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Does anyone here own the GMRS version of the TIDRadio TD-H3?  And, yep I know that the H3 can be put in three different operating modes.

I own the H3 and am working on a review and notice that they specifically sell a GMRS version.  Best I can tell the FCC ID of that is also:


Looking to see if the GMRS advertised version has a different FCC ID.

That ID number doesn't have Part 95 certification.

I don't much care if it does or doesn't or what the ramifications of that are.........I'm just writing a blog and trying to accurate.  So far I can't find a different FCC ID for the radio marketed as GMRS.

  On 4/17/2024 at 3:17 PM, WRVY822 said:

I just got this radio. Which mode do you guys run in? I have a GMRS license, but no HAM license yet. Is there any advantage to running in Normal mode versus GMRS mode?



In Ham mode, it only allows transmitting on ham frequencies.  On GMRS mode, you can only transmit on the pre-programed GMRS frequencies. In normal mode, you can transmit on every frequency from 136 MHz to 520 MHz.  That's pretty much it.

  On 4/17/2024 at 3:17 PM, WRVY822 said:

I just got this radio. Which mode do you guys run in? I have a GMRS license, but no HAM license yet. Is there any advantage to running in Normal mode versus GMRS mode?


Do you have a need to transmit on ham bands or emergency bands in the event you’re in a life threatening situation where cell phones are not useable?  
Some people spend a load of time far away from cell phone and gmrs repeaters.  Some times those activities can put you in life threatening situations.  If that is you I’d leave it open to all frequencies and program as many repeaters and emergency frequencies as I could get my hands on that are local to the area you will be In.  If that’s not you are you worried about end of the world, shtf, apocalyptic events?    If so leave it open.  If your just a gmrs operators that doesn’t care about anything else then set it to gmrs and have fun 


For now I have it set to GMRS mode. I have a local repeater on the A band and a local HAM on the B band to listen. When I press the middle PTT button, I noticed that the red light comes on and the screen indicates that I am transmitting. Now I don't have any of the tones setup for that frequency, but I was surprised that the radio acted like it was transmitting. I expected a tone or nothing to indicate that transmitting on HAM was not possible. Just curious.


In theory, the GMRS version will only transmit on GMRS frequencies, and it will have repeater channels with the offset baked in.


When I put my GMRS version in Normal mode, the GMRS channels are no longer programmed into memory, and I thought you could transmit on HAM and GMRS in Normal mode, and HAM frequencies when in HAM mode, even if it's an advertised GMRS version.


@WRVY822 A GMRS type certified radio is not supposed to allow you to transmit on both HAM and GMRS at the same time. Some radios appear to get around the separation of hardware issue by wiping out the programming every time you switch from one service to the other and only allow you to transmit on one service at a time.

There are HAM radios that can transmit on GMRS frequencies but you are not supposed to use them for that.

I do not have the radio in question so I can't tell you what it actually does, I can only tell you what it is supposed to do.


@WRXB215 My understanding of this radio (TD-H3) is that it can transmit on both HAM and GMRS only when the radio is in Normal mode. Someone correct me if I am wrong about this. If that is true, I was wondering what the difference is between the HAM and GMRS versions being sold on Amazon. The antennas are different and the FCC ID#'s are different. I wasn't sure if there was anything else that made the radios different.

  On 4/23/2024 at 4:03 PM, WRVY822 said:

@WRXB215 My understanding of this radio (TD-H3) is that it can transmit on both HAM and GMRS only when the radio is in Normal mode. Someone correct me if I am wrong about this. If that is true, I was wondering what the difference is between the HAM and GMRS versions being sold on Amazon. The antennas are different and the FCC ID#'s are different. I wasn't sure if there was anything else that made the radios different.



This is just an "I think", based on owning a couple... from what I see, the Amateur Radio and the GMRS radio are the exact same radio, in every way, shape and form.  What distinguishes the GMRS radio from the Amateur Radio is the stickers, labeling and what firmware is loaded at the time of sale from the manufacturer. 

Again, making assumptions based on past experience owning some of these, the firmware for all versions of the radio are likely stored in a controller memory.  Because each radio is identical, all 3 versions of the firmware are stored.  There is a BIOS (Basic In/Out System) that is independent of the firmware loaded.  The BIOS will look at the boot options and see if there is a command to go to a boot menu or load the stored data in the EPROM (aka ROC/Radio On a Chip). 

If there is no indication to load the boot menu, the BIOS loads the current radio configuration, memories, restrictions, etc..  If there is an option selected to load the boot menu, the BIOS will load the menu.  Depending on what you pick, if anything at all. the bios will flash the EPROM with the firmware stored on the controller memory and then reboot, loading the new operational state. 


This is why all of your saved memories and settings gets wiped when you change modes/types.


Just to recap what I mentioned before, in Ham mode, it only allows transmitting on ham frequencies.  On GMRS mode, you can only transmit on the pre-programmed GMRS frequencies stored in a memory channel. In normal mode, you can transmit on every frequency from 136 MHz to 520 MHz.

  • 2 weeks later...

Are there 2 different channel modes on the TD-H3? When pressing the orange V/M button, the voice prompt says "channel mode" twice. Seems like it is cycling through 3 different modes.

  On 5/7/2024 at 5:21 PM, WRVY822 said:

Are there 2 different channel modes on the TD-H3? When pressing the orange V/M button, the voice prompt says "channel mode" twice. Seems like it is cycling through 3 different modes.



Yes, if you have Sync enabled, there is a channel mode for A and for B.  When you disable Sync, because there is only a single channel bank, you only get the channel mode option once.


I've cycled through all 3 options and they do what they say.  Every time you change it deletes things.  At the end of the menu system, it opens up even more frequencies above gmrs, but every time you upload to it, you have to change those settings again.  About to do a firmware update and see what that opens up.  Nice little radio, it replaces my 1.2 meter, 2 meter, 70cm ham radios along with my FRS, MUCS, GMRS and Marine VHF radios as well...


I bought two of the H3's to replace my Cobra Microtalks. I only used them on the FRS channels for several years because I was worried the Men in Black would show up and cuff me. Got my GMRS license and was slightly upset the GMRS channels on "high" power didn't work much better.

We'll see how 5 watts and a better antenna work.



  On 5/8/2024 at 7:42 PM, WRFT961 said:

I bought two of the H3's to replace my Cobra Microtalks. I only used them on the FRS channels for several years because I was worried the Men in Black would show up and cuff me. Got my GMRS license and was slightly upset the GMRS channels on "high" power didn't work much better.

We'll see how 5 watts and a better antenna work.




What setting were you running when you were using them for FRS?   FRS and gmrs are all the same. FRS is only limited but wattage.   Sooooo I’d bet you were actually transmitting on high not 2watts or less.  So you would experience no difference since if you were on high 5watts you were actuall using gmrs all that time. 

  On 5/8/2024 at 7:52 PM, WRXP381 said:

What setting were you running when you were using them for FRS?   FRS and gmrs are all the same. FRS is only limited but wattage.   Sooooo I’d bet you were actually transmitting on high not 2watts or less.  So you would experience no difference since if you were on high 5watts you were actuall using gmrs all that time. 


I normally transmitted on FRS 8-14 which are hard set for low (.5 watts) and after I got my GMRS permission slip, I went to one of the other channels and set the HT to High power (a whopping 2 watts) I still couldn't see a difference.

I'll add that GMRS in New England is not popular because of the generally mountainous terrain, so calling out my call sign and asking if anyone hears me, was probably not going to work ever with 2 watts and a stubby fixed antenna.

Hopefully I'll be able to reach the repeater in the next town over.


I ordered the HAM twin pack from Amazon.  Should I return it and order the GMRS twin pack?  The HAM  had a one week delivery time when the GMRS had a six week delivery date.  My research shows it's the same radio.

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