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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/21 in all areas

  1. If you are currently operating one of these technologies (or other digital) in GMRS repeater operation under a special FCC license please contact me offline. We are trying to determine how many are out there now and where. intermod@sngf.org Northern California GMRS Users Group (NCGUG)
    1 point
  2. RIPPER238 I just can't understand some of the jerky response... Hey I got a new radio and want to see it it works... give us a break.. I'm sure these jerks did a radio check on there first radios... grow up and be professional and encourage others into GMRS... Jack
    1 point
  3. Quick example of line of site/elevation is king: I've been working a local contest that is metroparks on the air. Saturday I was at one parking lot that I thought was pretty high, elevation 971. I got one contact, report was that I was extremely scratchy at 50W, so I went to another parking lot, elevation 990, and picked up 4 contacts immediately. Inversely, I went to the next park, which happened to be in the valley right next to the Cuyahoga River, and managed a single contact that I know lives in the valley 5 miles away, but couldn't get a friend only 3 miles away at the top of the hill.
    1 point
  4. If they dismiss it, they dismiss it... There's nothing saying they can or can't do this at their discretion
    1 point
  5. Wish I could join ya but a pisol match takes presidence! ?
    1 point
  6. BoxCar

    HAMS Talking GMRS

    Welcome from a new Tech KO4OCP
    1 point
  7. Nice observation. Don’t let the SWR power reading mislead you. I have that same meter. The readings I get when using that meter with an antenna will at times appear as though less power is being put out and at times more power is being put out. However, when I replace the antenna with a purely resistive dummy load, that same meter has shown consistently that power of all my radios to be within a 1-5% of what the manufacturer’s rating is. One time I was using the meter with a 5-watt HT. Radio measured 4.9+ watts into the dummy load but about 8.9 watts into an antenna. Wow, big difference. Bottom line, don’t trust the power readings you get with that meter while using an antenna. Give the readings you obtain while using a dummy load more weight. After all, that is how the factory determines power too. Just a little nugget of experience for you. Hope it helps. Regards, Michael WRHS965 KE8PLM
    1 point
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