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Everything posted by WRVG593

  1. Yes I realize that now. Now my new problem is after channel 30 (31-127) I cant TX using them. Just listen. Gr!
  2. Can't even find different coms for it! Whe. I programmed the UV5R I was able to and for this one the only one I can get is 3! Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Definitely harder to program than ghe UV5R haha
  3. It won't even let me copy to or from radio onto my computer. Very weird
  4. But I can't transmit on channels 31-127!!! And on chirp I can't even use the UV5X/G option for the simple fact that when I use chirp it won't copy from radio to computer or vice versa.
  5. Already got to that point. Now I'm at the point where it won't copy from the UV5G to the computer and vice-versa. Grr!
  6. Sounds like holding the PTT button for an extra few seconds might be the move after all! Haha. Maybe the repeater is one of the cheap ones using a few cheap radios instead of a Profesional one? Idk.
  7. The UV5R is a Ham radio and Is not allowed to be used to communicate on GMRS. But for emergencies I already have them programmed in. It's really not that hard.
  8. Well I wouldn't be too mad about the first 30 channels if I could just use the freaking frequency mode and channels 31-129!!! But it won't work!!
  9. Hey there. Got a new test radio today. The Baofeng UV-5G. If you're going to comment about how much you hate baofeng, save your energy. I have a few problems with the radio and figured someone here can help me. So I was annoyed to find out it came with 30 preprogrammed GMRS channels that you CANNOT change. There is supposedly no other way. You can change the RxTx Tones, and the name through BaoFengs program (get to the program later) and that's about it. I tried CHIRP and come to find out... the UV5G is NOT on chirp??? That's nuts. I selected the UV5X (it's the same as UV5G). But come to find out the UV5X and UV5X-GMRS are 2 separate entities. So what I WOULD have been looking for was the UV5XGMRS. which dosent exist on chirp. So I went back to the BaoFeng program. And you can't change the output frequency. Aka... the Offset!!! You know.. the things that make a repeater work? So not only can you not change the first 30 channels in general, but you can't create an offset in their program. But it gets better. So I download an XML file editor. I get the offset made. I think it's all good. I attempt to transmit... it dosent even let me transmit! I get a beep indicating I cannot physically transmit. So I go to Frequency mode. Tried and true, we all know with the 5R, you can field program it to hear the closest repeater. (Never transmit... that's against the rules!) But when I enter frequency mode on my UV5G... It gives the same beep that prevented me from using it. Wether I use a gmrs channel, an frs channel, a gmrs channel with an offset and tone... all the above. The same thing happens when I program it to have any more than 30 channels. So as soon as I get off 30, and onto 31 (let's say I programmed it as a .550 with offset of 5 and a pl of 67 hz) it will give the same beep. I will attempt to attach a video of the beep. Thank you for all help! 20221225_213919.mp4
  10. Baofengtech is made and sold on America to Americans. Baofeng is made in China, sold globally.
  11. I imagine you said AnyTone, but yes. Or even the Baofeng UV5R and its variants for a HT. But for monitoring of course. Obviously the UV5R is a Ham, not gmrs HT. But some say in dire need, those radios as well as the Cheap radios I've said work just fine, specially for a dual band radio.
  12. So what is the communities opinion on BTECH and their equipment? The only equipment of theirs I have is a BTECH U25 20-40W amplifier. (I am currently having troubles with it, so I will hold my judgement until its fixed) I would love to know how well their radios in general perform, whether they do better in Mobile Units or HT's, etc. If anyone wants to hop in and share their experiences with the company, it'd be great!
  13. The cheapest and least hassle? First thing that came to my head was just to hold the TX for another second or so before letting off the PTT. That way all you hear is a normal sounding tail of the repeater. But that's just my heads pace. Guy above said yoy could program in hangtime, but you stated you were new to this, and not knowing how new, you may not know how to do that. Until you figure it out, I'd suggest the lazy way I and the last guy said.
  14. Theoretically if you were to unlock and push certain radios past their restrictions and limits... theoretically. But we would never want to break FCC rules by using part 90 and part 95 uncompliant radios right? Basically as said before there are VHF and UHF antennae for these, although having an antennae that can receive both and not being dialed into one range/band will surely cause there to be some compromise in your rx and TX ability. And thus having a singular radio hooked up that can do both is theoretically possible... just not compliant with fcc rules and regulations. And we would never want to be uncompliant.
  15. So this frequency goes for about 10 miles, stops for about 5 miles, and then picks back up in a light indrstrial area. Any idea why? Once again it's a squelch noise I'm hearing, as if there's information coming that is only garbled noise.
  16. So I'm fairly new to radios. I've had a couple for roughly 3 months and have dove headfirst into all different types of radios. That being said I love scanning frequencies, creating lists for repeaters and other things in my area I'm sure to catch! (Such as I'm fairly sure I have one of the last Wendy's still using 400+ mhz range on their headsets). I was scanning all the preprogrammed frequencies I have in my radio, and one of those included the STARS and DOTS. Brown dot in my area is usually construction workers and crane operators. The STARS and other dots are not usually active, except the uncommon sound of a (water/sewage?) Public worker. That being said, the one frequency that stands out is 464.550, otherwise known as yellowdot. I haven't done muxh research on it, mostly because I love learning from you guys! My question is, why is it that yellow dot of all frequencies in my area is always buzzing... it sounds like my squelch is turned completely off. And it's the only one of the dots and stars that do this. Thanks! Wrvg593
  17. I also believe it was made for walmart. I don't see anyone else using them
  18. I want to try. but i don't have the right adapter yet. Definitely going to try. if my HT dosen't work properly with the antennae, we'll know its the antennae because the HT runs great.
  19. Right. I have those and understand how they work. I just didn't understand the simplex repeater. i assume the FCC isn't going to waste it's resources over a simplex repeater that seems to be in a... i'd say 2 mile range.
  20. I understand GMRS Repeaters much better. I actually have every repeater (Open System and the Paid Club im in) programmed in. I about the ruled though, i think there might be an old simplex repeater from when it was the Business Band? Maybe it was grandfathered in? IM not sure.
  21. Very Helpful. I understand how GMRS and HAM Repeaters work, but haven't had luck finding anything on MURS Simplex things. Very little information comparatively. But from what I understand is that the simplex repeater is generally unusual, underpowered, and usually not worth the time. I had noticed that me and another Radio user was able to get more distance on the channel in that area, but was not sure if it was a fluke or confirmation bias. It was just strange because using a GMRS repeater, the transmission has a tail that generally lasts 1-5 seconds depending on multiple factors. But I had never heard my own voice over a radio, especially not through my own radio 5 seconds after my transmission.
  22. Edit - Failed to Quote
  23. So to clarify, I receive and Transmit better with my rubber stock antennae while hooking up to my U25 Amp and Nagoya UT72. In fact, with the AMP and Magnetically mounted antennae, it is almost impossible to receive many signals, and it almost acts as a resistor for my wattage rather than an amp with my amplifier. For Example, I once drove to the repeater for a test, and using my rubber antennae got a positive tail on the repeater, as well as a human copy. Once plugged into the amp, even directly under the repeater, my transmission immediately dwindled and became scratchy, and even underneath the repeater became near impossible to pick up conversations over the repeater.
  24. My First U25 pooped out too! Then my second one makes strange noises when plugged up to a 12V that isnt a full 13.8V power supply which didn't happen on the first one. Strange, crazy, and annoying. Maybe i'll just keep the U25 in my Garage and hopefully it will be okay and hook up to my House Antennae okay.
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