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Everything posted by JohnE

  1. hitting it from Brooklyn, don't know how well its hearing me but it pings for me.
  2. just b/c http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/Other/DSCN0039_zpsd0fffb53.jpg
  3. weather wasn't too cooperative this week but I managed to get a few things done. layed out where and how I want things to sit, bolted the rack to the floor, put the antenna, pipe and mounts together. checked the length of the cable I have (29M,95'). I also had the shed co move the unit from the bottom of my driveway to the top where it was suppose to be put in the first place. still waiting on some grounding equipment so I haven't punched the hole for the feed through yet. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/DSCN0041_zpseb25a8b0.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/DSCN0042_zps2a87ecf6.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/DSCN0044_zpsdac3af44.jpg
  4. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/Other/DSCN0027_zpsa621272c.jpg
  5. I would take the time to set it up on a different freq. as that would serve you area better to have 2 different machines to go to. 2 machines on the same freq in close proximity to each other can make it difficult in the overlap area.
  6. there are ways around that. if connected to the repeater itself you could leave it in monitor since that would let you hear the input audio to the machine. the same can be done w/control/base radio being left in monitor. this would IMO satisfy the monitor requirement. personally I would use a control/base unit for this as it would be better to hear the low side as opposed to the hi, given the amount of junk the hi side hears at the site.
  7. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/shack_zpsb9e988a0.jpg
  8. look on ebay, there are sellers out here who will set freq's tones and tune duplexer for you. all you'll need after that is an antenna ,cable and a place to put it.
  9. antenna is in, shack was delivered today. the antenna is fatter and lighter that I thought it would be but I think I can put the 7/8 right in to it w/o any problems. on a sad note the gentleman who was going to help and teach me to climb the tree properly lost his wife today. we had just seen them on Thursday to discuss the game plan for doing this project. it was like getting hit in the head w/bat. I may have to make other arrangements.
  10. my best guess is that during the storm there was a voltage dip/spike or lightning that reset the controller/repeater if its a stand alone and that is what is creating the problem. just my thoughts JE
  11. stuff http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/DSCN0010_zps0626b3bc.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/DSCN0014_zps8e6f9f0a.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/off%20grid%20site/DSCN0015_zps650a19ce.jpg
  12. this is the same way I run my 650. have a Kenwood TKR850 running 3W into a Johnson 1010 PA that can do 110w/15in. the amp was rated 100% duty cycle at 100W and could be pushed to 125, never went beyond that though. as a side note if tuned properly will only pull 17A of current. this set up will run all day & night as long as the power supply keeps up.
  13. this is geared towards the HAM crowd but can be made to work for GMRS since propagation at UHF freqs don't vary as much. been using it for a while and it seems pretty close for what we here would use it for. getting a rough clue as to how far our machines will be heard. you will have to register http://www.cplus.org/rmw/rmonline.html
  14. just checked w/my control in CSQ in south Brooklyn and I hear nothing. 5dB omni stick 30' up. where are you hearing this?
  15. made an order today. antenna http://www.comtelcoantennas.com/PDF/BSL450XL6.PDF mounts http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=29248&eventPage=2 hanger blocks http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=512331&eventPage=1 couple of ground bars http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=442460&eventPage=1 port http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=362047&eventPage=1 7/8 cable boot http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=392984&eventPage=1 there were a few other things but thats the major stuff. will have to get some EMT or galvanized pipe for the cable to go into on the ground so it doesn't get beat up anyone else have any thoughts.
  16. will have to post pics of what I have in my office. mostly 70's 80's
  17. agreed, that should be a no brainer since the specs are better and it all falls in between the the regular IG freqs.
  18. twice I have encountered what we call a resonant cable.power/SWR look good at the bottom(radio) and no power at the top. first time I called a buddy of mine, he asked what freq told him 460 he said cut 6" off the bottom and it'll be fine. basically the cable becomes it own own matched load, cut 1/4 wavelength off and it goes open.
  19. wing suit thanks, I will.
  20. crappy cell phone pics. cables, lightning arrestors mounted to ground bars and ground halo around the room. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/cables/0630141202_zpsee627d77.jpg?t=1404435238 http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/cables/0630141203_zps33dd99b6.jpg?t=1404435192
  21. too late been there done that.
  22. been meaning to put this out there for a while,since I have had a few conversations about this w/various members. first pics,cables from L-R w/associated N male connectors. RG8/213 LMR400 type, 1/2Inch superflex, 1/2inch hard line also known as Heliax, 7/8inch hard line. [ MyGMRS STAFF EDIT: 3 Photos no longer available from linked source.] now lets talk about the losses in Db and how much power that is. Cable type loss at 100Mc 400Mc RG8/213 2.0dB/100' 4.7dB/100' LMR400 1.2 2.5 Hardline type 150Mc 450Mc 1/2" superflex 1.3dB/100' 2.3dB/100' LMR600 1.0 1.7 1/2" Heliax 0.85 1.5 7/8" Heliax 0.44 0.8 1-1/4" Heliax 0.3 0.6 dB loss power loss in % 0.5 10 100W in 90W out 1.0 20 1.5 30 2.0 37 2.5 44 3.0 50 3.5 56 4.0 60 all of the above loss specs are manufacture specs, I strongly suggest that you measure your line loss w/watt meter if possible to know exactly what you are getting at the antenna. IME most of the book specs are on the money for hard line ,RG8/213 can be a crap shoot depending on manufacturer. I've had some really bad and some pretty good. LMR I've had a love/hate relationship w/, good cable but seems to be prone to moisture issues. wish I had pic of the 7yr old cable that pretty much self destructed. hope this is of some help to those looking to put up a machine or control station in the future. JE ***EDIT*** found this very useful http://www.arrg.us/pages/Loss-Calc.htm
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