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    WSCB811 got a reaction from Reloader762 in Best gmrs handheld radio?   
    I’d say for the most “complete” offerings regardless of price, the Wouxon KG-Q10G and KG-UV9GX come to mind first. The Tidradio TD-H3 and TD-H8 are also great options for a lower price. 
  2. Like
    WSCB811 got a reaction from WSCK206 in NuBe Chirp Question   
    The repeater tones are opposite of what you want programmed to your radio.

    For example, the INPUT tone of the repeater is the tone that the receiver is listening for to “accept” a transmission. So, you want to set the OUTPUT tone of your radio equal to this frequency.

    Similarly, the OUTPUT tone of the repeater is what your radio needs to be programmed to listen for to “accept” the transmissions from the repeater. So, you want to set the INPUT tone of your radio equal to this frequency.

    It is a bit confusing at first since they seem “backwards”, but you will get the hang of it! It helps to think of it from the “point of view” of the repeater. Hope this helps!
  3. Like
    WSCB811 got a reaction from Davichko5650 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    I pulled a query from the FCC's database for all active GMRS licenses within the state of Minnesota and plotted the data on a Google Map. I made the map public, and it can be viewed at this link.

    Hope this can be of use to some people! I certainly think it's interesting :)
  4. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to Davichko5650 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    Forgot to ask where you hang your Mic?   I do as Dan mentions, monitor Ch 20, but usually listening on Metro 4 and Falcon Hgts machines. Not a lot of traffic, but get an occasional chat in there!
    Dave WRJG283
  5. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to Davichko5650 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    Getting into using it here in the Metro more myself. Have a couple of the repeaters in. BUt looking to upgrade beyond the MXT275 as I need split tones and more than the 8 repeater channels!. Mostly have been using GMRS up north out of cell phone range for mobile to base and marine mobile to base comms with Wifeypoo, and a bit of commo at home when in various parts of the slightly bigger than normal city lot.
    Hope to "see you on the radio"
    Dave WRJG283  (ex WQUR589 - long story...)
  6. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to WRPG537 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    Minnesota -
    While it is interesting to see all the FCC Licensed GMRS People/Families and their locations, if you were to try and chat up or try and start a conversation on GMRS like you would Amateur (Ham) Radio, you would probably be met with the following comment: "Get OFF Our Channel!".
    I've actually heard a few amateur radio operators I know of here in the Twin Cities area, that tried to bring their ham radio operating ways, over to the folks on GMRS. To say it was not well received, was an understatement. Afterwards, the well known Hams left GMRS with their tail dragging between their legs. A few days later, these very same ham operators were on all the local amateur radio forums writing about how GMRS Sucks and the people there are like CB'ers. They berated GMRS. GMRS is not, Ham Radio Lite. Most people get a GMRS radio to communicate with: Family, Friends, or Groups they are involved with. Not, conversation with random strangers. Although, that can sometimes happen, but not very frequently. GMRS and Amateur Radio are two completely different radio services, which may be a very big disappointment to some who want to turn GMRS into HamLite.
    On our Trail Patrols, Ski Patrols, and Event First Aid Stations, we never come up and chat with random people unless we can Hear Distress or the word Emergency spoken. Then we pop up on their GMRS radio channel, identify ourselves and ask if they need assistance. If the person doesn't need assistance, we immediately wish them good luck, sign-off with our FCC callsign and no longer talk. People can get extremely territorial on GMRS, especially if there are family members or club members involved in conversation on the radio. It's rare that strangers are welcomed into an existing conversation. So, we tread lightly and are respectful when popping up on someone else's channel. So, if you want to chat with someone you've never met before on GMRS, my advice is: be polite and extremely respectful when busting into an existing radio conversation 🙂
    462.675 / Channel #20. Calling/Travel/Motorist. No CTCSS/Tone. Simplex. In Minnesota.
    For those people also in Minnesota, especially the Twin Cities. Try tossing your FCC Callsign out on Channel #20, Simplex. You might be pleasantly surprised if or when someone comes back to answer your call 🙂  Hope to hear you On-The-Air. WRPG537, Dan.
  7. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to WRQC527 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    The funny thing is that if you enter this young man's name into the Google search engine, you can come up with a lot more information than just his address. Where he went to school, who his fellow students were, when he graduated, where he works, when he started, what his job title is, his baseball stats, his college activities, other business he's involved with, I mean this guy's life is an open book. And that was with about two minutes of searching. I'm not saying it's cool to put every GMRS license on a publicly accessible map without at least asking them, but let's be real... all someone needs is your name.
  8. Thanks
    WSCB811 reacted to MSN in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    I noticed that a not all MN licenses show on the map. Mine did not show up and my call is about 5 years old. Also a friends didn’t show. Very cool what you did though. 
  9. Haha
    WSCB811 reacted to OffRoaderX in My HT Journey (So Far!)   
    Thems rookie numbers.
  10. Like
    WSCB811 got a reaction from JBRPong in NuBe Chirp Question   
    The repeater tones are opposite of what you want programmed to your radio.

    For example, the INPUT tone of the repeater is the tone that the receiver is listening for to “accept” a transmission. So, you want to set the OUTPUT tone of your radio equal to this frequency.

    Similarly, the OUTPUT tone of the repeater is what your radio needs to be programmed to listen for to “accept” the transmissions from the repeater. So, you want to set the INPUT tone of your radio equal to this frequency.

    It is a bit confusing at first since they seem “backwards”, but you will get the hang of it! It helps to think of it from the “point of view” of the repeater. Hope this helps!
  11. Haha
    WSCB811 got a reaction from WRZK593 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    I posted it in the Midwest GMRS Club FB group for people over there as well and let's just say there are some... "mixed" opinions!
  12. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to OffRoaderX in NuBe Chirp Question   
    If only someone would make a very simple to understand youtube video explaining this all in very simple terms that anyone could understand, while at the same time using very easy-to-understand hand-gestures..
    Whoever could achieve that would literally become the queen of all that is GMRS!
  13. Haha
    WSCB811 reacted to SvenMarbles in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
  14. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to OffRoaderX in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    It was already extremely easy.. It would be harder for me to find someone by callsign on that map that it would be to find someone by callsign on the FCC website.
    Your argument does not stand up to scrutiny and is therefore, invalid.
  15. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to OffRoaderX in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    Good one!  The funny part is that its like you dont realize that you put yourself on that list and all that information that you gave to the FCCs such as your home-address is tied to your GMRS callsign, and was already on Google, Facebook, and probably a lot of other places..
  16. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to WSCH851 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    This is exactly why you need a P.O. Box or Ham Registry etc. 
    I do believe (might be mistaken) the FCC web site specifically tells you that your address etc is public, it is your job on how you go about that privacy (I would think 🤔).
  17. Confused
    WSCB811 reacted to WRWE456 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    I would be pissed if you put me on that list! Why would you do that? Most people that use GMRS are not interested in being contacted by random strangers. They use it to stay in touch with friends and family and that's all they want it for. Then to add it to google and Farce book who harvest and sell everyone's data already.
    Many things are easily done, doesn't mean you should. Not cool in my opinion.
  18. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to WRQG411 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    The repeater group in our area has been doing this while conducting Simplex excursuses the plotting who can hear who and rough signal strength.  I suppose in-case SHTF, we would know who's locally available to contact.  The map is pretty interesting.
  19. Haha
    WSCB811 reacted to WRXP381 in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    You’ve upset the mASS’s.   Soo many people have no idea this is so easily done.  Some people may be very upset at you.    Some heads may explode.   
  20. Like
    WSCB811 reacted to OffRoaderX in Map of all Minnesota GMRS Users   
    Oh man... A lot of people are going to shart-themselves when the reality that the FCCs makes their info public and easily accessible to anyone that has their callsign starts to sink-in...
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