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Everything posted by JohnE

  1. as N4GIX has said its not going to happen especially in the NYC regional area. been there done that in the commercial world. only if it interferes w/public safety organization will anything be done. case and point. there was an interference (moving spur) affecting most of the gmrs inputs in NYC but it was also getting into 2 FD and set of PD receivers on the other side of the river in NJ. I noticed it around Memorial day last yr and went looking for it w/no real success. in talking to a few of my PS friends in NJ they were having the same problem. it was taken care of by the FCC in January. this was the result. note the freq's in the report.
  2. the 575 machine will not be returning. that is all
  3. what is the total length to the ant. 25' would IMO of 7/8" when 1/2" will do fine. unless you running on running 100+ feet I wouldn't bother w/7/8 also for the record your splitting hairs at the difference in loss.
  4. yeah it's IM have it all the time on 650 here in NYC. you should hear some of the junk I get on both sides.
  5. height is you friend. that being said I would look into a better cable for the 90 footer. 3.3dB loss to me not acceptable. I would at least entertain the idea of LMR400 at a minimum cable w/2.5 dB loss/100'. as to the above post on the antenna propagation site it's close enough if you have the right numbers to plug in. just my thoughts, JE
  6. the new to me Quantar has failed. 575 will be off line until I get a replacement of some sort I do have a T-band TKR 851 on hand and will most likely be the replacement until I get the batwing fixed.
  7. also known as LMR 400 flooded https://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=44370&eventPage=1
  8. I have an Agilent antenna/cable analyzer and a General Dynamics service monitor w/most of the options. this is just a field test for the real world for S's and G's to compare if $$$$$ antenna performs as well as the $$ antenna. I have never cared for exposed dipole arrays as I have had too many water intrusion issues w/them. I had a DB 411 and gave it to one of Rich's buddies I have had some manufacturing issues w/fiberglass antennas. radomes coming out of the support pipes but those were Irene and Sandy related. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/antenna%20fails/kcc006.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/antenna%20fails/kcc003.jpg
  9. swap 1 made to the Comtelco as an added side note the VSWR for the Laird was 1.3 and the Comtelco was 1.65.
  10. I might have an antenna but your on your own for the filters and isolator.
  11. the new antenna is here and here are some pics of the 3 antennas I will bu using. L-R Laird, Comtelco, RFS http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/antennas/IMG_0226_zpsbicbvuwz.jpg ID tags on the antennas http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/antennas/IMG_0229_zpsw7pyn4ro.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/antennas/IMG_0230_zps0zmcfqwk.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/antennas/IMG_0231_zpsmolw5drl.jpg for the record the machine is currently running a Laird like the one in the pics, I just used this one as a reference to the others. hope to put up the Comtelco on Friday weather permitting. one other interesting point on these, the Comtelco is not DC grounded the other 2 are.
  12. this is 1/2" super flex http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/cables/IMG_0223_zps853ojvka.jpg and this is 1/2" regular http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/cables/IMG_0224_zpsnmebfc2q.jpg I hope this gives you a better idea of what your looking for.
  13. the super has a different corrugation to make it more flexible as opposed to the standard, both can go over a roof edge but make sure it is properly secured. as to the drip loop it can be done but don't kink it or you'll have to cut and terminate at that point. I will grab some "scraps" I have laying around and post some pics of bending radii, that way you might have a better clue as to what to expect when you do the work.
  14. thats the route to go. how many feet are we talking about. https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/252-cable-types-and-losses/ gain will not make up for height but it will be a slight help.
  15. I call them directly and did not pay what they showed on their web page. it was actually less than what their vendors sell it for. also just for the record I have one already and have been happy w/results I'm getting.
  16. agreed how long is the cable run?
  17. will be conducting an antenna experiment w/575 machine in the near future to see if there is any real difference in pattern and range vs cost. RSSI readings at fixed locations have been taken this week. waiting for the Comtelco antenna to show up. all things being equal the only change will be the antenna itself. the antennas will be a Laird 5dBd($150) currently in service Comtelco 6dbd ($200) PD 201 5 dBd ($450) the Laird is physically the smallest one, the other 2 are roughly the same size/weight. will post pics of the 3 together. not looking for radical results but it should be interesting. ground elevation ~150' structure ~200'
  18. will be conducting an antenna experiment w/this machine in the near future to see if there is any real difference in pattern and range. RSSI readings at fixed locations have been this week. waiting for the Comtelco antenna to show up. all things being equal the only change will be the antenna itself. the antennas will be a Laird 5dBd($150) currently in service Comtelco 6dbd ($200) PD 201 5 dBd ($450)
  19. JohnE


    pattern is a little different now
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