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Everything posted by amaff

  1. Yes, why would anyone ever be curious to learn more about something that doesn't directly affect them in obvious ways anyone can see from the outside? Their profile could say "Texas" and it'd still be a valid question...
  2. Just for fun, I punched these in on 1 of our TD-H3s. So, this isn't a feature exclusive to expensive radios. Tho I did notice you had to do Rx first before Tx. First time I tried it, I set the Tx first then the Rx, which changed the Tx to match the Rx. If I set the Rx first, then the Tx, both stayed where I wanted them. So, order of operation might matter on your radio as well.
  3. What radio are you working with?
  4. Ever watch a boomer try and drive a 1920s Ford? They think the ignition timing lever is their turn signal!!
  5. I can't remember if the problem footprint is the same, I'd have to experiment with it but it's not within arms reach. HOWEVER: Try plugging the cable into the computer, plugging into the radio, and THEN opening the programming software after everything else is hooked up and ready to go. I was having a similar problem, and now that's the order I do it in to prevent it. I have no idea why that made the difference (tho, with how crap the CPS is programmed, it's not exactly super shocking), but give that a shot at least and see if it does the trick.
  6. I'm 100% good with hams doing this. Just putting people in contact with the outside world legitimately takes workload off of first responders and aid workers. But the "My ham extra pretty much makes me a first responder" thing that some have is unhelpful and, as pointed out above, often dangerous. Putting yourself in the position to be another casualty doesn't help anyone.
  7. Having spent a fair bit of time camping out at race tracks, I can pretty much guarantee it was those 3 famous, beautiful words: Alcohol Was Involved.
  8. Bloody hell granddad, turn your hearing aid on...
  9. r E a L r A d I o S d O n T e V e N h A v E T h A t O p t i O n
  10. Yeah, it's not great. So far the only thing I've noticed 'wrong' when that happens is the Starting Display
  11. "It gets the job done most of the time" is about the best thing you can say about it
  12. I've run into this. It's a weird quirk / bug in the software when, sometimes it just does this. But usually what fixes it for me is changing something under the Functions menu (usually, just change a character in the Starting Display then change it back and save it, but I've done it by disabling / re-enabling another setting instead). I don't know why it's a thing. And once I realized it was pretty easy to work around for the few times I ever program the thing, I didn't even bother reaching out to AnyTone / Radioddity about it.
  13. EDIT: wrong thread
  14. Not with this radio. It's a "pamphlet" radio and it is NOT clear about how to enter tones in the menu. I have a post in another thread I'll have to go hunt down from when I had to figure out how to do that. EDIT: the post quoted in this link has MOST of the steps for manually programming the radio, however it's missing a step that was not obvious to me at least, until I asked on a model-specific group on FB.
  15. Another thing just occurred to me: Is this one of the Midlands were you need to turn on the repeater-capable function? Just trying to think of something else easy to miss on these.
  16. Have you tried calling out while there's traffic on it? There's plenty of repeaters that just aren't monitored that often. Also, what do you mean by 'tone after transmitting'? Repeater kickback (ie: what you often get on a repeater immediately after you've stopped transmitting) is usually a burst of static. Not really something I'd describe as a 'tone'
  17. Just because someone's giving a traffic report on a repeater doesn't mean the repeater is 'open'. And even if it's open, I don't think I've seen a repeater that doesn't want an input tone. I'm sure there's probably one out there, but it's not remotely the default. This seems like a fundamental misunderstanding about how radios work more than a problem with the radio.
  18. Came here to write exactly that suggestion. Disconnect / reconnect the mic (or wiggle it) and see if there's something weird there. I'm really not a fan of the RJ-45 Mic connection that so many radios have (including my DB20-G)
  19. What all of them already said. All of my radios have a bank of channels with semi-random tones (but they all match, if that makes sense). The goal is find a quiet channel so you're not stepping on a bunch of other people (and vice versa), and then everyone running the same channel / tone pair can hear each other. When I'm out with friends we'll usually have a primary and a secondary channel ready to go in case someone's already using the primary we picked, so that everyone knows where to go.
  20. Or cancer.
  21. For some of us, that's a strong argument in the opposite direction. I don't want to have to keep a rickety old computer alive just so I can program my radio now and then.
  22. No one expects the Flatulent Communications Commission!
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