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Community FAQ Project


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Okay, I think many of us recognize that an FAQs thread would have some value.  So here’s what I propose.  

  1. Start a new topic in the Guest forum called FAQs.
  2. Whenever we see a good answer to a question we consider an FAQ, we copy the question and it and add it to the FAQs.
  3. We ask a Rich to pin it to the top of the Guest forum.
  4. I recommend we keep the bickering away from there.  For example, Iif I don’t agree with your interpretation of whether repeaters must identify, I should go somewhere else to argue and mark the question as ambiguous in the absence of an official ruling from the FCC.

How does that sound?


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On 8/22/2023 at 10:29 PM, WRXD372 said:

Maybe it's time to get started at the drawing board...

What would we need from admin to get this started ?!?

- We might need a new category - FAQ or Knowledgebase or WIKI - that board should not be a discussion board buy rather an 'announcement board'/

- Writing and editing privileges for selected / level headed volunteers.

- Editing privileges should include going back and editing / collaboration on the posts.

- Some collaboration of the contributors to decide on an initial set of topics

- ...

... time to weigh in !!!



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1 hour ago, UncleYoda said:

How would you settle disputes?  Even the OP of a thread can't remove comments, so it would need a moderator to keep it clean.  I haven't seen any active moderators on this site, other than the owner stepping in on rare occasions.

We could bring them back here and vote on them?

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WRYZ926 Ya I'm always amazed at how many people don't seem to want to do any research of their own. They get an idea that they want to get into radio, get on you tube for five minutes run out and buy a Boofwang (thanks Randy) and then find a forum and start asking "how do I work this thing and why will no one talk to me? I must need a repeater, whatever that is".

I spent a couple months researching and reading this forum (and others) before signing up. I was able to answer most of my questions just by reading. I bought books on radio communication.

Most of the questions they ask can be answered with a search on the forum.

I agree that an FAQ section could be useful to point them to.

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