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Posts posted by GreggInFL

  1. Welcome Alejandro.

    I have the same radio and use this cable to program with a computer: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V4D6F5F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1.  The software is the one used for the Radioddity GM-30.  You can find it on this page: https://www.radioddity.com/pages/radioddity-download.

    You can program manually off the screen, but I've found the computer to make life much easier.

  2. Anyone have a feel for the typical capacity utilization of a typical repeater?  I know, it is situational but, IMHO, goes to the question of whether a repeater should be private (with the understanding that the tones can be scanned to defeat that effort).

    If I put up a repeater I will leave it open until such time that the traffic is taking up a large portion of the capacity and keeping others off.  There would be no incremental cost to me if one more stranger uses it when it is mostly idle.

  3. Interested; in the same situation.  Our neighborhood is 1,500 acres, generally rectangular with the longest distance ~3 miles.  ASL ranges from 30' to 70' with thick vegetation.  I've tested 5W HTs and they make a scratchy connection when one is at a high spot; with both low it doesn't happen at all.

    If I hosted a simple antenna on the roof (or, in the attic, keeping it out of the wind?) I'm guessing most everyone would have coverage.  I'm new to this and that's a guess.  Am I missing something fundamental?

    Can one rent a repeater set-up to test the concept?

    Did I mention that I'm new at this? :)

  4. 4 hours ago, WSAB827 said:

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to introduce myself after joining this informative forum and receiving my GMRS call sign yesterday. I’m an over-the-hill family guy with 3 kids, beautiful wife and a little dog here in TX. When I have the time, I enjoy off-roading, archery, camping, shooting, swimming, fishing, hunting hogs, karate, learning history, shade-tree wrenching, and banging on drums - and am fairly mediocre at all of those pursuits.

    I’m still very new to GMRS (and radio communications in general). I don’t have a GMRS radio yet and am researching both mobile and hand-held. I’m also reading and studying up for a Ham tecnhnician’s license that I hope to attain later on this year. In the meantime, I’d like to learn as much as I can about GMRS now that I got my GMRS license and possibly contribute when I can.

    Welcome!  I'm new to GMRS as well.  I've found this group to be very helpful, extremely patient with the noobs and highly knowledgeable about GMRS -- and other invisible things that fly though the air.  You're in the right place.

  5. 6 hours ago, BoxCar said:

    I suggest you contact a local ham club to see if they have access to a package that can model your proposed installation.

    This sounds like the best approach.

    A Mickey-Mouse test might be to grab a couple of HTs and try to get over that first hill.  No guarantee that you could somehow extrapolate the results, but it scales to only ~2.5 miles and might tell you something. 

  6. Trees are a big issue around here.  I use that same repeater but come at it from the east, so there is little development and, being Florida, no mountains – just trees, trees, trees.  If you can get past them you're golden.  Any height is worth finding.  I recently hung a UV-5R (rubber ducky antenna) out the car window from five miles east and was able to hit Orlando 700 while on a slight rise.

  7. On 10/29/2023 at 3:06 PM, JB007Rules said:

    Attention Midwest GMRS users,


    Tower rent is due for the Crete 600 tower on 10/31/2023 for a sum of $1584 for the year of 2023 ($132/month) which doesn't include the Verizon bill which is another $360/year ($30/month tax included on my grandfathered Verizon plan) totaling $1944.  As of now I have a total amount $1408.89 in donations to pay for this rent leaving me at a negative $535.11.  keep in mind that I've kept the donations in a high yield savings account as of April 2023 which has needed me an additional $25.35.  Better than a stick in the eye I guess.


    $660 was covered and paid on 11/29/22 which was rent for August 2022 thru December 2022 - 5 months

    $1584 is for 12 months and while it's due on 10/31/23, rent is good through December 31st 2023


    To cover rent through 12/31/2024, the total now increases to $2479.11.  I've updated the Gofundme page to show a new goal of $4109 to reflect that.


    I was clear out of the gate that I put this repeater in for hobby use and I'm not within it's usable coverage footprint (which is quite massive) 99.99% of the time.  As such, to keep it in the air, I'm encouraging everyone to donate here otherwise, if I cannot cover the operational costs, I have zero incentive to keep this repeater online.




    Thanks everyone who has donated thus far!  Here's to a great 2024! 🙂

    ROB - WRDU235 

    What size tower do you have?  Curious because our group is deciding whether to rent or build.

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