexington Co. and 650 in Columbia. The other, inactive ones listed for 550 and 575 might come back, hard to say.
  8. Any update or is this kaput? Like most forum discussions, it seems to have died. I just checked and there are 3 different listings for 550 in Lexington Co., none of which are working (2 are stale, most recent is offline). I'm getting highway flagmen on 575 (I doubt they're using FRS radios because they are a few miles from me). [Do these flagmen always use 575 in other places too?] And the occasional activity from Crowders Mtn. 575 repeater is still there. The Lexington 575 repeater is offline too but anyway it was Permission Required with no response to requests. So I'm looking for a different home base frequency to routinely monitor. I had an idea that if those in the area would agree on a tone we could use the 600 that mostly sits idle. So IMO 141.3 would be best to start with (typical for open repeater or travel use). Without a repeater, my range will be short but we do have several local GMRSers in range if they want to use it. FWIW, I heard users from Central Time zone on 725 so it is still linked. I don't know about the 650 and 700 members-only repeaters but I'm not monitoring those anymore.
  9. You are justified in asking, but no one here can give the official answer. The answer has to come from Brendan Carr or his employees. And it matters because fixed station is being used in a twisted interpretation way of using base stations for communicating through repeaters.
  10. In my region (Southeast) that would be repeater input, with output on 444.3000. Maybe your region is backwards.
  11. It isn't true simultaneous receive. It's Dual Watch (Timed? Dual Receive), which alternates checking the two displayed frequencies. It's good enough for normal people and $30 radios.
  12. What type of antenna connection does the MU-5 have?
  13. You haven't said what radio or which software! Company software for UV-5G: Edit > DTMF One example (for a different radio, ham version) using Chirp:
  14. UV5R or similar model - have to use software (Chirp or manufacturer) to set the ID.
  15. Ignore the scofflaws here (this forum is full of them) - you do not have to justify following the regs. (Why on earth anyone would trust a utuber joker is beyond me.) Knowing the radio is capable of more is worthwhile for emergencies, but you're right that it's best to not transmit on the extra frequencies normally.
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