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    RCM got a reaction from WSEM348 in Welcome!   
    Well stated.
  2. Like
    RCM got a reaction from WRUE915 in NVIS book   
    Just found this and thought some of the hams here might be interested (Marcspaz !)
  3. Like
    RCM got a reaction from WRUE915 in NVIS book   
    You're welcome.
    Here's another, really good book that is not specific to NVIS but contains a lot of great information.
  4. Like
    RCM got a reaction from WRUE915 in NVIS book   
    And another one:
  5. Like
    RCM got a reaction from WRPC505 in Anyone do 900 MHz?   
    So I went and got the 33cm rig today. And here's a cool kicker: the guy I bought it from also has an unlisted GMRS repeater, and gave me permission to use it!
  6. Like
    RCM got a reaction from WillyBill in Buying used GMRS radios   
    Kenwood TK-805D. I've bought a half dozen of these. 16 channel, making them ideal for GMRS. They do repeater splits (even non-standard splits), include PL and DPL, and have front-panel selectable talkaround. 
    In other words, you can program a repeater channel and use the same channel for simplex on the output, just by pressing a button.
    I program all the standard frequency pairs on channels 1-8, which also gives me the standard simplex frequencies.
    They do scan all channels, or you can lock out individual channels from scan.
    They are rated 25 watts, but mine generally run 35-40 out of the box. I've read that most of them do exceed the rated power. They're simple to turn down to as low as 3 watts. You have to pull the top cover, but that's no biggie.
    They are Part 95 accepted.
    And here's the best part: They are front panel programmable! You have to move a jumper under the top cover, but it's simple. And you can leave it jumpered so you can reprogram at will. That doesn't affect normal operation.
    They show up on fleabay quite often, usually for $50-$75 with mounting bracket and microphone. And they are a bargain at that price.
    One more thing: if you want to use one as the transmitter section of a repeater, a standard 4-conductor telephone cord that you can get for $3 at Walmart plugs right in the mic jack and works fine.
  7. Like
    RCM got a reaction from ke0eyh in Programming a TK880   
    It takes a KPG-46. Here is the one I bought, and the seller I bought it from: https://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-Kenwood-Programming-Cable-TK-780-TK-880-KPG-46p/152618254912?hash=item2388c1c240:g:JnkAAOSwytJaBd~n
    I've programmed TK-880s, TK-780 and TK-981s with it. Works perfectly. BlueMax49ers stands behind his cables, too.
    If you ever decide to get a TK-981 (which I recommend because there are some on ebay now for about the same price as TK-880s) and avail yourself of the 900 MHz repeaters that are in your area, that software and cable will program them too.
    There is also a really good network of GMRS repeaters in your area, which I'm sure you are already aware.
  8. Like
    RCM got a reaction from TeeJay in What radio do you have for your car / truck?   
    I recommend the Kenwood UHF commercial radios. There are lots of them out there used for less than $100, and most if not all of them are legal for GMRS.
  9. Like
    RCM got a reaction from Downs in GMRS-50X1 Features Review   
    Downs bought the 1225, for substantially less than that and without the cable.
    The Kenwwood is better in terms of finding the proper software. Also has more channels.
    For your use, either is good but the Motorola is more compact and maybe a little simpler to operate. But if you do get a Motorola, it's probably best to pay a shop the $25 or so to program it, or buy it from a shop (used-radios.com for example) that will program it for you.
  10. Like
    RCM got a reaction from lrdchivalry in Programming your own radios, and front panel programming...   
    Good points.
    I doubt the FCC will be revisiting GMRS rules anytime soon. They actually did a lot of good with their 2017 updates, and it has given the service a much needed infusion of new blood by easing some of the previous restrictions as well as making the license itself more affordable.
    And yes, they did make a couple of rule changes that make little sense and pretty much (theoretically at least) kill the market for good quality new radios. But, then they compensated by making that statement about being aware of (and apparently not too concerned about) GMRS ops using Part 90 radios.
    Which supports the points you made above.  I figure if they give a hoot about FPP-capable Part 95 radios (which they obviously don't on radios made before 2017, or they would not have granted type acceptance), they have thousands of users with non-type-accepted Baofengs to wade through before turning their attention to it.
    I also figure anyone who contacts them to ask about it will get whatever answer they figure is most likely to make the questioner go away and leave them alone.
  11. Like
    RCM reacted to Extreme in Kenwood TK-880H-1   
    Thanks for going the extra mile!
    I like the faceplate replacement option (pet peeve: black on black for electronics).  Looks like "Control Panel" in service manual but not finding replacement p/n there or online.  No biggie.
  12. Like
    RCM got a reaction from Soladaddy in Kenwood TK-880H-1   
    Access is not bad. It is on the circuit board that is behind the front panel. With the top and bottom covers off, the front panel pops off via a couple of clips. Then a couple of screws hold the board in place. You don't have to disconnect the ribbon cable; just flip the board over.
    It also gives you a perfect opportunity to pull the keypad out and clean it. Or better yet, replace it with a nice new, white one that is intended for the 863G. It fits, is not expensive and in my opinion, the white keys look better.
    Software programming is simpler than FPP. FPP is just something that is nice to have, just in case.
    I didn't expect that Used Radios would remove the resistor. But if you can get them to enable FPP in software when they program it, if you ever get around to removing the resistor yourself, FPP will then work without any further software programming. In that case you could add a couple of additional channels to your existing 15 channels, without ever needing to connect it to a computer.
    If you get your ham license and want to program some ham frequencies in your radio, you will definitely need to be able to program it yourself. You will also need to tweak a couple of things in the radio to get it to work properly down in the ham band. It will still work fine on GMRS, too. I've done that on a few of them too, so just hit me up for the info when you need it.
  13. Like
    RCM got a reaction from Soladaddy in Kenwood TK863G Recommendations   
    The keypads are interchangeable. Also, they are readily available as replacement parts.
    The 880 V1 will program just fine from the same Windows program that works on the V2. You will just get a notification that any V2 only functions will not load into the radio. I have both V1s and 2s and use the same cable, software and data file for both.
    Download the service manual, too. It goes into a lot more detail on programming.
    Yes, I would recommend getting 1-7 and 15-22 programmed. I would ask for 1-7 as low power, narrow bandwidth, simplex. I use 67 Hz PL TX and RX. This is to make it compatible with the widest range of handheld radios, including cheap, old FRS-only radios.
    15-22 I would program as repeater pairs, high power, wide bandwidth, 141.3 Hz PL TX and RX. That gives you the best chance of being able to get into a repeater if you need to.
    I would have the buttons programmed as follows: left up/dn = volume. Right up/dn = channel. MON = CSQ toggle. A = TA. B = Scan D/A C and D = group up/dn and SCN = scan.
    I would in fact probably put 1-7 in one group, 15-22 in a different group.
    So, here's how that works: Unless your group has the PL tones set the same as yours, keep it set to monitor (MON will appear in the display). That allows you to hear all traffic on the channel, regardless of tone or lack thereof.
    Keep TA set to on (TA in display). That makes all channels simplex, whether they are set as repeater pairs or simplex.
    I would have the scan set to "multi" so it will scan all programmed frequencies as opposed to just the group/bank you are on.
    If there is something on a channel that is a nuisance, just press the B button while it is on that channel to lock it out from scan. That function will reset when you cycle the power.
    TK-880 can be programmed from the front panel, but first you have to remove a zero ohm resistor and enable that function in software. By default, that function is not available.
  14. Like
    RCM reacted to kidphc in Repeater Range With Obstructions   
    If you can hear it then you probably are going to be able to connect to it. Although, there is no guarantee till you try. Maybe get a friend/local to come over and hit the repeater.
    As far as the 5w, that really isn't going to get you further out. It doesn't increase distance, but rather the punch the radio has to get through noise. Plenty of hams making some crazy contacts with .5 watts. Its more about elevation, line of sight and antennas more then anything else.
  15. Like
    RCM reacted to mcallahan in MXT275 missing 69.3 PL tone??!!   
    I often use 69.3 Hz specifically because many bubble pack and cheapo radios do not implement this tone.
  16. Like
    RCM got a reaction from wayoverthere in Retevis RT76?   
    Marc, I don't necessarily agree with everything you said here. But you have obviously put a lot of thought and study into it, and I respect that.
    And especially, thank you for the work you are doing in support of the Second Amendment!
  17. Like
    RCM got a reaction from kipandlee in MXT275 missing 69.3 PL tone??!!   
    No 69.3 Hz on Midlands... Hmm. That's good to know!   
  18. Like
    RCM got a reaction from marcspaz in Hamvention canceled   
    Yes, they do. But it is the manufacturers who actually sponsor the discounts. Not the sellers.
  19. Like
    RCM reacted to berkinet in Hamvention canceled   
    It is not the masses' opinion that you need to worry about. It is the opinion of the public health officials that IS something to worry about. Also, I'd say, based on the rest of the world's experience so far, that while scary, this is far more than a "scare."   What does frighten me about the masses is the actions of those who seem to treat this whole thing as something akin to a bad cold and that won't affect them.  I'd say such cavalier attitudes are pretty frightening especially considering the demographics of many users on this forum.
  20. Like
    RCM reacted to marcspaz in Interesting Traffic   
    Wow! It's a good thing you got involved! Some people just ha e no clue how radios work. I know I would not be happy to hear potential PII of mine getting sent over the air.
  21. Like
    RCM reacted to taco6513 in Interesting Traffic   
    I went over to where my base station is set up. Turned on my radios and started scanning as I had a few minutes to burn.
    Started hearing some unusual traffic on channel 6. The station was giving out what I thought was really personal information.
    I was hearing: peoples names, dates of birth, health information, number of family members, car make and model with tag numbers.
    I listened for a little bit. Scanned for the CTCSS or DCS tone. There was no tone found.
    Contacted my local police department. Took my radio down to the PD and the Officer was also concerned about this type of
    information being transmitted over an open channel. They began to investigate this.
    I decided to key up with my call sign and try to contact the operators and get there purpose and company name.
    It turned out to the the local food bank. They were IDing people to receive food. 
    I advised the PD I was going down to talk to them about this. They said they were sending an officer as well.
    I just told them that people as far away as 10 miles could here this information and that I was concerned about this type of 
    information being sent over an open channel. They seemed a little confused on how I was listening to them.
    They stopped using the radios and went to cell phones.
    Just thought I would share this story. I guess that makes me the radio police or at least concerned enough to reach out.
    Thanks for reading.
  22. Like
    RCM reacted to Lscott in Issues with BTech GMRS V1   
    I built a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna using some stiff bus wire and a PCB style BNC connector after doing some simulations with EZNEC to check the bandwidth. The elements were just soldered on. The bandwidth I achieved was 430 to 470 MHz with an SWR of 1.6 or less. The SWR dropped to around 1.1 or so around 450 MHz. I wanted a cheap antenna to use at the Dayton Hamvention good for Ham and GMRS/FRS. I mounted it on top of a baseball cap while keeping the power at 1 watt or less. The elements were only 6 inches long and held it on top using a zip tie through the fabric. Worked far better than the rubber duck antenna with the radio hanging on my belt because the antenna was up in the clear.
    I tried several of those clip-on type antennas where you use an HT antenna on them and clipped to a hat etc. I see a lot of people using them. None were worth the effort that I tried. Really poor match when I checked them.
  23. Like
    RCM reacted to berkinet in Kenwood TK-8360H   
    There is your problem RAR is a file compression and archiving format. The file you have needs to be un rared. I think this free one from the MS store will do the trick. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/unrar-windows/9wzdncrfj2zh?activetab=pivot:overviewtab
  24. Like
    RCM reacted to WRAK968 in tk-880 issues   
    My understanding is that SDR is not the best test device. Your better off checking with an actual frequency counter.

    Other than that, the only other thing I can think of is that the radio had been re-tuned incorrectly and needs to be redone. This is doable in the programming software but you will need a dummy load and a meter to tell you where exactly you are on frequency.
  25. Like
    RCM reacted to shaine in Etiquette / policy question re family member usage   
    A local family here will give the call sign and then “green fox this is chicken fox. Come in green fox.”
    The other daughters are little fox and baby fox.
    I like the idea of using phonetic initials, although it would not work for my brother and me. We have the same initials. In that case we might be Sierra 1 and Sierra 2.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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