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31 minutes ago, WSHB443 said:

Steve, I apologize for my ignorance here:  What is/are RT Systems?  I'm guessing that's a radio programming software suite?  Thanks...just lurking/figuring out what mobile radio I want to buy.  I'm leaning towards the DB-20G as a less expensive alternative to get started with.




Hi Bill,

Don’t feel like you have to apologize for that!  RT Systems is an American company that has developed an entire series of programming software and cables for ham and GMRS radios.  https://www.rtsystemsinc.com

4 hours ago, WSHB443 said:

...I apologize for my ignorance here:  What is/are RT Systems?  I'm guessing that's a radio programming software suite?  Thanks...just lurking/figuring out what mobile radio I want to buy.  I'm leaning towards the DB-20G as a less expensive alternative to get started with...

The Radioddity DB20-G, also sold as the Anytone AT-779UV, is a great starter radio, I have one both in my Car and in my Shack, and holds up as a long term radio as well.

It comes with its own free to download Code Plug Software on the Radioddity website.

If this is your first time writing an analog code plug and you have a Windows computer, you may not need the additional $25 software from RT Systems, because the biggest investment of time is the first time you build your code plug.

I have various tips in how to write that first DB20-G code plug for future growth, and as I am limited in time this morning, I will be happy to share them with you, if you respond that you went ahead with its purchase; as well as the pros and cons of purchasing the RT software for a beginning user of the DB20-G.

Good luck!


Thank you Steve and WRYS709 for your replies.  That helps.  I will probably try the free software first, just to see how the radio is programmed from the factory.  I will check out the RT website anyway, just to learn more.


I took the plunge and purchased a DB-20G "kit" directly from the Radioddity website (free shipping).  When you figure in the extras (mag mount for antenna + cup holder radio mount) it was a pretty good deal for me to have a portable mobile system that can move between vehicles/house/shack until I decide to get another.




5 minutes ago, WSHB443 said:

Thank you Steve and WRYS709 for your replies.  That helps.  I will probably try the free software first, just to see how the radio is programmed from the factory.  I will check out the RT website anyway, just to learn more.


I took the plunge and purchased a DB-20G "kit" directly from the Radioddity website (free shipping).  When you figure in the extras (mag mount for antenna + cup holder radio mount) it was a pretty good deal for me to have a portable mobile system that can move between vehicles/house/shack until I decide to get another.




If you don’t have many channels to add the free software is okay.  Unfortunately it doesn’t allow import, export, or copy/cut and paste.  Starting with the factory software makes sense.  You will know if you outgrow it. Maybe by then Chirp will include it.


There are about four or five repeaters that I venture near to add to the radio.  I also figure if there is ever a firmware update (and I "need" to install it), being familiar with the native software is probably a good idea.


After all this chatter on the DB20-G, I bought one and popped it into the lady's car for a recent road trip where we were using two vehicles. It's a really great little unit for the price. We're often in a situation where we are using two cars, so this is not a one off.

After I got home, I set about doing some programming. Overall, I am pretty happy with it. I also bought a DB25-G for my truck, sadly it stopped working on day two, so that's gone back and I've opted for a second DB20-G. This way, I can keep a common code plug for the radio's.

As noted above, you are limited in what you can program while in GMRS mode. I've unlocked it (yeah I know! It won't get used on the HAM bands as I have another better dual band for that anyway) and have programmed it to my specs.

I only had two repeaters to code, but I've now named the GMRS and FRS channels as I like, and turned off the dual watch. The color display makes reading the display easy. Perfect for my lady who is not a radio geek!

Overall, happy for now and an inexpensive way to chat between vehicles.



WSEN940 thank you for the post about your experience with this radio.  I'm hawking the mailbox for the day mine arrives.


Also, thank you for your experience with the DB25-G.  Reading through multiple on-line reviews (mostly on the jungle website), I noted how many people had the DB25 completely fail within the first few months of use.  Pretty surprising, considering that most of the complaints about the DB20-G were related to output power not being exactly 20 Watts when measured, but much fewer issues with the robustness of the radio itself.  The bad comments about the DB25 were enough for me to steer clear, just to potentially get 5 more Watts of power for less reliability.


Question for the group:  Does everyone isolate their power, much like you would for a CB radio, and connect directly to the battery and ground point, in order to avoid any electronic interference noise?  Does everyone just use their cigarette plug as is?


I'm comfortable wiring direct in my pickup, as I've already done so for my CB radio setup.  For now, this radio would roam between vehicles as required, and I might not want to do a direct wire setup for every vehicle.  I'm sure there are trade-offs, but unless the radio is completely unusable, I will probably use the cigarette lighter in my car and wife's car for the time being.


I've got mine plugged directly into the lighter. I'm assuming that they thought about power spikes. I do have some connectors coming so I can plug it into the battery though. I'll cut the lighter plug off and re-do the end so I can use either or.

@WSHB443 I attached my code plug for the unlocked radio. It might give you a start point. I'd copy off the default one on your radio before you do anything else.

This one has my listing of the GMRS and FRS channels and only two repeaters...so you can edit those out and put in your own. This could be useful for anyone else that wants a default setup for GMRS that's not too complex.

Note I also have dual watch turned off and only displays a single channel.

You will also want to edit the start up message in the config too....it's got my calls sign in there.

DB20-G Settings Unlock w Repeater.dat

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