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CPS programming issues w/cdm1250 for repeater w/id-o-matic



I have had a GMRS repeater active running 2 Motorola M1225LS radios using an ID-O-MATIC 4 controller and everything was working very good. Unfortunately one of my M1225LS radios failed, so I thought I would use a couple CDM1250's I have that are in excellent condition. I called Dan who builds the ID-O-MATIC controller and he said that the wiring configuration that was setup for the M1225LS radios would be the same for the CDM1250's. So I hooked everything up. Opened up my CPS software, and reprogrammed the CDM1250's to work (what I thought) as a repeater. I am able to key the repeater with my handheld via the RX radio, and the ID-O-Matic keys the TX radio just as it should. The problem IS........ There is no audio passing through the controller through the TX radio. I have tried, and tried to play around with the settings to get it to work with NO LUCK. I am not at all a wizard with the CPS software by no means. (And I'm sure I have things messed up with both TX, and RX radios). Anyone have a working code-plug for the CDM1250 that will work using an ID-O-MATIC controller? I am at my wits end. All help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

6 answers to this question

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Your problem most likely is the accessory pins. What pins are set for COR ? Also you need flat RX audio that is set under the same area. If you can post your codeplugs maybe we can help. You also need to change TX audio to mic and not flat as flat will use a different pin for TX audio. 

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On 11/11/2022 at 11:07 PM, WRUW570 said:

I have had a GMRS repeater active running 2 Motorola M1225LS radios using an ID-O-MATIC 4 controller and everything was working very good. Unfortunately one of my M1225LS radios failed, so I thought I would use a couple CDM1250's I have that are in excellent condition. I called Dan who builds the ID-O-MATIC controller and he said that the wiring configuration that was setup for the M1225LS radios would be the same for the CDM1250's. So I hooked everything up. Opened up my CPS software, and reprogrammed the CDM1250's to work (what I thought) as a repeater. I am able to key the repeater with my handheld via the RX radio, and the ID-O-Matic keys the TX radio just as it should. The problem IS........ There is no audio passing through the controller through the TX radio. I have tried, and tried to play around with the settings to get it to work with NO LUCK. I am not at all a wizard with the CPS software by no means. (And I'm sure I have things messed up with both TX, and RX radios). Anyone have a working code-plug for the CDM1250 that will work using an ID-O-MATIC controller? I am at my wits end. All help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!


I am running two CDM mobiles and the ID-O-Matic 4 in my repeater setup. I have found that occasionally regardless of programming, if the receive radio's volume is turned down, as in if you can't hear yourself talking, it will not pass audio, however I get my transmit audio from pin 11 of the receiver (discriminated audio) instead of pin 5 (flat audio), this may be the difference in my situation as I have never used pin 5 of the receiver to acquire the audio for the transmitter. I have found this on more than one occasion, so that may be something to look at. 

Here are screenshots of the accessory pins and accessory configuration on my setup. Hope this helps.... if you still need it, I can send you the codeplugs.


The Receiver Accessory Config.



The Recieve Accessory Pins assignment


***Using Pin 4 and 12 is not required, I use pin 4 as a remote knockdown using MDC-1200 and DTMF and pin 12 as a Repeater Controller reset. ***


The Transmitter Accessory Config



And the Transmitter Accessory Pins assignment


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On 12/5/2022 at 12:39 AM, Cactusboy19 said:

Pin8 on the receive radio should be set to "CSQ Detect,"  "Output" and "Low"
reference is here http://mymountain.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-to-program-motorola-m1225-radio-for.html

Side note, I have this set on both radios, so if I ever decide to swap the TX and RX radios they are both good to go.



Hope this helps.

Do you think is possible Run the software for Motorola mcs2000 on windows-10 laptop to programming the radio?

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AD4GC, you used a few screenshots to illustrate the pin placement for the ID-O-Matic IV and interface cables on the CDM1250 radios being used in tandem to make a homebrew repeater.  I'm attempting the same thing out here at my home and hope you might take the time to Elmer me through this. Thanks in advance.

I have all the parts and pieces however stringing them together in the right sequence may be a challenge I believe I can work through. The (correct) radio programming is the problem I feel is most daunting. For instance, the pin settings in the radio to match the rib configuration. Unsure how to set this - IF I need to make any mods.

The frequency programming for each radio leaves me uncertain.

1. Two radios, one Tx & one Rx. Does the Rx radio get both Rx & Tx boxes filled with the Rx frequency?  2. Does the Tx radio get both Rx & Tx boxes filled with the Tx frequency? 3. Are the radios programmed in 'talk-around' or simplex? 4. Ae there audio settings to be included? 5. Do I need to make modification to the pin settings? The pin settings below are NOT clear to me. 

Any, any help or guidance you care to provide is appreciated. My email is; gregg@wardlow.org 

Gregg N4RGW / WQLY786

  • ID-O-MATIC IV 4 built and tested (INCLUDES your GMRS callsign programmed) 
  • With two 16 pin rear accessory connectors wired to the controller (one for TX radio, one for RX radio) for plug and play to make an instant repeater from any two compatible Motorola radios (Any Motorola radios with 16 or 20 pin rear accy connector, programmed for pin-8 COR active low (or high changed in programming). For CDM radios, use center 16 pins.
  • Compatible with GM300, M10, M120, Maxtrac (WITH 16 pin rear connector), CDM750, CDM1250, CDM1550, M1225, CM200, SM50, SM120 and any Motorola radios with 16 or 20 pin rear accy connectors, programmed for pin-8 COR active low (or high changed in programming)
  • WITH VOICE AUDIO IDer board wired to and tested with above.
  • With enclosure

Motorola radios using 16 or 20 pin rear accy connector pins
TX radio pins:
Pin 2 Mic Hi (audio in) (WHITE to pin 11 IDOM4)
Pin 3 PTT active low (GREEN to pin 3 IDOM4)
Pin 7 Ground (BLACK to pin 1 or 12 IDOM4)

RX radio pins:
Pin 7 Ground (BLACK to pin 1 or 12 IDOM4)
Pin 8 COR (active low is default for IDOM4) (BLUE to pin 7 IDOM4)
Pin 11 discriminator audio out (YELLOW to pin 8 IDOM4)
Pin 13 +12 vdc (this is where IDOM4 gets its power) (RED to pin 2 IDOM4)

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