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Everything posted by amaff

  1. And it's why all of our laws have the same punishment and enforcement. Speeding? Jail. Jaywalking? Jail. Murder? Jail. Hosting a Movie Night without licensing the movie? Straight to jail. Using unsecured WiFi without permission? Jail. Lying about the weather? Jail. Hanging fuzzy dice or a CD from your rearview mirror? Jail. Transmitting on GMRS without identifying your call sign? Jail. "Rule breaking is rule breaking" is true only until you actually think about it for more than 3 seconds.
  2. It fills a communications need better than FRS in a lot of instances. I like being able to have a mobile radio in my vehicle when we're on a road trip. I like the generally better (and often cheaper) radios than FRS. I run one in my race car as well for pit to car / spotter comms to a headset in my helmet, with an external antenna outside of the roll structure. Really nice having a 2nd set of eyes. All of that's not gonna work well w/ FRS. Maybe none of that meets your needs. It works a lot better than FRS for a lot of us tho.
  3. How can you tell that they're GMRS? There's no difference between listening to the repeater output for GMRS 21, and listening to FRS 21 (...or GMRS 21. They're the same frequency). GMRS 17 == FRS 17. GMRS 18 == FRS 18... FRS just doesn't allow for offset transmission on a repeater input (and have lower power limits, and non removable antennas. And no mobile units)
  4. Eh, not really. Signs and signals from the sideline have always been unencrypted. That doesn't mean they're not in code that isn't easily decipherable. They did that in Formula 1 a while back. Some teams started encrypting their comms so other teams couldn't listen in. The TV rights holders didn't like that because they couldn't play messages on the broadcast, so they banned encrypted radios. So they talk in code. What one team calls "plan A" over the radio won't necessarily correspond with any other team's plan A. And won't necessarily even be that team's actual plan A. Maybe they call plan A "option charlie". Those sort of games have been in sport for....ever, basically. Maybe the Astros should have used an encrypted trash can
  5. That's what the NFL does too. I don't know what the rules are but if it's at all allowed, they'll be encrypted. It was allowed by the NCAA for the 2024 season.
  6. I dunno, the alternative seems to be myGMRS.com. I'd be ok if they went back to Grindr at this point
  7. PS: This is why all our vehicles run a dash cam. So far it's mostly come in helpful for other people (we got the guy who got hit the footage so he can prove he wasn't the one running the light), but it's good peace of mind in case we ever run across a nutter.
  8. That's how I felt about the whole story. What a whack job. Another +1 to buying back the "totaled" vehicle. It doesn't look like there's anything major damaged (other than that guy's brain, tho calling that major might be overstating things).
  9. If you have the tone, you shouldn't need to figure out anything. It either uses DPL or PL (or DCS or CTCSS). How are you checking, and how do you know it's not working? What is / isn't it doing? Are you sure you have line of light to the repeater? Are you close enough?
  10. "I have negative traffic: This net is bad and you should feel bad."
  11. Nope. If you spoke and got a reply back, the thing appears to be setup correctly. You can turn off your Receive tone and have the radio open to any traffic on that channel (not just repeater traffic). But if it's a busy area, that can be a mess trying to separate every FRS radio on that channel from your repeater. Menu? Or Monitor? I'm not really sure what that's referring to. You don't need to "connect" to the repeater to hear it. It transmits just like your radio, on a frequency, usually with a tone that you can choose to listen for or not (as per the above). At least on GMRS repeaters, there's nothing else needed to hear the thing.
  12. NGL, I tried when I started getting into this. I just couldn't. "This? This is what y'all are doing with your weeknights?" I'm glad people enjoy it. It's not for me.
  13. I believe @dosw was referring to listening to the Innermountain Intertie nets on 2M (which is allowed, even with no license), and potentially working with someone who has a 2m repeater set up already in Utah county on potentially adding a GMRS repeater.
  14. I read this as a joke, but maybe it isn't.
  15. amaff


    Trying to talk to Rob, clearly
  16. Limiting what you can hear is the point. There's a decent bit of traffic on simplex 15-22 where I am and if you're listening to a repeater, you get a lot of 'noise' (especially since half the time they're just barely in range enough to break squelch but not actually hear much). Which is a long way of saying "it depends on your particular situation"
  17. Go 1 county north where they won't ever shut up on the repeaters Ok not quite, there's often down time, but man when they get a rag chew going, it GOES. But also, "GMRS community" is a weird concept. MOST people (normal people, not weirdos on here) use GMRS as a communications method while doing a hobby, not a hobby in and of itself. So while there IS a community (check out the Utah GMRS facebook group if you're on there), it's never going to have the critical mass of "we're all radio geeks doing radio geek stuff and getting together to talk about radios as much as possible" that you will with hams. It's kinda like wondering why there isn't more of an FRS community out there. Maybe there is, but that's not what people have FRS radios for, by and large.
  18. So why not...put their FRS radios to channel 19 as well?
  19. lol wtf? They're an avionics company...
  20. Whiskey Rum Yuengling Limoncello....
  21. Also that, yes.
  22. Right, but almost no one uses the votes, and it almost always turns into an actual discussion, where having them ordered by 'validity' is not really helpful.
  23. It's pretty crap. And you have to do the dance every single time you look at the thread. Really stupid way to order a discussion forum.
  24. Yeah. That's why we just paid the higher taxes on tea and are still part of the United Kingdom Obey rules that make sense. Plenty of rules don't.
  25. How old are some of those radios? FRS and GMRS weren't 'unified' until 2017. If they're older radios, they may have different configurations.
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