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Linked Repeaters


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37 minutes ago, Hoppyjr said:

Please make the linked repeater thing stop…. emoji849.pngemoji1787.pngemoji854.png

Gotta go with that Don Ameche in Trading Places voice "turn the machines back on, Turn the machines back on!"

Although actually not, maybe?  I really don't have a (dead) horse in this race not being a repeater user of any regularity.

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41 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

Nice try FedBoi !

Sorry, just a newbie who has heard about linked repeaters. Sorry I stepped on your notARubicon sensibilities! Yes, I do watch and do enjoy your style of not so subtle sarcasm, really am just a beginner. Even watched your YouTube video on the subject so am not surprised by the comment. Too bad all the linked repeaters are either going down or hiding in the Roman catacombs. Nice meeting you anyway snob boy…just thought the Fedboi comment deserved some kind of come back…

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I don’t care about linked repeaters, but it’s almost like people refuse to use the search function and the same threads happen over and over. I wish people would do just a little homework before flogging the same dead horse.

Also, the latest iPhone software seems to conflict with the Tapatalk app. Whenever I quote a post it gets emoji-bombed.

Now get off my lawn!


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OK, now that you all have made fools of yourself and chastised the guy.

Linked repeaters are now expressly forbidden by the FCC.  There have been a LOT of discussion about the topic in recent months from both sides of the isle so to speak.

But the one thing we can agree on is we don't want to hear about linked repeaters any more.  It's not really your fault that we have been discussing / arguing the topic since before you joined the site.  Yes, you could have searched 'linked repeaters' and probably figured out that it's not a topic to bring up now.  But that's water under the bridge... Like a freakin tidal wave of water, maybe a tsunami, a small one, but still in the classification.

So, there SHOULD NOT be any linked repeaters anywhere on GMRS.  Of course there are still a few, but they don't get talked about.  And no one is going to admit to having one on here if they do still have them in service.

Sorry about the man children around here.  The group is mostly well behaved and full of useful information and is typically friendly. 

But there are the occasions that they don't get their nap, forgot their safety blanket at home and act like children after you took their favorite toy from them.  Then it turns into a day at the 'day care' in the toddlers room.


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7 hours ago, WRKC935 said:

OK, now that you all have made fools of yourself and chastised the guy.

Linked repeaters are now expressly forbidden by the FCC.  There have been a LOT of discussion about the topic in recent months from both sides of the isle so to speak.

But the one thing we can agree on is we don't want to hear about linked repeaters any more.  It's not really your fault that we have been discussing / arguing the topic since before you joined the site.  Yes, you could have searched 'linked repeaters' and probably figured out that it's not a topic to bring up now.  But that's water under the bridge... Like a freakin tidal wave of water, maybe a tsunami, a small one, but still in the classification.

So, there SHOULD NOT be any linked repeaters anywhere on GMRS.  Of course there are still a few, but they don't get talked about.  And no one is going to admit to having one on here if they do still have them in service.

Sorry about the man children around here.  The group is mostly well behaved and full of useful information and is typically friendly. 

But there are the occasions that they don't get their nap, forgot their safety blanket at home and act like children after you took their favorite toy from them.  Then it turns into a day at the 'day care' in the toddlers room.


Ooops…I remember those days (not much else), me bad!!! Is there any popcorn left?!

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8 hours ago, WRKC935 said:

OK, now that you all have made fools of yourself and chastised the guy.

Linked repeaters are now expressly forbidden by the FCC.  There have been a LOT of discussion about the topic in recent months from both sides of the isle so to speak.

But the one thing we can agree on is we don't want to hear about linked repeaters any more.  It's not really your fault that we have been discussing / arguing the topic since before you joined the site.  Yes, you could have searched 'linked repeaters' and probably figured out that it's not a topic to bring up now.  But that's water under the bridge... Like a freakin tidal wave of water, maybe a tsunami, a small one, but still in the classification.

So, there SHOULD NOT be any linked repeaters anywhere on GMRS.  Of course there are still a few, but they don't get talked about.  And no one is going to admit to having one on here if they do still have them in service.

Sorry about the man children around here.  The group is mostly well behaved and full of useful information and is typically friendly. 

But there are the occasions that they don't get their nap, forgot their safety blanket at home and act like children after you took their favorite toy from them.  Then it turns into a day at the 'day care' in the toddlers room.


It depends on how you link the repeaters. I don't see in the rules where a network of linked repeaters by RF such as any operational fixed equipment such as Microwave or even an in/out of band FX1 station, such as 70 Meg control, is prohibited by rule. Anyone?

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"Linking multiple repeaters to enable a repeater outside the communications range of the handheld or mobile device to retransmit messages violates sections 95.1733(a)(8) and 95.1749 of the Commission’s rules, and potentially other rules in 47 C.F.R.  Repeaters may be connected to the telephone network or other networks only for purposes of remote control of a GMRS station, not for carrying communication signals. 

In addition to violating Commission rules, linking repeaters is not in the public interest.  Because GMRS spectrum is limited and used on a shared “commons” basis, the service only works well on a localized basis when users can hear each other and cooperate in the sharing of channels.  Linking repeaters not only increases the potential for interference, but also uses up a limited spectrum resource over much larger areas than intended, limiting localized availability of the repeater channels."


Linking Multiple Repeaters...... Pretty Much Self Explanatory.

Key Word - Linking. Not Necessary To Explain Every Possible Means.

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I don't understand the people trying to come up with some loophole for this.  A linked GMRS system in range of me has finally done the right thing and de-linked their repeaters.  The other night, I heard about four to six guys having a pity party on the repeater closest to me about "how wrong it is" that the FCC has taken away their linking.  One or two trotted out the false notion that RF linking will be legal once they figure out how to do that. What was missed by all of them was that they were all on one repeater, having a nice, friendly, conversation, and it was working just fine despite the absence of linking.  Also unnoticed by them I feel sure, is that three or four other repeaters were open and available to others in the respective local areas of each repeater, for similar conversations, contact with family or friends on the road, or other originally intended uses of GMRS.  I have yet to hear a GMRS conversation taking place on one repeater, that the world would suffer if it were not simultaneously broadcast over multiple other repeaters.

I spoke with an old regular contact and over-the-air friend last night who lamented the loss of linking on that system.  I mentioned the advantage in that now, each repeater can carry its own, local area, conversations without disrupting that ability over a 100 mile long path for others.  As he thought about it, he agreed with me.  He did wish for the ability to at least link as needed, but I think he will adjust well to the change, with time.

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1 hour ago, Raybestos said:

I don't understand the people trying to come up with some loophole for this.  A linked GMRS system in range of me has finally done the right thing and de-linked their repeaters.  The other night, I heard about four to six guys having a pity party on the repeater closest to me about "how wrong it is" that the FCC has taken away their linking.  One or two trotted out the false notion that RF linking will be legal once they figure out how to do that. What was missed by all of them was that they were all on one repeater, having a nice, friendly, conversation, and it was working just fine despite the absence of linking.  Also unnoticed by them I feel sure, is that three or four other repeaters were open and available to others in the respective local areas of each repeater, for similar conversations, contact with family or friends on the road, or other originally intended uses of GMRS.  I have yet to hear a GMRS conversation taking place on one repeater, that the world would suffer if it were not simultaneously broadcast over multiple other repeaters.

I spoke with an old regular contact and over-the-air friend last night who lamented the loss of linking on that system.  I mentioned the advantage in that now, each repeater can carry its own, local area, conversations without disrupting that ability over a 100 mile long path for others.  As he thought about it, he agreed with me.  He did wish for the ability to at least link as needed, but I think he will adjust well to the change, with time.

I agree with all of the above with one exception --  which was first brought up by a poster on this forum, so no credit to me.  If you have two local repeaters that are separated by a mountain, seriously limiting the range of both, linking the two should be allowed.  More than two, no.

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5 minutes ago, GreggInFL said:

I agree with all of the above with one exception --  which was first brought up by a poster on this forum, so no credit to me.  If you have two local repeaters which are separated by a mountain, seriously limiting the range of both, linking the two should be allowed.  More than two, no.

Playing devils advocate here, why should there be an exception to talk to the opposite side of the mountain? That’s usually no longer local.

Of course the real solution is to put a single repeater on top of the mountain. 

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7 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

Playing devils advocate here, why should there be an exception to talk to the opposite side of the mountain? That’s usually no longer local.

Of course the real solution is to put a single repeater on top of the mountain. 

The out-laws are not that smart

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