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Posts posted by Davichko5650

  1. Not gonna quote, but the point they made that GMRS is a radio hobby and most use it as such, I have to disagree with. I'm of the opinion that most GMRS users are not radio hobbyists but people who get the license to use the Service as it is; short range communications to assist users in their various pursuits. Yes, some are drawn to the Service as an adjunct to the other Services they're involved in, more power to 'em. Some as the so-called "Gateway drug" into the Ham world.  Myself, I got into GMRS as a good way to have short range comm's from Cabin to boat or car up where cells phones are nice looking paperweights. Use sporadically around the home as well, easier than yelling across the yard. Have a couple friends I talk to simplex and rarely use a repeater.

  2. 38 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

    How were they changed?  95.1733(a)8 still prohibits passing messages through a wireline control link. That hasn’t changed. 
    95.1749 still has the same language regarding telephone networks. 

    I didn't see where anything was updated either. Although it says on top it was changed 9-20-24. Normally there's a note where a change was effected. The link to previous version wasn't working either to look at that.

  3. On 9/22/2024 at 3:57 AM, piggin said:

    Please post the power supply you use for your home station. And if you can the voltage and current supplied.


    Astron 35 with updated digital amp/volt meter.  35 amp, up to 15 volts, run it normally around 13.6v. Powers my FT-450D and DB-20G.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Hoppyjr said:

    Please make the linked repeater thing stop…. emoji849.pngemoji1787.pngemoji854.png

    Gotta go with that Don Ameche in Trading Places voice "turn the machines back on, Turn the machines back on!"

    Although actually not, maybe?  I really don't have a (dead) horse in this race not being a repeater user of any regularity.

  5. 3 hours ago, SteveShannon said:

    I just heard that in Lebanon, reports vary from eight killed to 3,000 injured) Hezbollah fighters have been injured when all of their pagers exploded.


    google was my friend!!!


    "On 17 September 2024, communication pagers used by Hezbollah members simultaneously exploded across Lebanon and Damascus, Syria. 16 people were confirmed killed: nine in Lebanon and seven in Syria. Reports say that more than 3,000 were injured. Wikipedia."


    gotta watch those LiFePO batteries I guess?

  6. 1 hour ago, SteveShannon said:

    Although radio S-meters are not precisely calibrated, generally speaking 

    Way back my then Elmers taught me that a good signal report is not based on what you see on a meter, but what your ear holes hear or can't.

    Similar to my Army days, you either got a "read you 5 by 5, Lima Charlie" or a "say again, you are weak and unreadable"  (one we used a lot when doing Electronic Countermeasures on ID Ten Tee's).

    Or, just go Contest Mode, where er'body gets a solid 59!

  7. 9 minutes ago, WSEL489 said:

    I ordered this radio after a search for a 15-20 watt mobile that I could move between my Jeep and my office.  I wanted a unit that would work from a 12v outlet in the car, and also plug into  my 5A lab power supply.  


    Very small
    Great speaker
    Bright color display


    No Chirp programming, must use app from Radioddity
    Closer to 15 watts than 20 watts on most frequencies

    I will provide further feedback after I have had the chance to use it some.

    I've had mine for a couple months now. Moved it into the shack for Base use and installed a Retevis RA87 out in the mobile.  I agree with the pros. As far as the Cons, I've not looked at the power output, but I've noticed better results mobile with the 40w (listed) power on the RA87. At home seems the DB20 is working just fine, power wise.  Haven't found any issues using the Radioddity software, and I've found the radio is very easy to program on the unit itself.

    So far, very satisfied with the DB20 and the RA87 both.

  8. 21 minutes ago, SierraCharlie said:

    Are there any users in Mass ?  I was scanning today and came across a few guys talking and was trying to contact....Possibly using the repeater in Tiverton RI, just curious, I am in Taunton and was looking for other operators.

    Not in Mass. so can't speak specifics there. But if you jumped in between operators and did not get a reply, it might be that they are not interested in talking to other operators. A very common thing as GMRS being geared to family and friends communications, they may not be looking to talk to others outside their group. Pretty much my modus operandi as I use GMRS, simplex and repeaters, to call home or talk to a small circle of licensed friends and we're not looking to talk to others beside that.

  9. 5 hours ago, linx said:

    I do understand the rule now, but even still, whoever is writing this is awful at their job. "Or other networks" should appear directly after "telephone connection" in "Operation of a GMRS station with a telephone connection is prohibited". 

    What a lot are missing is the part of 97.1733 (a) (8) 

    (8) Messages which are both conveyed by a wireline control link and transmitted by a GMRS station;

    The internet is chock full of wireline control links. So it's not the POTS or other networks, but this that is the main point they're following to disallow linking repeaters. The internet is hardly wireless, even in the age of wi-fi and 5G


  10. 6 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

    It just seems that many of them display it a lot better (and more often) than normal people.

    Easy to spot

    "I've been a ham since..."

    "Back when I got my license you had to ..."

    "(insert unpopular ( to them ) FCC rule change here) is gonna be the death of the hobby".

    "That won't work, the modeling software says so"

    I have been a ham since 1992, when I got licensed you had to take a test, I think most every change the FCC did to part 97 actually grew the hobby, and my antennae can't read or use computers!


  11. 44 minutes ago, Newb said:

    Why did the FCC choose GMRS to attack?  Any ideas? They let CB run rampant. Why is there a different connection between the government and HAM radio?

    Well, given we've seen no enforcement action yet on the linked repeaters, I don't see they "attacked" GMRS per se; they clarified to their view of specific regulations, to some degree.


    CB has generally been ignored for enforcement other than in egregious cases of jamming or interference by operators.

    Amateur radio has been around longer than the other services, has a better record of self policing and coordinating, long standing agreements and participation with EmComms , etc.

  12. On 8/14/2024 at 12:20 PM, WSDD519 said:

    I was sitting at the computer last night when I thought I heard someone calling football plays on the scanner.  I turned it up and listened again and sure enough, I heard someone calling plays.

    Just saw on our local news that the U of M Gophers will have radios, one offensive player, one defensive for suchlike fun.  I've not a clue what band they'd use. on air up until the 15 second mark on the playclock or ball is snapped.

  13. 18 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

    Yes. Sorry..

    When I programmed mine, they were all set for NB on all channels, and I was unable to alter them to WB.  But definately worth the 23 bucks for the pair.

    Just what Wifeypoo wanted, a basic, no frills turn on and use radio as she has no interest in my radiodorkness!

  14. 1 hour ago, WROM557 said:

    GMRS repeater linking freedom

    I am writing to you as a concerned citizen and a General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) operator to respectfully request your support in advocating for the reinstatement of GMRS linking, which was recently banned by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).



    I'm wondering what the split is on this issue? 50/50 for/against, or???   Personally I am not for Linked Repeaters so won't be visiting or signing. But I rarely use repeaters as it is, so I'm not really involved in the fight as it stands!

  15. 32 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:


    Maybe.  The way I thought of this was that the connection between each repeater and a Fixed Station would be hardwired, not RF, so I don’t think it would fall under 93.303.

    Ahhh, a "wireline control link" then as well???  Sounds like we're working on "making the impossible difficult."  (Best college course I ever took, btw)

  16. 1 minute ago, WRUU653 said:

    The problem with Pirates is… they got such a cool name. 😂

    Some pretty good ones down on the HF bands, but the enforcement has mostly been against FM pirates, especially the NYC bunch.  Take a listen down around 6925 to 6950 kHz sometime,  Radio Free Whatever is one of the better ones, they even sign off with cool sstv images at times.  I can't think of even one FM pirate I've heard here in the Twin Cities.

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