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Anyone have some good photos of a compact radio installation for operating bicycle mobile radio? I've toyed with the idea a bit and wonder what others have done. Some of the requirements are a good antenna for the Ham and GMRS bands, and the ability to quickly install and remove the radio for security reasons. Hands free operation would be a definite plus.

44 minutes ago, Lscott said:

Anyone have some good photos of a compact radio installation for operating bicycle mobile radio? I've toyed with the idea a bit and wonder what others have done. Some of the requirements are a good antenna for the Ham and GMRS bands, and the ability to quickly install and remove the radio for security reasons. Hands free operation would be a definite plus.

AI could probably handle it! 🤣


Hmm... That's an interesting question. Does it need to be something other than a handheld? There are a couple of 20 watt HTs here and here. I wouldn't be too enthustiastic about holding a 20 watt radio up to my temple, but with an extension mic, it should be fine. You could put it in a bag or box to take when you leave. You could even have a pretty long antenna attached to the bicycle.


I can see a cheap single side headset with boom mic working for hands free with VOX. And if the wind and road noise is too much for VOX, then maybe a remote PTT button on the handle bars.

I can see the wind being an issue with VOX though. Out combat vehicle helmets had transmit, intercom, and off switches. And man would the wind at 25 -30 mph cause you grief when you were set on intercom. The other crew members would get on you for it.

2 hours ago, TDM827 said:

If a handheld is acceptable, especially if it can hit a repeater that works for you, bicycle cops get good results with them. 

If a mobile is required you can probably find what motorcycle cops use, I am thinking if you use a ground plane antenna it could be a challenge.

Below was taken from: https://www.k5pa.com/Ham Radio/Bicycle Mobile.htm

Just google it.



This is more along what I was thinking. I was considering the use of a Comet CA-2x4SR wide-band antenna if I can get enough of a ground plane for an acceptable match. Otherwise I would have to go with a 1/2 wave design, which likely would be limited to just the Ham bands.

The radio would very likely be an HT. The high gain antenna would help mitigate the power issue. I do have a couple of Mirage dual band FM amps and power it off a LFP battery pack if I need the power.

The radio would stay securely in a utility vest. The extra pockets can be used for spare battery packs. I was thinking of using a short pigtail coax from the radio terminating in a BNC connector. That would connect to the coax running to the antenna mount. That leaves just one quick simple connection to when getting on or off the bike without having to mess with antenna port on the radio itself.

Some of the radios I have feature a voice announcement function. Once I get use to what’s programed in each zone/memory slot I wouldn’t need to pull the radio out to look at the display. Of course being on a bike I could just stop if it’s really necessary to look.

I’ve looked at some headphones, signal sided, and a throat mic to cutout wind and road noise. The radio would use VOX operation for hands free use. The sets I’ve seen are rather expensive.


Here are a few headsets at DX Engineering. I have not tried any of the Heil HT headsets but I am pleased with the Heil BM-17 dual headset that I use with my Icom and Xiegu radios.


They are either $35 or $39 depending on if you go with single or dual side headsets. Heil headsets will be better quality than anything you find on Amazon.

9 hours ago, WRYZ926 said:

Here are a few headsets at DX Engineering. I have not tried any of the Heil HT headsets but I am pleased with the Heil BM-17 dual headset that I use with my Icom and Xiegu radios.


They are either $35 or $39 depending on if you go with single or dual side headsets. Heil headsets will be better quality than anything you find on Amazon.

I'll look into those. Heil Sound is well regarded. The price isn't bad either. Thanks.


You're welcome.

The Heil headsets are the first thing that came to mind. I would personally go with the single side being on a bicycle. That way you can still hear what's going on around.


@BoxCar is correct. definitely check your state and local laws. Missouri is one state that bans both ears covered while operating a motorized vehicle. I would have to dig into the state statutes to see if that covers non motorized vehicles on public roads.

I know that you definitely get a "DUI" on a bicycle and even on a horse in Missouri. They do word it slightly different when not operating a motorized vehicle but the charges are the same.


I had a backpack setup of a FT817 mounted to pegboard. HF went through a tuner and would connect to whichever antenna system I brought with me. On the side it had a 2 piece PVC mast where the stock 6/2/0.7m antenna was above my head with a set of 6M stingers hanging down. I was able to hike with 3 bands, and I did take it on a bike ride once. Control was through a bluetooth CAT controller and a phone app. Let me see if I can stir up any photos.


44 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

I had a backpack setup of a FT817 mounted to pegboard. HF went through a tuner and would connect to whichever antenna system I brought with me. On the side it had a 2 piece PVC mast where the stock 6/2/0.7m antenna was above my head with a set of 6M stingers hanging down. I was able to hike with 3 bands, and I did take it on a bike ride once. Control was through a bluetooth CAT controller and a phone app. Let me see if I can stir up any photos.


Nice! I have a similar setup for my FT-857 and auto-tuner, but used thin/cheap plastic cutting boards and drilled holes as required.

3 hours ago, BoxCar said:

If I remember correctly, most states have laws against having both ears covered while operating a vehicle. That would depend on an officer classifying a bicycle as a vehicle which, technically, it is.

When I ran my IC-706MKIIG in a van I used a single sided head set with a boom mic for the exact above reason. The radio was setup for VOX for "Hands Free" operation.

2 hours ago, WRYZ926 said:

know that you definitely get a "DUI" on a bicycle and even on a horse in Missouri. T

Many Many years ago I had a buddy who got a speeding ticket on his 15 speed bike for exceeding 25 MPH on a residential street. Yeah, it really happened.


I 3d printed a custom designed holder for my TD-H3 that I zip tied and fastened to my handlebar. I use a shoulder mic with it and a 771 antenna.
It works well, and I use it to communicate with others in our cycling group (usually 8 - 14 riders) to give turn instructions, check on safety and if everyone made the right turns or got through the last traffic light.






3 hours ago, Lscott said:

Many Many years ago I had a buddy who got a speeding ticket on his 15 speed bike for exceeding 25 MPH on a residential street. Yeah, it really happened.

I received a written warning for the same thing. My brother did get a DUI on his bicycle.

What ever you decide on as far as equipment, make sure to stay safe.

8 hours ago, TrikeRadio said:

I 3d printed a custom designed holder for my TD-H3 that I zip tied and fastened to my handlebar. I use a shoulder mic with it and a 771 antenna.
It works well, and I use it to communicate with others in our cycling group (usually 8 - 14 riders) to give turn instructions, check on safety and if everyone made the right turns or got through the last traffic light.






How much did the trike cost you? Looks much more comfortable to ride than a standard 2 wheeler. More room to mount stuff too.


"Let's have a moment of silence for all those Americans who are stuck in traffic on their way to the gym to ride the stationary bicycles."

Funny as heck to see people try to park as close to the gym entrance as possible to avoid walking more than necessary to get in. Then get inside and run for an hour on the treadmill like a hamster in a wheel for an hour. Never could figure that out. 

3 minutes ago, WRYZ926 said:

I want to check on that. I had a total knee joint replacement done a year ago last August. Wore out the joint, it messed up when I was on the leg press machine doing my usual full weight stack setting, meniscus was half gone per the doctor when I finally went in. I get around OK now and do about 30 minutes on the exercise bike 3 times a week, and weight lifting. 

The trike might be a good option in case the knee gets a bit stiff and less likely to take a spill. 

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