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Everything posted by CyborgAlienWRYG738

  1. What is a "Stun and Kill Function"?!?
  2. Thanks for the information, it's exactly what I needed to know. I can either use it to inject digital into an analog 70cm for EMS or use it for non-digital on GMRS with just one frequency from what I'm gathering from what you're saying. That last sentence says a lot too...
  3. I think I got you now, thanks for your help.
  4. Nope it's the default ham calling frequency used there to help comment the line, as it's used in several places, since this is for GMRS and my device is a WOUXUN KG-UV9GX which has the ham frequency transmits blocked.
  5. I understand that you have an input and output "feedline" that you connect to the duplexer to just use 1 antenna, my complicated question is, with the Hytera, would I be able to do 2 simultaneous but, different channels, since it's supposedly capable of it, as well as a digital channel, with 1 of those channels being say GMRS channel 20 and the other my local EMS channel that's spotty in my area, with digital also on that line? Would I require a separate device to add the digital capability in? Sorry I'm just a layman in apprentice training.
  6. Wouxun_KG-UV9GX_CyborgEd3.pdf Check this out, to explain, the frequency is the receive channel, the next is what you call it, (see channels 23-58,) next is what kind of tone you need, then the frequency based on that info, then the next line is whatever the tone case is, it's on several lines depending on whatever your using, in this case your using the PL "Tone" on both receive and transmit which are different so you'd fill out both, or just the one if they're the same. Moving on, your using duplex mode, so you have to tell it, then what kind, in this case + and it's 5.0000 MHz separation. The rest should be self explanatory. I hope this helps.
  7. 1st recommendation, get rid of Windows, too many driver problems I highly recommend using Linux for this, a cheap Chromebook with Linux capability will work a treat and easy peasy if you follow Chirps instructions. Of course if you're stuck on Windows, uninstall the drivers for your cables and reinstall them. Windows is and has always been a major hassle in and of itself.
  8. I'm seeing an input and output and digital "feedlines", so if I'm ONLY using this for GMRS, along with a digital source, (as defined for the band,) it shows on the front panel 2 band capabilities as well as digital, I'm wanting to know if I have to use 1 of those bands to do digital or if I can do 2 analog channels and 1 digital channel? Digital being 2-Way theoretically on the same channel, I would think that this is actually a 3 band repeater. I'm asking if I'm wrong in my assumption. I'm trying to decide if I would need a separate device if I wanted to have basically 2 repeaters, one analog and digital as well as a separate one for a secondary channel, (I'm thinking for EMS use to extend them into my area.) I'm basically wanting to set up an open "travel channel", along with a separate one for EMS use with digital capabilities as well on it.
  9. Thanks for the clarity, I think I didn't clarify myself though. The one you linked to has an "A" and a "B" band, (capable of 2 "Channels" simultaneously,) I was curious if it's possible to basically have 2 repeaters in 1 by using 1 "band" for example on "Channel 20", and another on "Channel 17" for example on GMRS, or maybe if I wanted to, had to use one for DMR use or was that yet a separate "band" setting?
  10. Thanks again, I thought you mentioned that you were doing both 2m and 70cm previously, I must've misunderstood. I'm wanting to go with something capable of industrial strength use even if it doesn't get used that much, similarly to what you're talking about, so thanks again for the insights. It's exactly what I was looking for. I'm sure that there are other brands out there, so I am also looking for others input on why they use that brand and how popular their choice is. I didn't know what's cheap and what's industrial, this discussion has helped me a lot, thanks again.
  11. I said as much. I'm not wrong in that I realize most people don't charge to use their equipment, again I am NOT talking about them!
  12. Oh, I understand this. I was just saying that if everyone used the same convention for those frequencies then one could theoretically travel the country and expect that those channels were set up to be used in that manner. Especially the emergency frequency and travel frequency. I'm saying it would make sense to me to standardize at least some of those frequencies, so that everyone is on the same page. I guess I wasn't clear on that. I'd like to see the FCC also open up the low power frequencies to be used by low power and/or temporary use repeaters so say a family wanting to set up a small repeater to cover their farm/event for example, could do it without needing to setup one with a lot of power, or being overpowered by someone wanting to put up one for everyone in the state to use. (Ok I know you could just use a couple of HT's and basically accomplish the same thing but, I don't know of any GMRS HT's capable of actually doing this, and that's not my point.) Say you're having a jamboree or something and just need a temporary setup with basically low power and capable of covering a small area to use temporarily, this would be better to be able to use those frequencies to accomplish what's needed. It's just my 2¢ and thoughts on the matter. I also understand the point that others have of not wanting anything standardized, I'm just not on board with that line of thinking. I also think that GMRS should be expanded to include more channels, at least 40, maybe using some of the 2m bandwidth as well, if for nothing else but, DMR or whatever.
  13. I'm not talking about those people whom allow us to use their equipment they pay handsomely for, I'm talking about those people that expect you to pay their expenses for them individually. Doesn't effect me so I don't really care but, it irks me that people would be so greedy to expect everyone to pay their expenses for them, in yearly dues, even if they're just traveling thru maybe once a year, if that. I understand wanting people to help pay for the equipment they use, I don't understand making each of them pay the entire bill for it. And being the ONLY repeater in the area, blocking out emergency calls by doing this, (making everyone pay to even get the transmit frequency), when especially since the main people who own it are emergency personnel themselves. I understand that I'm not privy to their costs for all the services they provide but, still it seems exorbitant to charge so much to use the airwaves, even to attempt to get an emergency 1 time use message out. (I don't know of any actually doing this, just what I've heard/read about, in other areas.)
  14. Thanks for the clarity and the photos, it looks similar to what I had envisioned. Except that I don't have a need for 2M at this point.
  15. So how many of these would be needed to use a duplexer then to the antenna, if I'm understanding you? Y'all are also using a battery bank to power it all, I assume connected to a solar array for power to the batteries and some way to keep it all cool, what size room is this situated in? Is it air conditioned? I noticed 2 banks for different channels so I take it one bank is on 462 MHz and the other 467 MHz for cross-banding or do y'all use it to run 2 separate channels like 15 and 20 for example and still have your cross banding on each band? Then it goes out from there to a net to hook up with other towers? Does it do DMR as a separate bank from Analog channels or does it require one of those 2 banks to use it? Am I understanding this all correctly?
  16. As a side thought, if everyone is building a tower to "add to the grid", so to speak, and everyone is using Channel 20 with PL tones of 141.3 for transmit and receive then they'll link up if enough people with enough power are using that 1 frequency without needing the Internet or other linkage software to complete the task. Everyone wanting to do their own thing is why it's all a fragmented mess everyone doing things differently complicating things. Which is great for people who only want to talk to their click and NOONE else because they are greedy snobs no one else wants to talk to anyways, they'll still have a way to do that and frequencies available for it.
  17. According to my radio: 15 is the calling freq 16 Safety frequency? 17 Emergency frequency 20 Travel Frequency with their default PL tones. Unless you go to simplex 1-7 channel. 1 calling frequency 2 Safety Frequency? 3 Emergency frequency At least how it's listed on my radio. I'd like to see it be all in 1, like: 1 Calling frequency 3 Safety frequency? 15 Emergency frequency 20 Traveling frequency Since 1 & 3 are able to have high power as well as the repeaters channels for the important communications, like road reports, jabbering, and emergency needs. All GMRS/FRS radios should be capable of default repeater settings to get out in emergency on those 2 frequencies at least. If you want to make a repeater with a different setting than defaults on those frequencies, then so be it. But, all repeaters should be able to repeat on those frequencies by default no matter what their other settings are for their "private" communication. Just for the reason for what they are intended. Yes it cuts down on the amount of channels perse but, at the same time, it doesn't. You want to link everyone from New Brunswick to Key West from Norfolk to LA and all points in between, great, pick a certain channel and use it's default settings for that channel, like for example, it should be on Ch 20. You need to feel special like the Atlanta Net then ch 16 is fine, there's other channels available to use for the same thing if you're trying to just be local for family use, like channel 17 could be used for that with separated tones PL or DCS, for multiple towers in the same area. I'd also like to see like Ch22 for use with digital comms too but... Just my 2¢.
  18. Also, what programming software you're using as different software has different ways of doing things.
  19. With that Hytera, does it require a separate radio/radios to do anything or is it all self-contained, just add antenna and wiring? What radios are being used?
  20. I'm looking primarily in the 70cm bands more specifically for GMRS 462-467MHz setup but, your 2m is sweet. What's the equipment your using to power those dipoles? I'm assuming it would be similar to what I'm looking at doing. Something like this is what I'm looking to do for my setup, I'm just trying to get a consensus on what equipment I should use, I'm looking for people who sell it or actually have one setup to help me decide, I want to spark up the this is better than that and this is what I/We/Most people use discussion. I want to learn from those of you who've put up serious repeaters what equipment I need to use, if you had it to do all over you'd start with, kind of discussion. My inquiring mind wants to know. Here is your chance to speak out and educate me as someone just starting out. I'm kinda cheap but, not anywhere near Baofeng cheap, think Wouxun cheap. I'm willing to spend Kenwood/Motorola/Midland/Retvis money if necessary but, I just want to know what everyone else is using even for mobile use. Being disabled, I don't get out much anymore and I want to contribute to my area but, I'm lacking the resources to obtain the information for which I'm seeking except to ask in a forum such as this. I'm not a ham and the attitudes I'm getting from the ones I have attempted conversations with, I'm not looking to get it either.
  21. I did call a couple of them, the response was to post my questions on this board that I'll get competent answers that will educate me to make my own decisions, so I'm taking it that's not the case and that I've wasted my time.
  22. Ok, elevation isn't an issue, equipment is. I'm looking for specific information about equipment I should be using, I already have the perfect mountain top location for my antenna placement, that's not an issue. I'm already planning on using the Messi & Paoloni cables to get the signal to the antenna. That I didn't have any question about, hardware is. I was hoping to get responses from salespeople in the industry or someone whose built several, that could shine a light on what's selling that most people are using to accomplish what I'm looking to do. Motorola, Retvis, Wouxun, something else? Same with antenna choices, what works better, mated equipment or what happens if I mix and match components, like a Motorola/Laird or Midland antenna on a Wouxun, Diamond, or Tram NMO base or visa versa, for example. I'm not hard set on my equipment choices, I'm looking for help in making them, as well as the help with understanding which antenna wave to use for best results. Which I believe I have already determined should be at least ⅝ for best results, or am I wrong?
  23. First I'm not sure which is the better antenna ¼,⅝, or ½ wave and which of them should I use on my home for a base for a GMRS/MURS/NOAA reception/transmitting antenna and why? Which antenna is the best low price option for what I'm trying to do? Can I use a splitter to hook up my Wouxun KG-UV9GX as well to the same antenna? Which one? I'm looking at making a base out of the Wouxun KG-1000G+ mobile, that I can also use in the vehicle for a bug out mobile, would I need to ground the antenna if I'm using a mag mount from either Midland or Tram, (Which is better?), and either the Midland or Nagoya NMO antennas? Which combo would be better, Midland all the way, Midland-Tram, Nagoya-Midland, Nagoya-Tram, or just use the Wouxun AMO/NMO setup? Can I power all of this with a IOTA DLS-15 Series M? If not, which should I go with and why? My ultimate goal is to eventually build this out to be a solar backed up repeater eventually as I can afford it, so keeping that in mind, I can also use some suggestions for that as well as can I use a duplexer with 2 radios and get full 50W output? With a Duplexer would I require 2 radios or must I just use 1? What if I went with 2 radios what's the difference in doing it that way? (Both with and without the duplexer?) What's the best way to get the best range and the most power output, (as close to 50W as I can legally get), for the least amount of funds? I'm in the USA, if that matters. I know my area is lacking in the repeater area for GMRS and I'm wanting help to increase the footprint here.
  24. I see a lot of discussion about brands, nothing in the way of actual equipment, is there any actual hardware recommendations? I have the same basic question as the original poster, is there any American product manufacturer selling actual radio hardware that's "made in the USA"? If so, examples? Must be at least part 95, can be ham as well, at least to listen, if not also broadcast, (on 10/11m, 2m, and 70cm.) (Looking for SHTF options.) If not, "made in the USA", what about made in anywhere BUT China? I'm basically looking for something similar to the Midland XT-511 capabilities. (Not looks necessarily.) Don't necessarily have to be hand crank powered, just be able to be portable base station. Something I can pick up and throw in the pack if I need to bug out in a hurry. Not so big as that it's part of an ammo case like the Midland MXPW ammo cases. (I want to be able to keep one inside an ammo case but, one I'm also using to keep other things in as part of an EMP shield.)
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