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Posts posted by Davichko5650

  1. 19 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

    That’s correct.  The actual regulations specify “wireline”

    The internet is filled with wireline control links as you know!  Kind of a semantical argument, but that's that. 

    I'm a sideliner on this anyway as I seldom use a repeater much less a linked one. I'm one of those short distance, point to pointers the service was originally intended for.

    OTOH, it's made for some entertaining reading at lunchtime here.

  2. On 8/14/2024 at 10:11 AM, WRXR255 said:

    All the Walmarts in this region use the "Blue Dot" (154.570) freq.

    Sometimes I would sit in the parking lot and prank em by making a transmission "Stockman needed at register 5 for a large item carryout assist"


    Oooooh, Unca Charlie gonna be mad atchu!  95.333 (e)   !   What, no "clean up on Aisle 9"????

  3. 5 minutes ago, WSDD439 said:

    By using the internet. We’ll have to figure out another way. Maybe microwaves…

    RF linking is permissible - but I don't have a dog in this fight as it is as I rarely use repeaters and have not idea if any that I have were linked at all.

  4. 8 hours ago, WSDD439 said:

    From day one, when I eventually figured out how to do it, I’ve connected to a repeater, that was linked to other repeaters. It’s all I know, and it’s pretty cool. I’m hoping that the FCC doesn’t take away that technology, especially when it’s used correctly, by licensed US citizens.

    FCC doesn't affect the technology. What they do do is establish and clarify the rules for the service; these state that linking is against those regulations. 

  5. On 8/24/2024 at 10:49 PM, OffRoaderX said:

     What matters is how many complaints [related to GMRS] does the FCCs ACT ON... and, based on the FCCs public enforcement database that anyone can search through, the answer is, virtually 0 ..


    And as the enforcement Atty from the FCC explained on the "Chinese Buffet" (sounds like a Guns n Roses album)  video, the complaints they receive are not part of the public record unless they are included in an NAL or other action actually posted to the Enforcement Database.  So anyone can claim a specious (sorry Randy, not "spurious") amount of complaints have been filed w/o having to back up the claims!

  6. On 8/20/2024 at 4:29 PM, WRXB288 said:



    If you want to keep linking this is what you need to do. call congress and the senate. or send this letter or send emails.



    I don't, so I wont. But as pointed out elsewhere, a petition of this nature bares no fruit. A Petition filed with FCC for a proposed rule change might...

  7. 8 hours ago, marcspaz said:


    The thing I hear the most is "you're not a real Ham if you don't know CW." And my favorite is the guy on the repeater saying "I only operate on CW.", but 10 minutes before that he was (on the repeater) bragging about making 3,000 contacts on FT8 last night. LoL

    You're not a real ham unless you have a license, period in my book.


    Or, you're not a real ham unless you're on 60 meters talking to Europe at night on CW and Phone - and FT8!  LOL.

  8. 8 hours ago, Lscott said:

    This raging debate reminds me of the one over the FCC dropping the CW testing requirements for Ham licenses.

    Death of the hobby, wasn't it???  (or was that FT8???)  I'm already seeing a friend of mine posting in the Amateur FB Pages how this FCC going after linked GMRS repeaters is a boon to the ARS, and how we need to "mobilize" our clubs to reach out to GMRS users who can't talk to their friends far(s) away and explain to them they should all be Hams!  Well, the 2m repeaters might actually start getting more used there, but it doesn't sway me as I spend 99.995% of my amateur time on HF and my GMRS usage is about 95% simplex person to person with occasional repeater use if I'm away from home but wanna call the wife w/o digging out the phone...

  9. On 8/18/2024 at 10:39 AM, MarkInTampa said:

    The may be a stupid question, but....

    The FCC page show that linking repeaters is not allowed but what about linking two or more base (fixed) stations that in turn key up a repeater? The repeater wouldn't be linked but the fixed station would be.

    How is the link accomplished?  If using the internet, that would be in violation of 95.1733 (a) (8) as the internet is made up of many. many wireline control links.  But maybe a simplex repeater to simplex repeater to repeater would work, in theory. But that's an awful lotta extra work for not much benefit from where I see it.

    Moot point for me anyway as I rarely use repeaters, so don't need linking ones.

  10. 33 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

    Yes, and it’s even more clearly spelled out in 95.1705(f):

    (f) Cooperative use of GMRS stations.

    Is this section more geared to letting other GMRS licensee's use your radios who are not immediate family members though?  Otherwise seems a bit redundant, not that the Eff Cee Cee has ever not been so....

  11. 20 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

    Undocumented H.A.M. radio operator for over 40 years here, so nobody can question or dispute anything I say. 
    FCC LAW 95.1705 c(2) says:

    Failure to follow this law or violating it in any way will result in jail-time or a $10,000 fine, so don't risk it. Instead just make her get a H.A.M. ticket and be done with it.

    "Any individual who holds an individual license may allow his or her immediate family members to operate his or her GMRS station or stations."

    An interesting point here if this is taken (as the FCC loves to not always do...) literally.  If the licensee gives family members a radio he owns, they can operate under his callsign. But if they've bought their own radio, it's not part of the licensee's station, now is it?  Being close to other licensed rel's, have one of them throw you a Baofeng and let 'er rip!

  12. 30 minutes ago, WRYZ926 said:

    Another thing I am guilty of at times is grabbing the wrong mic. I try my best to keep my dual band mic and my GMRS mic separated but it doesn't always work out.

    Have done that once, but it was in grabbing the HF radio mic instead of the 2m mic.  Heard a local friend of mine's call on the radio and jumped on and gave my callsign. I thought I'd grabbed the 2m mic and was calling him on the local repeater we both hang on, but I grabbed the HF rig mic (this was mobile and they're on mic holders right next to each other, and it was dark out) and called him.  Well he was about 7 miles from me running 500 watts and was in QSO with a guy in Idaho. Both his and the ID station were loud and clear, so I thought I was on the 146.25/85 machine. I apologized, but then he said, "join in", and we had a three-way (sorry Randy, not the grindr kind) on 20 meters.

    With the GMRS now in the mobile, I can't make that mistake since the mic on the RA87 is so lightweight compared to the Kenwood 281 or Yaesu 891's mics.

  13. 4 hours ago, tweiss3 said:

     I've heard the ATAS can be injured by tuning while in motion. Either way, having HF mobile is a huge plus. Now I just looking for something better than the 891. 

    I've not had any issues tuning while in motion. Might be the mounting, which is on the L read of the tailgate on my Exploder, so the body of the antenna is below the roofline, kind of out of the wind.  I do watch it on bumpy city streets, but there I have stopping places vs. on the highway.

    For mobile, I dunno what could be better than the 891.  Yes you'll need to set things up before you roll, but after that, smooth sailing!

  14. 18 hours ago, marcspaz said:


    I have an 891 in my Jeep.  I really need to get an ATAS.

    Def worth the money!  I had Hamsticks on magmounts prior to getting the ATAS, and had VG results with those as well. Had the 20m one on all the time, had the quick release mounts, and on the other, switched between the 15 and 10. 'Sticks. The 15m would work at about 1.4:1 on 17m so that wouyld give me 3 bands using an antenna switch.  With the ATAS, same good signal reports and it's a simple button push to change from 40 thru 6m.

  15. 5 hours ago, marcspaz said:



      Typically, when I am on the road, I use 20m or 40m General class frequencies for random chats while driving. 

    I do mostly 20/15/17/10 on HF mobile when looking to talk when mobile. Short contacts, ragchews, whatever. Use the ATAS120A antenna. I also will tune it to the closest SW band to the ham bands and listen to whatevers' out there. I can then tweak the receive tuning with the up/down controls on the FT-891.  Monitor 146.520 and Channel 20 GMRS when roadtripping as well, have made a smattering on contacts there.  Talking longer trips here, not around town, I do HF mobile in the city as well as 2m and GMRS.

  16. 23 hours ago, WRYZ926 said:

     Amateur radio, GMRS, and CB operators are actually pretty low on the FCC's priority list.


    When the big money fines are coming from the Pirate Radio enforcements - latest one I heard about (on Amateur Radio Newsline of course!) was in the $2 Million range, a few pesky complaints from Sad (insert Radio Service here) people are going to be circular filed. 

  17. On 8/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, OffRoaderX said:


    ...i have literally seen "licensed ham-radio operators" tell people this online, so it MUST be true.. because they have a license!

    You forgot to add the "been a Ham since I taught Marconi how to use his spark-gap equipment!"  But as you are wont to tell people, give me a citation for these enforcements. They usually go after your spelling, grammar or other specious argument to deflect...

  18. 29 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:


    In person, very easy to deal with the Aunt IRiS crew (AKA the IRene Simpson people - old fraud case ref.) . Easy on the phone if it was direct dial to specific agents, 27 years as a Corp. & Fiduciary Tax Accountant gave me ample occasion to work with them. Generic calls to the old 800-1040 number were a crap shoot as to how it'd go!

  19. 13 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

    This points to one real serious advantage of ham vs. GMRS: auto patch. It’s prohibited in GMRS and widely used on 2 meter repeaters. 

    True - although both the incidents I mentioned happened years ago - early 90's and well before I had my GMRS license or cellphone.  But there's not many autopatches on these days, at least in my area. Think there's only one still in service hereabouts. 

  20. 1 hour ago, back4more70 said:

    I have yet to use any radio in an emergency.  If I need to, I will use my 50 watt mobile on 2M, 70CM, and GMRS to cry out.  Whoever answers first wins!

    Have used a radio twice in an emergency. Both times it was on 2m using an Autopatch on a repeater. Both before we had cellphones.

    First instance was when we had a landline phone outage and neighbors wife was having a medical emergency involving her pregnancy. Called 911 on the repeater Autopatch. EMS came, baby and momma saved.

    Second one, we were up on Lake Wabigoon near Dryden, ON fishing. Motor conked out, wind came up and we were headed into a boulder strewn shoreline. Called the resort on the repeater Autopatch and owner came blasting across the lake to our rescue.

    Second example was not necessarily a life or death emergency, but definitely was to protect property.

    Used GMRS once in a minor boating incident; was on a lake in northern MN and ran the pontoon out of gas. Called wifeypoo on the HT and she had the resort owner run me out a 5 gal. gas tank. (small lake only about 3 by 5 miles wide). No cell service in the area, still isn't to date.

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