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Everything posted by JohnE

  1. the 200d can do both ano and digital unless they are older versions that will need a firmware upgrade.
  2. they have to be on the same freq and have the same "color code" or what ever EFJ calls it. I don't think time slot should matter in direct mode. I am not familiar w/EFJ radios , you might be comparing apples to oranges. if all else fails, go Ano w/PL and you will be good to go.
  3. at 138 miles apart I would say co-channel would be more of a given.
  4. agreed its a call sign. signal sounds weak at best, as to being an image that's quite possible but I think it sounds like a spur. I would like to hear that on a receiver w/clean signal. to confirm you'll 2 or 3 radios. 2 on their assigned low side freq's and one on the .625 and see if one of them goes out simultaneously.
  5. even if you go w/range 1 the vco can be adjusted to go into 70cm ham. my 880's and 8180's have both T-band and ham in them 440 - 482.
  6. what are the plans for antenna structure, tower, guyed mast on building. what types of tree and what height are they. you need to clear them. just some things you'll have to figure out
  7. POTS = phone patch. not legal radio tie line (RTL) or leased lines. 2wire or 4 wire direct link from radio to a console. sometimes referred to as remote base legal
  8. not to mention can be found on ebay pretty readily.
  9. go find an 880, 863 ,8150 or 8180.
  10. agreed.too many yrs in PS and commercial radio to put up w/that. I also have no tolerance for all that noise. I have asked people to knock down the premble on their MDC b/c some guy thinks its cool, not. the only reason there is a "roger" beep on my machines is for my wife to know when the machine drops. hang time is 1.2 sec + 250 Ms beep.
  11. I don't know about anybody else here but I listen open almost all the time. my machines ID what they are named, no call.
  12. little overkill but I like it. nice job. how do you find the right angle connectors hold up to power? I have never liked using them.
  13. same here. 100W machines turned down 3min TOT. MTR's will run 24/7 @ 100W w/no problem.
  14. another fan of Bird. 43 w/full compliment 25Mc through 1Gc
  15. agreed on both points. mine are all listed as a matter of coordination,and they all have their own rough mobile coverage maps. all of my machines are "private" . I also do not allow permission through the main board as I have had problems w/that. any request must come through a PM or a private e-mail request. as a side note I have had less issues going this route so far. this goes directly to my third point. in this city we have more than our fair share.
  16. adding to this I would privately e-mail the owner of said machine and state the reason/purpose for use along w/call signs. I have had requests w/no info what so ever, you can guess what my RE is.
  17. 1 for the most part GMRS is intended as a Family radio service. 2 cost. I have $$$ into 3 machines. my time, my $$, it is at my digression to let others use it. 3 people can be idiots. you want to act like a fool on my machines I shut them off. 4 this is not HAM as to being a member, you would have to ask permission and/or seek out the groups repeater you wish to use. given your location you should/could be hearing machines in LI possibly a couple of NYC machines.
  18. scan on the low side(462.xxxx) w/no pl tone.
  19. I did not find what you describe in my software. after looking at the manual my software does not have quite a few of the options described. there. version 4.02
  20. where do you see this in the software? I have been programing these for as long as they have been around.
  21. JohnE


    have a few my self. make good loaners to the family.
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